第一级 日常随意用语 1
A 1
A sure-fire way 1
Ages 1
All over the place 2
All the more 2
As ever 3
At work 3
Awful 3
B 4
Blah blah 4
Blow it 4
Buck 5
Buy you dinner 5
By the time that 6
Bye for now 6
C 7
Check out 7
Chick 8
Come on 8
Coming 9
Cool 9
Coz 9
Crazy about 10
D 10
Date 10
Do you think so? 11
Dude 12
Dumb 12
Dump 12
E 13
Ex 13
F 13
Fella 13
Fix something 14
Fool around 14
For sure 15
Forget it 15
Fuck 16
G 17
Game 17
Get it 17
Give someone a call 18
Go ahead 18
Guy 19
H 19
Have fun 19
Hey 20
Hi there 20
Here you are 20
Hopefully 21
How about 21
How are you doing? 22
I 22
I'll make it up to you 22
In trouble 23
It's up to you 23
J 24
Jesus! 24
Just a minute 24
Just now 24
K 25
Keep in touch 25
Kid 25
Kidding 26
Kind of 26
L 26
Let alone 26
Let it be 27
Listen up 27
Little by little 28
Look here 28
M 28
Mad about 28
Make a difference 29
Make fun of 30
Make it 30
Make someone sick, mad,etc 30
Make money 31
Make sense 31
Make sense of it 32
Make sure 32
Minute 32
N 33
Needless to say 33
No more, no less 33
No problem 34
No question 34
No way 35
Nope 35
Nothing but 36
Number one 36
O 36
Occur to me 36
Off day 37
On behalf of 37
On the spot 38
Online 38
Oops 39
Or so 39
Or something 39
Over and over again 40
P 40
Pardon me 40
Picture 41
Point 41
Point of view 42
Point out 43
Pretty 43
Put it 43
Q 44
Quite a few 44
R 44
Reach someone 44
Real 45
S 45
Same here 45
Same to you 46
Sick of 46
So-so 47
So what? 47
Somebody 48
Something 48
Stuff 48
T 49
Take care 49
Take it easy 49
Take your time 49
That is 50
That's it 50
There you are! 51
Too bad 51
U 51
Under control 51
Up to you 52
V 52
VIP 52
W 52
Well done 52
What's going on 53
Y 53
Yep 53
You know 54
第二级 高频常用习语 55
A 55
A long way to go 55
A touch of 55
All yours 56
Answer back 56
Anybody's guess 56
Anything but 57
As a matter of fact 57
As far as I know 58
At hand 58
At it 58
B 59
Back at it 59
Bad egg 60
Be after 60
Blow off 60
Boost 61
Brand new 62
By all means 62
By no means 63
By the look of it 63
C 63
Call for 63
Call off 64
Calm down 64
Carry on 65
Come by 65
Come to think of it 66
Come up with 66
Couple of/A couple of it 67
Cut it out 67
Cut short 67
D 68
Decent 68
Done 68
Don't get me wrong 69
Don't hesitate to do something 69
Double check 69
Dying for 70
E 70
Eat up 70
Eat out 70
End up 71
Every now and then 71
Every once in a while 72
F 72
Fairly 72
Feel free 73
Feel like 73
Find out 73
Figure out 74
Folks 74
Follow me/Follow you 74
For good 75
For now 75
G 76
Get me out of here 76
Get lost 76
Get nowhere 77
Get serious 77
Get someone wrong 77
Get the message? 78
Get to the point 78
Get tough 79
Give a damn 79
Give a hand (to somebody)/Give somebody a hand 80
Give someone a boost 80
Go nuts/Drive someone nuts 81
Good 81
Good job 82
H 82
Had better 82
Hand out 83
Hang around 83
Hang on 83
Hang out 84
Hang up 84
Hard day 85
Hard to believe 85
Hard to say 86
Have a good time 86
Have a seat 86
Have got to 87
Hear me out 87
Help out 88
Hold on 88
How come? 89
How is it 89
How so? 89
How's that again? 90
How's the time? 90
Hurry up 90
I 91
I'm afraid so 91
If so 91
In the end 91
In the meantime 92
Is that so? 92
J 92
Join you 92
Jump to conclusion 93
Junk food 93
Junk mail 94
Just about 94
Justin case 95
K 95
Keep on doing 95
Keep your word 95
Kiss something goodbye 96
L 96
Lead a (busy) life 96
Leave someone alone 96
Let go 97
Let someone down 97
Long time no see 98
Look the other way 98
M 99
Make a living 99
Make a go of it 99
Make every effort 99
Make oneself clear 100
Make room 100
Meet up (with) 100
Mess up 101
Might as well 101
Miss the point 102
My guess is that 102
N 102
No match for 102
No rush 103
No word 103
Not in the least 103
O 104
On schedule 104
On the rise 104
Open to 104
Out of 105
Out of nowhere 106
P 107
Part with 107
Pay back 107
Pick someone up 108
Piss off 108
Piss one's pants 109
Play a part 110
Play a role 111
Put an end to 111
Q 111
Quality product 111
R 112
Risky business 112
S 112
Say what's on your mind 112
Scared to death 112
Screw up 113
See through 114
See to it/see to that 114
Seize the opportunity 115
Sense of humor 115
Shory term 115
Show you around 116
Show up 116
Shut down 116
Shut up 117
Slow down 117
Small talk 118
So and so 118
Something like 118
Sort of 119
Sound sleep 119
Stick to 120
Stop at nothing 120
Stop by 120
Such and such 121
(Be) supposed to 121
T 121
Take a shower 121
Take it personally 122
Take some doing 122
Take over 122
Take the day off 123
Take your seat 123
That's all 123
That's how it is 124
The other day 124
The right stuff 125
There's more than meets the eye 125
There is nothing in it 125
There's nothing to it 126
Think twice 126
Time's up 127
To begin with 127
Try it out 128
Turn out to be 128
U 128
Under way 128
Up to date 129
Use up 129
W 130
What becomes of 130
What does someone want with...? 130
What do you say to...? 131
What's in it for me 131
What's up? 132
Who cares? 132
Work out 133
Y 134
You bet 134
You betcha 134
第三级 通用场景下的高频用语 136
A 136
A cut above 136
A far cry 136
All answers to all questions 137
All-out 137
All-round 137
All set 138
All things to all people 138
All thumbs 138
All walks of life 139
Another cup of tea / A different cup of tea 139
Around the clock 140
As plain as the nose on your face 140
As a last resort 141
Ask for it 141
B 141
Back on track 141
Back out 142
Be taken aback 142
Before one has finished 143
Behind one's back 143
Better off 144
Build up 144
Bum out 145
By and large 145
By leaps and bounds 145
By word of mouth 146
C 146
Call a spade a spade 146
Call names 147
Chances are 147
Chance of a lifetime 148
Cheesy 148
Chicken 148
Chip in 149
Come to grips with 149
Considering 150
Crop up 150
Crystal clear 151
Cup of tea 151
D 152
Dampen one's spirits 152
Day in, day out 152
Dead set against 152
Downplay 153
Dress up 153
Drive it home 154
Drop 154
Drop in 155
E 155
Even so 155
F 156
Face facts 156
Fall into trap 156
Fall short 157
Fat chance 157
Fed up 157
Few and far between 158
Fine-tune 158
Finish off 159
Foregone conclusion 159
G 160
Get away with 160
Get carried away / Be carried away 160
Get down to business 160
Get off to a good start 161
Give a hint 161
Give away 162
Go all-out 163
Go back on one's word 163
Go by the name of 163
Go downhill 164
Go for 164
Go in for 165
Go into detail 165
Go it alone 165
Go without saying 166
Go through 166
Go through with 167
Go too far 167
H 168
Had enough 168
Handful 168
Hands-off 169
Hands-on 169
Hang on every word 169
Hard at it 170
Have a mind to 170
Have a say 171
Have it your way 171
Have one's hands full 171
Have one's own way 172
Have second thoughts 172
Have the face to do/say something 173
Hit home 173
Hit or miss 173
Hit upon the idea 174
Hold someone responsible for 174
I 175
If only 175
In a mess 175
In broad daylight 176
In no time 176
In one's shoes 176
In person 177
In place 177
In place of 178
In the dark 178
In the long run 178
In the same boat 179
It appears to me 179
It goes without saying 180
It never fails 180
It's beyond me 180
It's no joke 181
It's not a question of 181
K 181
Keep a secret 181
Keep an eye on 182
Keep one's ears open 182
Keep one's eyes open 183
Keep someone in mind 183
Keep track of 183
Key to success 184
Kick off 184
Kick oneself 184
L 185
Leave out 185
Led to believe 185
Like crazy/like mad 186
Live up to 186
Lose the track of 187
Look into 187
Look out 187
Lose out 188
M 188
Make a big deal of /out of something 188
Make do 188
Make the most of 189
Mean something 189
Miss out on 190
N 190
Not half bad 190
Not have a clue 190
Now or never 191
O 191
On second thoughts 191
On the brink 192
On the tip of one's tongue 192
Overdo something 192
P 193
Pick up 193
Piece of cake 193
Play with fire 194
Pull/Wear a long face 194
Pull oneself together 195
R 195
Rule out 195
Run across 195
Run into 196
S 196
Sell (an idea, a plan, etc.) 196
Show off 197
Single out 197
Size up 198
Speak highly of 198
Speed up 198
Stand 199
Stand for 199
Stand out 200
Start out/off 200
Start over 200
Suppose 201
T 201
Take advantage of 201
The turning point 202
The upper hand 202
Think straight 203
Throw away 203
Touch off 203
Touch on 204
Try one's luck 204
Turn down 204
Turn up 205
U 205
Under pressure 205
W 206
Warm up 206
Watch out 206
Weird 207
第四级 特定场景下的高频用语 208
同音简写 2=to, 4=for 208
A 208
A must 208
All fired up 209
As follows 209
B 210
Be my guest 210
Brew 210
C 210
Caught with pants down 210
Charge with 211
Checkup 211
Cheers 212
Clock-watcher 212
Cab 213
Chain smoker 213
Cop 214
Courtesy of 214
Co-worker 214
Cutting edge 215
D 215
Dead meat 215
Dirt cheap 216
Dirty money 216
Drop dead 217
Drop out 217
E 217
Easy come, easy go 217
Even 218
F 218
Face the music 218
Fancy 218
Fair play 219
Feedback 219
First come, first served 220
Fill in (the blanks) 220
Fill out (the form) 220
Finishing touch 221
First hand 221
Fold 222
Fool-proof 222
Foot the bill 223
For openers 223
Freebie 224
Freeze 224
Fresh out of school 225
Freak 225
Free hand 226
Four-letter word 226
Frame of mind 227
G 227
Get a lift 227
Get/Have a crush on someone 228
Get busy 228
Get one's foot in the door 229
Get someone's back up 229
Give and take 230
Go without 230
Good-for-nothing 230
Good on you 231
Gosh 231
Go to any trouble 232
Go to hell 232
Got a screw loose/Have a screw loose 233
Great minds think alike 234
H 234
Hack 234
Hair stand on end 235
Hands up 235
Hard as nails 236
Hard done by 236
Hard feelings 237
Hard line 237
Hard times 238
Have a go 238
Have an affair 238
Have designs on 239
Have it both ways 239
Have my word 240
Have no stomach for 240
Have the makings 240
Here, there, and everywhere 241
Here's to 241
High hopes 242
High profile 242
Hit the nail on the head 243
Hold a grudge 243
Horse around 244
Hot topic 244
Household word 245
I 245
In a pinch 245
In deep shit 245
In (at) one ear and out at the other 246
In the know 246
In the making 247
In the mood 247
In the nick of time 248
Inside information 248
J 249
Jack of all trades 249
Jog one's memory 249
Jump queue 250
K 250
Keep one's fingers crossed 250
Kick out 251
Kill time 251
Kill two birds with one stone 251
Keep pace 252
Know one's stuff 252
L 253
Laid bare 253
Last but not least 253
Last-ditch 253
Laugh off 254
Lay down one's life for 254
Lay down arms 254
Lay off 255
Leave no stone unturned 255
Left over 256
Lend a hand 256
Lift a finger 256
Live by 257
Look down upon 257
Lose favor 258
Lose one's train of thought 258
Lousy 258
Low profile 259
M 259
Made for each other 259
Make a comeback 260
Make a false move 260
Make a fuss 261
Make a name for oneself 261
Make a right/smart move 261
Make amends 262
Make an offer 262
Make believe 263
Make ends meet / Make both ends meet 263
Make good 264
Make one's move 264
Make or break 264
Make up 265
Make yourself at home 265
Measure up 266
Measure up to 266
Mind your own business 267
Mixed feelings 267
N 268
Nag 268
Name of the game 268
Nervous breakdown 268
Nip it in the bud 269
None of one's business 269
Not have the stomach for something 269
Not mince words 270
Not that I know of 270
Not to be sneezed at 271
O 271
Off key 271
Off the mark 272
On shaky ground 272
On the go 272
On the heels 273
On the move 273
Outplay 274
P 274
Pain in the ass 274
Pal 274
Pare down 275
Pair off/pair up 275
Pat (someone) on the back 276
Patch up / together 276
Pave the way 276
Pay the price 277
Peace of mind 277
Phase out 277
Pin down/pin him down 278
Pin one's hopes on 278
Pinpoint 279
Play it by ear 279
Play on words 279
Posh 280
Presence of mind 280
Pro 281
Pull the plug 281
Pure luck 281
Push one's luck 282
Put all your eggs in one basket 282
Q 283
Quit while you're ahead 283
R 283
Rack one's brains 283
Raise money 283
Raise one's spirits 284
Read between the lines 284
Rest assured 285
Rip off 285
Root of the problem 286
Rotten to the core 286
Rumor has it 287
S 287
Save one's skin/neck 287
See the light at the end of the tunnel 287
Send (someone) packing 288
Serve the purpose 288
Serve someone right 288
Set someone up 289
(12:00 am) Sharp 289
Short cut 289
Sit in on 290
Slip of the tongue 290
So far, so good 291
Spread the word 291
Stand by 291
Stand on (one's) own feet 292
Start from scratch 292
Stay abreast 293
Stay put 293
Step down 293
Step on one's toes 294
Suck 294
T 294
Take after 294
Take effect 295
Take it with a grain of salt 295
Take sides 295
Talk big 296
Talk shop 296
The cart before the horse 297
The going rate 297
(What Where, Why, When,Who, How) the hell 297
The last straw 298
The lion's share 298
The talk of the town 299
Thin air 299
Through the grapevine 300
Thumbs up 300
Time of one's life 300
Tip 301
Tip of the iceberg 301
To and fro 302
To the best of my knowledge 302
Try me 303
U 303
Ups and downs 303
Under fire 304
W 304
Watch your step 304
Well off 304
What a drag! 305
Where to? 305
Wind up 306
Wrap up 306
Y 307
You cannot have your cake and eat it, too 307
Yuck 307
Yummy 308
第五级 其他类型常见惯用语 309
A 309
American dream 309
As American as apple pie 309
At sixes and sevens 310
D 311
Dark horse 311
E 311
Eye-opener 311
F 312
Fast lane 312
Fifty-fifty 312
FYI 312
G 313
Get high 313
Go Dutch 313
Gofer 314
Greenback 315
H 315
Hacker 315
Hard copy 316
Hard of hearing 316
Hat trick 317
Have a drag 317
Have a sip 317
Have sex 318
Headhunter 318
Head spin 318
High 319
High and mighty 319
High-end 320
Hip 320
Hit 320
Hit and run 321
Hold water 321
Hot 321
I 322
In the black 322
In the limelight 322
In the red 323
It was Greek to me 323
J 324
Jackass 324
Jerk 324
K 325
Kept woman 325
Know-how 325
Know the ropes 326
Know something like the back of one's hand 326
L 326
Learn the ropes 326
Lefty 327
Lesser of two evils 327
Like father, like son 328
Live and let live 328
Local 328
Log off 329
Log on 329
Long arm of the law 330
Love at first sight 330
Lucky dog 330
Lucky draw 331
M 331
Mainstream 331
Make a splash 332
Make advances to someone 332
Make shift 333
Money doesn't grow on trees 333
Money is the root of all evil 333
Moonlighting 334
Movers and shakers 334
N 335
Net surfer 335
New blood 335
Next of kin 336
No news is good news 336
Nothing to write home about 337
Nothing ventured, nothing gained 337
O 338
Off-beat 338
Off-color joke 338
Off the cuff 338
On probation 339
On vacation 339
P 340
Pay lip service 340
Pecking order 340
Piggy bank 341
Pit stop 341
Play the stock market 341
Poker face 342
Powerhouse 342
Psych out 342
Puppy love 342
Q 343
Quits 343
R 344
Rainy day 344
Rat race 344
Red-letter day 345
Red tape 345
Road show 346
Run a red light 346
Running water 347
Rush hour 347
S 347
Sales pitch 347
Savvy 348
Scenario 348
Self-made man 348
Self-starter 349
Selling point 349
Showdown 350
Smooth talker 350
SOS 351
Soul mate 351
Sour grapes 351
State of the art 352
Superstar 352
T 352
Take-home pay 352
Take-out 353
Team player 353
Team spirit 354
Team work 354
Tearjerker 354
Think tank 355
Time-out 355
Toe the line 356
Tycoon 356
U 356
U-turn 356
User friendly 357
W 357
Weasel word 357
White lie 358
Y 358
You are a dead man/You are dead 358
You're full of it 358
Z 359
Zillion 359
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