宪法公民权 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)诺曼·维拉(Norman Vieira)著
- 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7503628723
- 页数:330 页
Chapter I. Introduction 1
Sec. 1
1. The Privileges or Immunities Clause 1
2. The Application of the Bill of Rights to the States 3
Chapter II. Substantive Due Process 7
3. The Constitutionalization of "Natural Rights" 7
From Lochner to Ferguson 7
Defects of Lochner 10
4. "Alternatives"to Substantive Due Process 11
The Penumbra of the Bill of Rights 11
The Ninth Amendment 13
5. The New Substantive Due Process 15
Roe v. Wade 15
The Distinction Between Personal and Economic Freedoms 17
The Standard of Review in Lochner and Roe 19
6. Scope of the New Due Process 20
Consensual Homosexuality 22
6. Scope of the New Due Process Continued The"Right to Die" 26
7. Post-Roe Restrictions on Abortion 29
Consent 29
Public Funding 30
Informational Requirements 33
Webster and Casey 34
Chapter III. Procedural Dur Process:The Right to Be Heard 40
8. Introduction 40
9. When Due Process Applies 41
10. The Seizure of Property 46
11. Protection of Liberty 51
12. Public Employment 54
13. What Process is Dur? 57
14. Irrebuttable Presumptions 60
Chapter IV. Equal Protection:Suspect Classifications 64
15. Introduction 64
16. Discrimination Against Racial Minorities 65
17. The Separate-But-Equal Doctrine 70
18. Brown and Its Progeny 72
19. Implementing Brown 75
The First Fifteen Years of Deliberate Speed 75
"Evasive Schemes 77
20. Swann v. Board of Education 78
The Ambiguities of Swann 80
Swann's Impact on Northern Schools 83
20. Swann v. Board of Education Continued Congressional Reaction to Swann 87
State Legislation Against Busing 87
21. Non-Areawide Segregation 89
Partial Segregation of a Single District 90
Partial Segregation of a Multi-District Area 90
22. De Facto Segregation 93
23. Preferential Treatment of Racial Minorities 96
Early Decisions 96
From Bakke to Adarand 102
General Policy Considerations 110
24. Sex Discrimination 113
The Standard of Review 113
Compensatory Treatment 122
Family Rights 127
The Equal Rights Amendment and Unique Physical Characteristics 129
25. Differential Treatment of Indians 131
26. Wealth and Age Classifications 132
27. Discrimination Against Aliens 134
28. Illegitimacy 138
Chapter V. Equal Protection:The Focus on Specific Interests 145
29. Introduction 145
30. Voting 146
Developing the Standard of Review 146
Property Qualifications 148
Durational Residence Requirements 149
Disqualification for Alleged Crimes 150
30. Voting Continued 150
Ballot Access and Party Affiliation 150
Campaign Financing 153
31. The Right to Travel 154
32. Access to Criminal and Civil Justice 159
Criminal Appeals 159
Civil Justice 162
33. Defining"Fundamental"Interests 164
34. The Requirement of Rationality 171
The Traditional Standard 171
Variations on the Traditional Rule 172
The"Newer Equal Protection 175
35. Reapportionment 177
The Rule of Reynolds v. Sims 177
Applicability of the Equal-Vote Principle 178
Permissible Departures From Mathematical Equality 179
Gerrymandering 181
Chapter VI. State Action 184
36. Introduction 184
37. The Performance of"Public Functions" 186
The White Primary Cases 186
Access to Private Property 187
The Rationale and Vitality of Public Function Analysis 190
38. Judicial Enforcement of Private Discrimination 194
39. Significant State Involvement 198
The Burton Case 198
Encouraging or Aiding Private Action 199
Regulation and Licensing 206
The Elasticity of the Involvement Concept 209
39. Significant State Involvement Continued 211
Chapter VII. Congressional Enforcement of Civil Rights 211
40. Introduction 211
41. Congressional Implementation of Judicially-Declared Constitutional Rights 212
42. Congressional Modification of Judicially-Declared Constitutional Rights 216
43. Congressional Power Over Private Discrimination 221
44. Civil Rights Legislation in the Post-Brown Era 226
45. Regulation Discrimination in Employment 229
Purposeful Discrimination 229
Proof,Remedies and Procedures 235
Discriminatory Impact 240
46. The Reconstruction Statutes 244
Chapter VIII. Actions Under 42 U.S.C.A. 1983 252
47. Personal Liability 252
The Monroe Case 252
Official Immunities 254
Federal Officials 256
Sifting Out Insubstantial Claims 257
48. Municipal Liability 258
49. Protected Interests 262
50. The Relationship Between State Law and 1983 264
"Deficiencies"in Federal Law 264
Hbeas Corpus and Res Judicata 266
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