超颖材料电动力学 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(俄罗斯)萨雷切夫,(美)沙拉耶夫著.-影印本
- 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- 页数:247 页
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Surface Plasmon Resonance 2
1.2 Percolation Threshold: Singularities in Metal-dielectric Composites 11
2. Conducting Stick Composites and Left Handed Metamaterials 19
2.1 Metamaterial 19
2.2 Conductivity and Dielectric Constant: Effective Medium Theory 27
2.3 High-frequency Response 38
2.3.1 Scattering of electromagnetic wave by conducting stick 39
2.3.2 High-frequency effective dielectric function 47
2.4 Giant Enhancements of Local Electric Fields 50
2.5 Optical Magnetism, Left-handed Optical Materials and Superresolution 54
2.5.1 Analytical theory of magnetic plasmon resonances 61
2.5.2 Numerical simulations of two-dimensional nanowire structures 68
2.5.3 Capacitance and inductance of two parallel wires 72
2.6 Planar Nanowire Composites 77
3. Semicontinuous Metal Films 83
3.1 Introduction 83
3.2 Giant Field Fluctuations 89
3.2.1 Lattice model 93
3.2.2 Numerical method 95
3.2.3 Field distributions on semicontinuous metal films 97
3.3 Localization of Surface Plasmons 102
3.3.1 Localization length and average intensity of local electric field 102
3.3.2 High-order moments of local electric fields 108
3.3.3 Properties of the localized eigenmodes 111
3.3.4 Scaling theory of giant field fluctuations 117
3.4 Anomalous Light Scattering from Semicontinuous Metal Films 122
3.4.1 Rayleigh scattering 123
3.4.2 Scaling properties of correlation function 127
3.5 Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) 130
3.6 Giant Enhancements of Optical Nonlinearities 136
3.7 Percolation-enhanced Nonlinear Scattering: High Harmonic Generation 141
4. Optical Properties of Metal-dielectric Films: Beyond Quasistatic Approximation 153
4.1 Generalized Ohm's Law (GOL) and Basic Equations 154
4.2 Transmittance, Reflectance, and Absorptance 160
4.3 Numerical Simulations of Local Electric and Magnetic Fields 165
4.4 Spatial Moments of Local Electric and Magnetic Fields 167
4.5 Extraordinary Optical Transmittance (EOT) 172
4.5.1 Resonant transmittance 187
4.5.2 Light-induced and light-controlled transmittance 200
4.5.3 Discussion 204
5. Electromagnetic Properties of Metal-dielectric Crystals 207
5.1 Metal-dielectric Composites 208
5.2 Electromagnetic Crystals 220
5.2.1 Cubic lattice of metal spheres 221
5.2.2 A wire-mesh electromagnetic crystal 224
Bibliography 233
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