- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李希臻著
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1982
- ISBN:14217·027
- 页数:162 页
肺血图发展简史(Breif Historioal Review of the Development of Impedance Rheography of the Lung) 1
总论(General ConSideration) 3
一 肺循环疾病和肺血图(Pulmonary Circulatory Disoasos and Impedance Rheography of the lung) 3
(一)肺循环疾病的概念(General coneePt of Pulmonary Circulatory Diseases) 3
(二)肺血图的概念(General Concept of lmpedance Rheography of the Lung) 3
(三)肺血图对实验性肺循环障碍的观察(Observation on Experimental Pulmonary Circulatery lmpairment by Means of lmPedance Rheography of the Lung) 4
(四)肺血图对两肺不同病变的实验观察(Experimental Observation on Different Pathologial Ohanges in Each Lung by Means of Impe-da?oe RheoSraphy of the Lung) 7
二 原理和仪器(PrinciPle and Equipment) 10
(一)简单原理(Basic Principle) 10
(二)基本设备(Basic Equipment) 11
三 方法和注意事项(Method and Precautions) 13
(一)极板和导联(Polar Plates and Leads) 13
深呼吸试验(Deep Breatbing Test) 14
(三)功能试验(Function Test) 14
(二)病人准备(Preparation of Patients) 14
抬腿试验(Legs Raisins Test) 15
加减压试验(Compression and Depression Test) 16
四 干扰和伪差(lnterferences and False Etrots) 17
交流电干扰(Interference by Anernating Current) 17
极板松动(Loosening of Po1ar Plares) 17
仪器失衡(Unballancing Between Parts of tbe Equipmerit) 18
高频影响(lnfludnce by High Frequence Wave) 18
极板面积和位置不当(Impropor Surface Area and Improper Position of the Polar Plates) 19
五 波形的变异(Variations of the Wave-Form) 20
呼吸状态(Stalus of Respiration) 20
病人体位(Posture of the Patient) 21
心率和心律(Heart Rate and Heart Rhythm) 22
肺高压与肺低压(Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Hypotension) 22
交替波动(Alternating Wave) 23
(一)肺动脉(Pulmonary Artery) 24
六 肺循环的解剖和生理(Anatomy and Physio1ogy of Pulmonary Circulation) 24
(二)肺静脉(Pulmonary Vein) 25
(三)肺毛细血管网(Pulmonary Capillary Net-Work) 25
七 肺动脉波和肺静脉波(Pulmonary Arterial Wave and Pulmcnary Venous Wave 26
(一)肺动脉波及其形成(Pulmonary Arterial Wave and lts Formation) 26
(二)肺静脉波及其形成(Pulmonary venous Wave and lts Formation) 27
附:肺微血管波动曲线及其形成(App.Pulmonary Oapillary Wave-Form and lts Formation) 28
次(C)波(Ci Wave) 29
附:左上肢血图波形(App.The Wave-Form of the Left Uper Limb Rheogram) 29
(二)肺动脉与肺静脉的综合波(The Composite Wave of the Pulmonary Artery and Pulmonary Vein) 29
主(Z)波(Zhu Wave) 29
a波(a Wave) 29
八 肺血图的波形及其组成(The Form and the Composition of the Waves of the lmpedance Rheogram of the Lung) 29
a波的组成(The Form and the Composition of the aWave) 30
主(Z)波的组成(The Form and the Composition of the Wave) 33
次(C)波的组成(The Form and the Composition of the oi Wave) 34
(三)优势波动(The Preponderance of Wave) 35
主(Z)波(Zhu Wavo) 36
a波(a Wave) 36
九 各波和数值指标及其临床意义(Variohs Waves,Their Values and Clinical Significance) 36
次(C)波(Ci Wave) 37
逆流波(N峰)(Niliu Wave)(N Peak) 38
主波幅(hz)(Amplitude of the Zhu Wave) 38
次波幅(hc)(Amplitude of the Ci Waye) 38
hc/hz(hc/h2 Ratio) 38
Q—j间期(Q—j Inferval) 38
肺R/肢R(Lung R/Limb R) 39
0R/ZR(0R/ZR Ratio) 39
j—z间期(j—z Inierval) 39
R/心动周期(简称R值)(R/Cardiac Cyole Ratio)(Abbreviated as Rvalue) 39
Q-j/j-2(Q-j/j-z Ratio) 39
各论(Specific Consideration) 40
十 肺动脉容量变动为主(或先)的疾病(Diseases Mainly or First Causing Change in Pulmonary Arterial Volume) 40
(一)肺动脉口狭窄(Stenosis of Orifice of Pulmonary Artery) 40
(二)肺动脉瓣关闭不全(Pnlmonary Semilunar Valve lnsufficiency) 47
(三)动脉导管未闭(Patent Ductus Arteriosus) 48
(四)房间隔缺损(继发孔或第二孔型)(Atrisl Septal Defect)(Ostium Seeundum Or Secundum Type of Defect) 53
(五)室间隔缺损(Ventricuar Septal Defect) 59
(六)原发性肺动脉扩张(Primary Dilatation of Pulmonary Artery) 66
(七)原发性肺动脉高血压(Primary Pulmonary Artery Hypertension) 66
(八)继发性肺动脉高血压伴右→左分流(艾森曼格氏综合症)(Secondary Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Associated with rt.-to-1t.Shunt)(EisenmenSer’S Syndrome) 69
(九)青紫三联症(Triad of Cyanosis) 72
(十)青紫四联症(法鲁氏四联症)(Tetralogy of Cyanosis)(Tetralogy of Fallot) 73
附:假性共同动脉干(APP.Pseudo-truncus Arteriosus Communis) 79
(十一)青紫五联症(Pentslogy of Cyanosis) 79
(十二)肺静脉畸型引流(Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage) 81
(十三)主动脉窦动脉瘤(Aneurysms of Aortic Sinuses of Valsalva) 83
(十四)三尖瓣下移(艾勃斯坦畸型)(Descendent Tricusoid Valve)(Ebstein’s Anomaly) 87
(十五)三尖瓣闭锁(Atresia of Tricuspid Valye) 89
(十六)单心室(一室两房心)(Single Ventricle)(Heart with Single Ventricle and Double Atria) 92
(十七)共同动脉干(Truncus Communis) 93
(十八)大血管换(错)位(Malposition of Great Vessels) 95
(十九)右心室双出口(Double Orifices of rt.Ventricle) 98
十一 肺静脉容量变动为先(或主)的疾病(Diseases First or Mainly Changds in Pulmonary Venous Volnme) 100
(一)二尖瓣狭窄(Mitral Valvo Stenosis) 100
(二)二尖瓣关闭不全(Mitral Valve lnsufficiency) 108
附:人造瓣膜替换效果的观察(APP.Observation On the Effect of Articial Valve Replacement) 110
(三)心房粘液瘤(Myxoma of the Atrium) 114
(四)心肌病(Diseases of the Myocardium) 115
(五)心包疾病(Diseases of the Pericardium) 117
(六)主动脉或主动脉瓣的疾病(Diseases of the Aorta and the Aortic Valve) 118
(七)阻塞性肺气肿及慢性肺心病(Obstructive Emphysema and 0hronic Oor-pulmonale) 119
(八)冠心病(Diseases of the Coronary Artery) 122
(九)心功能减损,心力衰竭(Cardiac lnsufficiency,Oardiac Failure) 124
附:肺循环监护的临床应用——左心前负荷的无损伤性观察和分级(APP.Moniloring of Pulmonary Oirculalion,its Clinical Application—A Non-invasive Observation and Grade of 1t.Ventricle Anterior Load) 124
十二 部分性肺循环疾病(Diseases Causing Partial Pulmonary Circulation Changes) 127
(一)肺血管发育不良(Dysplasia of the Blood Vessels of the Lung) 127
(二)肺动静脉瘘(Pulmonary Arterio-Venous Fistula) 128
(四)气胸(Pneumothorax) 129
(三)肺栓塞、肺梗塞(Embolism of the Lung and lnfarction of the Lung) 129
(五)肺炎(Pneumonia) 131
(六)胸膜炎(Pleurisy) 133
(七)肺结核(Pulmonary Tuberculosis) 135
(八)肺部肿物(Tumors of the Lung) 135
十三 肺动、静脉容量变动疾病及其它(Diseases Causing Pulmonary Arterial and Venous Blood Volume Changes and Other Problems) 137
(一)心内膜垫缺损(房室管畸型)(Defoci of Endocardial“Cushion”)(A-V Canal Anomaly) 137
(二)房间隔缺损伴二尖瓣病变(鲁登巴综合症)(Atrial Sepkal Defect with Mitral Valve lesion)(Lutembachcr s Syndrome) 142
(三)心肌炎(Myocarditis) 143
(四)心律失常(Cardiac Arrhythmia) 145
(五)心脏起搏器效果的观察(Observaion on the Effect of Arkificial Pacemaker) 148
(六)作用于心血管系统药物效果的观察(Observation on the Effect of Drugs Acting on the Cardiovascular System) 149
十四 肺血图的阅读和报告(Regding and Reporting of Impedante Rheogram of the Lung) 152
十五 肺血图若干问题和某些进展(Suggestions Concerning some Que?tions of lmPedance Rheography of the Lung and Certain Advan-cemont) 157
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