病理学 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Bethan Goodman Jones著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7030096908
- 页数:384 页
Part I:Principles of Pathology 1
Preface 3
1.Introduction to Pathology 3
Disease 3
Pathology 3
How pathology is covered in this book 3
Acknowledgements 5
2.Cancer 5
Definitions and nomenclature 5
Molecular basis of cancer 7
Dedication 8
Tumour growth 9
Carcinogenic agents 10
Host defences against cancer 13
3.Inflammation, Tissue Damage and Repair 15
Inflammation 15
Acute inflammation 15
Chemical mediators of inflammation 17
Chronic inflammation 19
Tissue necrosis 21
4.Infectious Disease 25
General principles of infection 25
Categories of infectious agents 25
Mechanisms of pathogenicity 29
Inflammatory responses to infection 31
Molecular basis of inherited disease 33
5.Inherited Disease 33
Chromosomal disorders 37
Non-Mendelian inheritance 42
Part II:Systemic Pathology 45
6.Pathology of the Nervous System 47
Disorders of the Central Nervous System 47
Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System 62
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System 67
7.Pathology of the Cardiovascular System 69
Congenital abnormalities of the heart 69
Atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischaemic heart disease 74
Disorders of the heart valves 84
Diseases of the myocardium 90
Diseases of the pericardium 92
Aneurysms 94
Inflammatory and neoplastic vascular disease 97
Diseases of the veins and lymphatics 100
8.Pathology of the Respiratory System 103
Disorders of the Upper Respiratory Tract 103
Disorders of the Lungs 106
Disorders of the Pleura 129
9.Pathology of the Gastrointestinal System 133
Disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract 133
Disorders of the stomach 139
General aspects of hepatic damage 144
Disorders of the liver and biliary tract 150
Disorders of the exocrine pancreas 163
Disorders of the intestine 166
Disorders ofthe peritoneum 183
10.Pathology of the kidneys and Urinary Tract 187
Abnormalities of kidney structure 187
Diseases of the glomerulus 189
Glomerular lesions in systemic disease 197
Diseases of the tubules and interstitium 199
Diseases ofthe renal blood vessels 202
Neoplastic disease of the kidney 205
Disorders of the urinary tract 206
11.Pathology of the Endocrine System 213
Disorders of the pituitary 213
Thyroid disorders 217
Graves disease 221
Parathyroid disorders 223
Disorders of the adrenal gland 227
Disorders of the endocrine pancreas 231
12.Pathology of the Reproductive Systems 237
Disorders of the vulva, vagina and cervix 237
Disorders of the uterus and endometrium 240
Disorders of the ovary and fallopian tubes 245
Disorders of the placenta and pregnancy 249
Disorders of the breast 253
Disorders of the male reproductive system 255
13.Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System 263
Disorders of the bone structure 263
Infections and trauma 266
Tumours of the bones 269
Disorders of the neuromuscular junction 272
The myopathies 273
Arthropathies 275
14.Pathology of the Blood and Immune System 285
Autoimmune disease 285
Diseases of immune deficiency 290
Amyloidosis 293
Disorders of white blood cells and lymph nodes 295
Disorders of the spleen and thymus 306
Disorders of red blood cells 308
Disorders of haemostasis 320
Terminology of skin pathology 327
15.Pathology of the Skin 327
Inflammation and skin eruptions 329
Infections and infestations 334
Disorders of specific skin structures 342
Disorders of pigmentation 346
Blistering disorders 348
Tumours of the skin 349
Part III:Self-assessment 357
Multiple-choice Questions 359
Short-answer Questions 364
Essay Questions 365
MCQ Answers 366
SAQ Answers 367
Index 371
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