Mathematics and atatistics 9
Constants 9
Logarithms 10
Reciprocals,powers and roots 18
Binomial coefficienits 25
Factorials 26
Statistical tables 28
Mathematical symbols,definitions and formulae 132
Statistical methods Contents 145
Introduction 146
Index 197
Physics 199
Symbols of units 199
Mechanical and thermal units 200
Electrical and magnetic units 215
Radioactivity and radiation dotimetry 217
Electromagnetic radiation and light units 222
Acoustical units 224
Unit of amount of substance 226
Physical constants 228
Physical chemistry 231
Elements 231
Periodic system 231
Alphabetical tables 232
Properties,abundance,isotopes 234
Electronic configurations 249
Multiples of atomic weights 250
Chemical conversion factors 251
ICAO normal atmosphcre 252
Mercury barometer correction 255
Saturation pressure of water vapour 256
Vapour pressure and boiling point of water 257
Reduction of gas volumes 259
Aqueous solutions Introduction 270
Calculation of freezing-point depression and osmotic pressure 272
Calculation of salt and glucose concentrations 273
Conversion factors for clectrolytes 274
Decinormal solutions 277
pH standards 278
Buffer solutions 280
Acid-base indicators 283
Flame photometry lines 284
Radioactive nuclides Principles 285
Diagnostic uses 287
Therapeutic uses 290
Characteristics 292
Decay tables 294
Biochemlstry 307
Contents 307
Constituents of living matter 308
Metabolism 387
Inborn errors of metabolism 446
Nutrition 457
Vitamins 457
Vitamin A 457
Vitamin D 461
Vitamin E 464
Vitamin K 467
Thiamine 469
Riboflavin 471
Vitamin B? 473
Nicotinic acid 476
Folic acid group 478
Vitamin B13 group 482
Biotin 486
Pantothenic acid 487
Ascorbic acid 489
Vitamiooids 491
Nutritional standards 493
Principal nutrients and minerals 498
Foods 498
Amino acids 516
Composition and functions of the body 517
Chemical composition of the body 517
Water and electrolyte balance 523
Renal function values 531
Body surface area 537
Basal metsbolism 539
Respiration 541
Blood ptessure 553
Blood volume 554
Body fluids 557
Blood 557
Physicochemical data 557
Inorganic substances 561
Blood gases 568
Nitrogenous substances 572
Proteins 579
Enzymes 584
Lipids 600
Carbohydrates 604
Non-nitrogenous metabolites 606
Vitamins 609
Blood cells 612
Erythroblasts 612
Reticulocytes 612
Erythrocytes 613
Leucocytes 618
Thrombocytes 620
Bone marrow 621
Blood coagulation 622
Blood groups 626
Serum groups 634
Cerebrospinal fluid 635
Synovial fluid 640
Saliva 643
Gastric juice 647
Pancreatic juice 651
Bile 653
Intestinal juice 656
Facces 657
Urine 661
Physicochemical data 661
Inorganic substances 662
Nitrogenous substances 665
Enzymes 672
Carbohydrates 673
Non-nitrogenous metabolites 674
Vitamins 676
Sediments 677
Swear 679
Semen 682
Spermatozoa 686
Breast milk 687
Body measurements 690
Ptegnancy 690
Normal Measurements during growth 692
Appearance of secondary ossification centres 706
Development of the teeth 709
Weights of the organs 710
Average and desirable weights of adults 711
Gonadotropins of the anterior pituitary 713
Hormones 713
Chorionic gonadotropin 715
Corticotropin 716
Thyrotropin 718
Prolactin 718
Growth hormone 719
Placental lactogen 721
Melanotropin 721
Oxytocin and vasopressin 722
Thyroid hormones 725
Hypothalamic pituitary-regulating factors 725
Parathyroid hormone 728
Calcitonin 729
Thymus hormone 730
Hormones of the pineal gland 730
Catecholamines 730
Insulin 734
Glucagon 737
Hormones of the gastrointestinal tract 739
Renin-angiotensin system 740
Erythropoietin 740
Plasma kinins 742
Corticosteroids 742
Androgens 751
Progesterone 753
Oestrogens 755
Function of the sex hormones 758
International biological standards and reference preparations 759
Index 765
Addenda and errata 809