- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:苏应宽,张向宁主编
- 出 版 社:济南:山东科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7533126068
- 页数:398 页
一、外阴手术 Operations of Vulva 3
图1-1 外阴活检 Vulval Biopsy 3
图1-2 小阴唇粘连分离术 Dissection of Synechia in Labium Minor 5
图1-3 外阴良性肿瘤切除术 Excision of Vulvar Benign Tumor 7
图1-4 尿道肉阜切除术 Excision of Urethral Caruncle 9
图1-5 尿道旁腺囊肿切除术 Excision of Urethral Bulbourethral Gland Cyst 11
图1-6 无孔处女膜切开术 Incision of Imperforate Hymen 13
图1-7 陈旧性会阴三度裂伤修补术 Repair of Obsolete Third Degree Tear 15
图1-8 前庭大腺脓肿切开引流术 Incision and Rainage of Bartholin s Gland Abscess 18
图1-9 前庭大腺囊肿袋状缝合术 Marsupialization of Bartholin s Cyst 20
图1-10 前庭大腺囊肿切除术 Excision of Bartholin s Cyst 22
二、阴道手术 Operations of Vagina 25
图1-11 阴道口狭窄切开术 Incision of Stricture in Vigina 25
图1-12 阴道隔切除术 Excision of Septum in Vagina 28
图1-13 阴道良性肿瘤切除术 Excision of Vaginal Benign Tumor 30
图1-14 后穹窿穿刺术 Culdocentesais 33
图1-15 后穹窿切开术 Incision of Posterior Fornix 35
图1-16 粘膜下子宫肌瘤摘除术 Excision of Submucous Myoma 38
图1-17 宫颈组织活检术 Cervical Biopsy 40
三、宫颈手术 Operations of Cervix 40
图1-18 宫颈息肉摘除术 Excision of Cervical Polyps 42
图1-19 宫颈电熨或激光烧灼术 Electrocauterization or Laser of Cervix 44
图1-20 宫颈锥形切除术 Conization of Cervix 46
图1-21 宫颈部分切除术 Excision of Partial Cervix 48
图1-22 宫颈残断切除术 Exicision of Remnant Cervix 52
图1-23 宫颈裂伤修补术 Repair of Laceration of Cervix 57
图1-24 妊娠期宫颈缝合术 Trachelorrhaphy in Pregnancy 59
四、宫腔手术 Operations of Uterine Cavity 60
图1-25 妊娠期宫颈内口环扎术 Shiradkar-barter in Pregnancy 61
图1-26 宫颈扩张术 Dilatation of Cervix 64
图1-27 刮宫术 Curettage 66
五、输卵管通畅试验 Unobstructive Test of Fallopian Tube 68
图1-28 输卵管通气术 Rubin Test 68
图1-29 输卵管通液术 Hydrotubation 71
图1-30 输卵管碘油造影术 Hystero-Salpingography 73
一、宫内节育器的放置及取出 Insertion or Removal of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device 79
图2-1 宫内节育器放置术 Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device 79
图2-2 宫内节育器取出术 Removal of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device 83
二、早期妊娠终止术 Termination on First Trimester Pregnancy 85
图2-3 负压吸引人工流产术 Suction Abortion 85
图2-4 钳刮术 Forceps Curettage 88
三、中期妊娠引产术 Termination on Second Trimester Pregnancy 90
图2-5 药物中期妊娠引产术 Termination on Second Trimester Pregnancy by Medicine 90
图2-6 水囊中期妊娠引产术 Induction of Abortion by Water Sca 93
图2-7 小型剖宫取胎术 Hysterotomy 95
四、输卵管手术 Tubal Surgery 98
图2-8 输卵管结扎术 Tubal Ligation 98
图2-9 输卵管药物粘堵术 Fallopian Tube Drug Adhesive Obstraction 111
图2-10 输卵管复通术 Salpingostomy 113
图2-11 减胎术 Operation of Reduce Embryo 120
图2-12 后穹窿穿刺取卵术 Operation of Abstracting Follicles by Culdocentesais 122
一、外阴手术 Operations of Vulva 127
图3-1 外阴恶性肿瘤手术 Operation of Vulvar Malignant Tumor 127
二、阴道手术和经阴道手术 Vaginal Operations and Operations Per Vaginam 136
图3-2 单纯尿道阴道瘘修补术 Repair of Simple Urethro-vaginal Fistula 136
附 单纯膀胱阴道瘘修补术 Repair of Simple Vesicovaginal Fistula 137
图3-3 巨型膀胱阴道瘘修补术 Repair of Large Vesicovaginal Fistula 139
图3-4 直肠阴道瘘修补术 Repair of Rectovaginal Fistula 143
图3-5 子宫阴道瘘修补术 Repair of Uterovaginal Fistula 146
图3-6 输尿管阴道瘘修补术 Repair of Ureterovaginal Fistula 148
图3-7 耻骨上膀胱造口术 Superapubic Vesicostomy 151
图3-8 尿道断裂或缺损修补术 Urethrosynthesis or Urethroplasty 155
图3-9 张力性尿失禁手术 Operation of Stress Urinary Incontinence 155
图3-10 先天无阴道手术 Operation of Congenital Absence of Vagina 160
盆腔腹膜代阴道成形术 Vaginoplasty with Pelvic Peritoneum 160
皮瓣阴道成形术 Vaginoplasty with Split-skin Graft 161
乙状结肠代阴道成形术 Vaginoplasty with Sigmoid 161
图3-11 阴道闭合术 Colpoeleisis 167
图3-12 广泛阴道切除术 Radical Vaginectomy 170
图3-13 经阴道子宫切除术 Vaginal Hysterectomy 172
图3-14 经阴道子宫切除加阴道前后壁修补术 Vaginal Hysterectomy and Anterior and Posterior Corporraphy 176
图3-15 子宫颈部分切除加阴道前后壁修补术 Manchester Operation 180
三、腹部手术 Abdominal Operations 183
图3-16 输卵管切除术 Fallotomy(Salpingectomy) 183
图3-17 输卵管卵巢切除术 Adnexectomy 185
图3-18 输卵管妊娠保守性手术 Conservative Operation of Tubal Pregnancy 187
图3-19 卵巢肿瘤剥离术 Oophorocystectomy 189
图3-20 卵巢肿瘤楔形切除术 Cuneiform Oophorectomy 191
图3-21 子宫切除术加附件切除术 Total Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy 193
图3-22 次全子宫切除术及附件切除术 Subtotal Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy 197
图3-23 筋膜内全子宫切除术 Intrafascia Total Hysterectomy 199
图3-24 子宫内膜异位症保守手术 Conservative Operation of Endometriosis 202
附 子宫骶韧带切断术 Uterosacral Ligament Amputation 205
图3-25 子宫内膜异位症半保守手术 Semiconservative Operation of Endometriosis 207
图3-26 子宫肌瘤挖除术 Myomectomy 209
图3-27 阔韧带肌瘤挖除术 Intraligament Myomectomy 212
图3-28 子宫颈肌瘤挖除术 Myomectomy of Cervix 215
图3-29 纵隔子宫成形术 Uteroplasty for Uterus Septus 218
图3-30 残角子宫切除术 Operation for Rudimentary Horn of Uterus 221
图3-31 次广泛子宫切除术 Subradical Hysterectomy 223
图3-32 子宫颈癌根治术 Extraperitoneal Pelvic Lymphadenectomy and Radical Hysterectomy for Cer-vical Carcinoma 227
图3-33 腹膜内林巴结清扫术 Intraperitoneal Pelvic Lymphadenecto-my 235
图3-34 腹主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术 Para-aortic Lymphadenectomy 237
图3-35 卵巢癌肿瘤细胞灭减术 Ovary Tumor Rebulking Operation 240
一、引产与催产术 Induction and Stimulation of Labour 245
图4-1 乳房按摩引产与催产术 Induction and Stimulation by Breast Massage 245
图4-2 人工剥膜与破膜术 Artificial Stripping and Rupture of Membranes 247
人工剥膜术 Artificial Stripping Membranes 247
人工破膜术 Artificial Rupture of Membranes 247
附 低位水囊引产术 Low Ballom Induction 248
图4-3 手法扩张宫颈术 Manual Cervix Dilatation 250
图4-4 气囊扩张宫颈及阴道术 Cervix-vagina Dilatation by Air 252
二、转胎术 Version 254
图4-5 外倒转术 External Version 254
足位内倒转术 Podalic Internal Version 259
图4-6 内倒转术 Internal Version 259
手转胎头术 Manual Ratalion of Fetal Head 260
三、会阴、宫颈切开缝合术 Episiotomy and Cervicotomy 265
图4-7 会阴切开缝合术 Episiotomy and Its Repair 265
图4-8 宫颈切开缝合术 Cervicotomy and Its Repair 270
四、臀位牵引术 Breech Extraction 272
图4-9 臀位(完全)牵引术 Complete Breech Extraction 272
图4-10 臀位助产生 Breech Assisted Delivery 281
五、胎头吸引术与产钳术 Vacuum Extraction of Fetal Head and Forceps Delivery 284
图4-11 胎头吸引术 Vacuum Extraction of Fetal Head 284
图4-12 产钳术 Forceps Delivery 289
六、肩难产助产术、头皮钳牵引术与脐带脱垂的手术处理 Operation for Shoulder Dystocia,Scalp Traction with Willett Forceps and Operative Management of Prolapse of Cord 303
图4-13 肩难产助产术 Operation for Shoulder Dystocia 303
图4-14 头皮钳牵引术 Scalp Traction with Willett Forceps 308
图4-15 脐带脱垂的手术处理 Operative Management of Prolapse of Cord 310
七、剖宫产术 Cesarean Section 312
图4-16 子宫下段剖宫产术 Lower Segment Cesarean Section 312
图4-17 子宫体部剖宫产术 Uterine Body Cesarean Section 322
图4-18 腹膜外剖宫产术 Extraperitoneal Cesarean Section 325
图4-19 经阴道徒手复位术 Vaginal Manual Reposition 332
八、子宫内翻复位术 Uterus Inversion Reposition 332
图4-20 经腹鼠齿钳牵拉子宫复位术 Abdominal Reposition by Traction with Allis Clamps(Huntington Operation) 334
图4-21 经腹子宫壁切开复位术 Abdominal Reposition by Incision of the Uterus Wall 336
图4-22 经阴道子宫壁切开复位术 Vaginal Reposition by Incision of the Uterus Wall 339
图4-23 经阴道次全子宫切除术 Vaginal Inversion of the Uterus Subtotal Hysterectomy 343
附 经阴道内翻子宫全切除术 Vaginal Inversion of Uterus Complete Hysterectomy 343
发、毁胎术 Destructive Operation 346
图4-24 穿颅术 Craniotomy 346
图4-25 断头术 Decapitation 353
图4-26 除脏术 Evisceration 361
图4-27 断头、除脏术 Decapition and Evisceration 363
图4-28 锁骨切除术与脊柱切除术 Clavicale and Spinal Amputation 365
锁骨切断术 Clavicale Amputation 365
脊柱切断术 Spinal Amputation 365
十、产科损伤的手术处理 Operation Management of Obstetrical Traumas 367
图4-29 会阴裂伤修补术 Coloperineal Laceration Repair 367
图4-30 宫颈裂伤修补术 Cervical Laceration Repair 373
图4-31 产后产道血肿清除术 Postpartum Hematoma of the Birth Canal Cleaning 375
图4-32 子宫破裂修补术 Repairing Repture of Uterines 378
图4-33 子宫按摩与压迫术 Uterus Massage and Compression 380
十一、产后出血的手术处理 Operative Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage 380
图4-34 穹窿纱布块填塞术 Fornix Pack with Gauze Pad 382
图4-35 子宫腔纱布填塞术 Intra-uterine Pack with Sterillized Gauze 384
图4-36 子宫全肌层局部缝扎术 Total Myometrium Partial Ligation 387
图4-37 人工胎盘剥离术 Manual Seperation of Placenta 389
图4-38 动脉结扎术 Artery Ligation 392
子宫动脉上行支结扎术 Uterine Ascending Branch Ligation 392
子宫卵巢动脉吻合术和卵巢动脉结扎术 Ligation of Ovarian and Utero-ovarian Artery 392
髂内动脉结扎术 Ligation of Arteria Iliace Interna 393
子宫动脉结扎术 Ligation of Uterine Artery 393
附 子宫切除术 Hysterectomy 394
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