有用的准晶体 英文影印版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(法)Jean-Marie Dubois
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:482 页
Chapter 1 What to Know to Start with 1
1 Introduction 1
2 Classical and Non-Classical Crystals 5
3 The Reciprocal Space 17
4 The Search for Enhanced Mechanical Properties 23
5 The Birth of a Monster 30
6 The Quarrel of Ancients and Moderns 35
7 The World of Quasicrystals 41
8 Recovering the Periodicity 49
9 Organised Disorder:the Phasons 55
10 From Tilings to Coverings 59
References 63
Chapter 2 Strange Physical Properties 69
1 Introduction 69
2 Basics of Metal Physics,in Very Simple Words 70
2.1 Electron Transport in Metallic Crystals 70
2.2 Electron Bands 73
2.3 The Hume-Rothery Rules in Crystals 79
3 Electronic Transport in Quasicrystals 83
3.1 Phenomenological Data 83
3.2 An Insulator Made of Metals 91
3.3 Quantum Interference Effects 94
3.4 Variable Range Hopping 95
3.5 Hierarchical Recurrent Localization 98
3.6 Optical Properties 108
3.7 Another Step Towards a Model of Electronic Conductivity 110
4 Electron Densities of States 115
4.1 Pseudogap and Relevant Experimental Information 116
4.2 The Hume-Rothery Gap in Related Crystals 125
4.3 Surface Electronic States 128
4.4 A Bit More about d-states and the Role of Transition Metals 130
4.5 Enhanced Stability of Quasicrystals and Approximants 133
5 Lattice Dynamics and Thermal Conductivity 137
5.1 Lattice Vibrations in Icosahedral Mono-Domain Samples 139
5.2 Heat Conduction 142
5.3 Structural Scattering of Phonons 146
5.4 Electronic Contribution to Heat Transport 152
6 Magnetism 154
References 159
Chapter 3 When Atoms Move Away 167
1 Introduction 167
2 Brittle Intermetallics that End into Chewing-Gum 169
2.1 Hardness,Brittleness and Low Friction 171
2.2 Plastic Behaviour at Elevated Temperature 184
2.3 The Role of Dislocations 187
2.4 Behind Dislocations,Cluster Friction 193
3 Non-Conventional Surfaces 198
3.1 Rough and Flat Surfaces 198
3.2 Static Friction on Clean Surfaces 207
4 Oxidation Behaviour 209
4.1 Dependence on Oxidizing Environment 209
4.2 Kinetics and Temperature Dependence 213
5 Atomic Mobility 216
5.1 Atomic Transport in Normal Crystals 216
5.2 Diffusion in Icosahedral Quasicrystals 219
5.3 Phason Assisted Diffusion 227
5.4 Atomic Jumps 234
References 238
Chapter 4 Preparation and Mass Production 245
1 Introduction 245
2 Phase Selection 247
3 The Multitude of Approximants 251
3.1 Crystals and Approximants in the Al-Cu-Fe-Cr System 252
3.2 B2-Based Approximants in Relation to Quasicrystals 254
4 Phase Diagrams 258
4.1 Growth from the Liquid State 259
4.2 Equilibrium Phase-Diagram Data 260
5 Phase Transformations 264
5.1 Order-Disorder Transitions 267
5.2 Phason-Driven Transitions 271
5.3 Pressure-Induced Transitions 275
5.4 Surface Transformations 281
6 Preparation in the Laboratory 285
6.1 Out-of-Equilibrium Methods 286
6.2 Mono-Domain Samples 293
6.3 The Nightmare of Growing a Stable Quasicrystal 298
6.4 Sintering 302
7 The Thick Coatings Route 305
7.1 Thermal Spraying versus Magnetron Sputtering Techniques 305
7.2 Processing of Atomized Powders 316
7.3 Polishing and Surface Preparation 324
7.4 Phase Stability of Quasicrystalline Coatings in Agressive Media 328
8 Thin Films and Nanosized Precipitates 336
8.1 Multilayers or Vapour Deposited Films 337
8.2 New Data from Kinetics of Growth 342
8.3 Nanosized Precipitates in Selected Metallic Alloys 346
References 349
Chapter 5 The Rise of a Dream 361
1 Introduction 361
2 Smart Surfaces 362
2.1 Facts and Artifacts 362
2.2 Wetting and Electronic Properties 372
2.3 Cooking Utensils for the Future 383
3 Application to Energy Savings 386
3.1 Thermal Barriers 386
3.2 Reducing Friction and Wear 393
3.3 Friction in Vacuum and(Once More)Surface Energy 402
4 Electronic Devices 413
4.1 Light Absorption and Sensors 413
4.2 Thermo-Power Generation 416
5 Generation of a Green Energy 420
5.1 Catalysis 421
5.2 Hydrogen Storage 424
6 High-Performance Alloys for Mechanical Applications 431
6.1 New Maraging Steels and Light Alloys 431
6.2 Metal and Polymer Matrix Composites 438
7 Perspective View at Other Applications 442
References 448
Conclusion The Dream is Not Over Yet 459
References 471
Index 475
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