澳大利亚教育改革现状研究 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈夏芳
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787313168054
- 页数:0 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Research questions 2
1.3 Key terms 2
1.4 The significance of this study 5
1.5 The study's theoretical innovativeness 7
1.6 Research design 8
1.7 Thesis statement 11
1.8 Structure for the exploration of this argument 11
Chapter 2 Leadership for reforms to Senior Learning through VETiS:The intellectual context for this study 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Leadership and Senior Learning 13
2.3 Policies for reforming of education and training in senior secondary schools 16
2.4 Barriers and challenges for reform leaders 20
2.5 Leaders' reform strategies 24
2.6 Changes being made through leadership of reforms to Senior Learning 25
2.7 Vindication of leaders'success in VETiS 26
2.8 Assessment of literature 28
Chapter 3 Theorising leadership for educational reform 30
3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Fullan's conceptualisation of leadership for reform 32
3.3 Lear's conceptualisation of leadership for radical change 34
3.4 Conceptualising leadership in terms of radical hope 39
3.5 Courage 41
3.6 Track reality 45
3.7 Vindication 48
3.8 Conclusion 50
Chapter 4 Educational research methodology and methods 52
4.1 Introduction 52
4.2 What now counts as research? 52
4.3 Two philosophies of research 53
4.4 Research plan 54
4.5 Principles of data collection and analysis 57
4.6 Methods and procedures for data collection 59
4.7 Procedures for data analysis and interpretation 61
4.8 Research ethics 65
4.9 Conclusion 66
Chapter 5 Leadership in the context of national VETiS reform policies and programs 68
5.1 Introduction 68
5.2 Leadership in the Queensland context 70
5.3 A National Overview of Vocational Education and Training in Schools 71
5.4 Government initiatives 74
5.5 Nation-wide advisory service 78
5.6 Ways for student to connect with industry 79
5.7 Queensland's policies for reforming Senior Learning through VETiS 79
5.8 Problems arising from VETiS for educational leadership 83
5.9 Discussion 84
5.10 Conclusion 85
Chapter 6 Courage for making reforms 86
6.1 Introduction 86
6.2 Leadership and barriers to VETiS reforms 87
6.3 Leaders acting strategically 105
6.4 Discussion 113
6.5 Conclusion 115
Chapter 7 Leadership and the tracking of VETiS reforms 117
7.1 Introduction 117
7.2 Worries and anxieties of VETiS leaders 118
7.3 Leading in a context of an uncertain future 123
7.4 Continuous efforts made by VETiS leaders 131
7.5 Discussion 132
7.6 Conclusion 135
Chapter 8 Vindication of reform leadership 137
8.1 Introduction 137
8.2 The leadership of VETiS reforms and students'outcomes 138
8.3 Successful programs and the leadership of VETiS reforms 145
8.4 Benefits for school communities from VETiS leaders 157
8.5 Discussion 159
8.6 Conclusion 160
Chapter 9 LìTǐ leadership as a key characteristic of Queensland's VETiS reforms 161
9.1 Introduction 161
9.2 Challenging Fullan's tri-level leadership 162
9.3 Challenging Lear's notion of leadership 162
9.4 Complexity of leadership of Senior Learning reforms in Queensland 163
9.5 Theorising Queensland's VETiS leadership 179
9.6 Conclusion 184
Chapter 10 From multi-level,heroic leadership to Lì Tǐ leadership 186
10.1 Introduction 186
10.2 Summary 187
10.3 Findings 190
10.4 Delimitations and limitations of the study 194
10.5 Implication for practice 195
10.6 Recommendations for further research 196
Appendices 198
Appendix 1 Interview Schedule 198
Appendix 2 Main destinations of Year 12 completers,Queensland 2006—2010 200
Appendix 3 Number of students in VET training in Queensland,2005—09 201
Appendix 4 Queensland student number and VET training 2005—2009 202
Appendix 5 Students by major courses and qualifications AQF qualifications 2005—2009 203
References 204
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