- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡耀民主编
- 出 版 社:广州:广东科技出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7535920543
- 页数:283 页
运动系统Locomotor System 1
运动系统-骨Locomotor System-Bone 1
图1 全身骨骼(前面观)The skeleton.Anterior aspect 1
图2 骨的分类 Challsification of bones 2
图3 骨的构造 Structure of the boue 2
图4 股、胫骨上端(额状切面)The upper parts of the femur and tibia. Frontal section 2
图5 顶骨剖面 Section of the parietal bone 3
图6 板障管Diploic canals 3
图7 椎体(矢状切面)The vertebral body.Sagittal section 3
图8 脊柱(前面观)The vertebral column.Anterior aspect 4
图9 脊柱(后面观)The vertebral column.Posterior aspect 4
图10 脊柱(侧面观)The vertebral column.Lateral aspect 4
图18 第七颈椎(侧面观)7th cervical vertebra. Lateral aspect 5
图17 第七颈椎(上面观)7th cervical vertebra. Superior aspect 5
图16 第六颈椎(上面观)6th cervical vertebra.Superior aspect 5
图15 颈椎(上面观)A cervical vertebra. Superior aspect 5
图13 枢椎(上面观)The axis.Superior aspect 5
图12 寰椎(下面观)The atlas.Inferior aspect 5
图11 寰椎(上面观)The atlas.Superior aspect 5
图14 枢椎(侧面观)The axis.Lateral aspect 5
图21 胸椎(侧面观) Athoracic vertebra. Lateral aspect 6
图22 腰椎(上面观) A lumbar vertebra. Superior aspect 6
图23 腰椎(侧面观) A lumbar vertebra. Lateral aspect 6
图20 胸椎(上面观)A thoracic vertebra. Superior aspect 6
图19 第Ⅰ、Ⅴ、Ⅹ--Ⅻ胸椎(侧面观)The ,1st,5th,10th to 12th thoracic vertebrae,Lateral aspect 6
图24 骶骨(前面观) The sacrum.Anterior aspcet 7
图25 骶骨(后面观) The sacrum. Posterior aspect 7
图26 尾骨(前面观) The coccyx. Anterior aspect 7
图27 尾骨(后面观) The coccyx. Posterior aspect 7
图28 胸廓 The thorax 8
图29 典型肋骨(内面观) A typical costal bone. Internal aspect 9
图30 第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅻ肋骨(上面观) The 1st,2nd,12th ribs.Superior aspect 9
图31 胸骨(前面观) The sternum. Anterior aspect 9
图32 胸骨(侧面观) The sternum.Lateral aspect 9
图34 颅(上面观) The skull.Superior aspect 10
图33 颅(前面观) The skull.Anterior aspect 10
图35 颅底外面 The external surface of the base of the skull 11
图36 颅底内面 The internal surface of the base of the skull 12
图37 颅中窝(后上面观)The middle cranial fossa. Posterosuperior aspect 13
图38 颅(矢状断面) The skull.Sagittal section 14
图39 颅(侧面观)Lateral aspect 15
图40 颅(冠状断面)The skull. Coronal section 16
图41 婴儿颅(上面观) The skull of a infant.Superior aspect 16
图42 婴儿颅(侧面观)The skull of a infant.Lateral aspect 16
图45 筛骨(后面观)The ethmoid bone.Posterior aspect 17
图43 筛骨(上面观) The ethmoid bone.Superior aspect 17
图44 筛骨(下面观)The ethmoid bone.Inferior aspect 17
图46 蝶骨(前面观)The sphenoid bone. Anterior aspect 18
图47 蝶骨(后面观)The sphenoid bone. Posterior aspect 18
图48 蝶骨(上面观)The sphenoid bone. Superior aspect 19
图49 颞骨(外面观)The temporal bone. External aspect 19
图50 颞骨(上面观)The temporal bone. Superior aspect 20
图51 颞骨(内面观) The temporal bone. Internal aspect 20
图53 颞骨(剖面)The temporal bone. Section 21
图52 颞骨(下面观)The temporal bone. Inferior aspect 21
图54 额骨(前面观)The frontal bone.Anterior aspect 22
图55 额骨(内面观)The frontal bone.Internal aspect 22
图56 额骨(下面观)The frontal bone. Inferior aspect 22
图57 枕骨(外面观)The occipital bone. External aspect 23
图58 枕骨(内面观)The occipital bone. Internal aspect 23
图64 腭骨(内侧面观) The platine bone. Medial aspect 24
图63 腭骨(后面观)The palatine bone. Posterior aspect 24
图62 下鼻甲(外侧面观)Inferior nasal concha.Lateral aspect 24
图61 下鼻甲泪骨(内侧面观)Inferior nasal concha. Medial aspect 24
图60 泪骨(后面观)The lacrimal bone. Posterior aspect 24
图59 泪骨(前面观)The lacrimal bone. Anterior aspect 24
图65 颧骨(内侧面观) The zygomatic bone. Medial aspect 25
图66 颧骨(外侧面观) The zygomatic bone. Lateral aspect 25
图67 犁骨(侧面观) The vomer. Lateral aspect 25
图68 舌骨(上面观) The hyoid bone. Superior aspect 25
图69 上颌骨(前面观) The maxilla bone. Anterior aspect 26
图70 上颌骨(内侧面观) The maxilla bone. Medial aspect 26
图72 下颌骨(外侧面观) The mandible. Lateral aspect 27
图71 上颌骨(后面观) The maxilla bone. Posterior aspect 27
图73 下颌骨(前面观) The mandible. Anterior aspect 28
图74 下颌骨(后面观)The mandible. Posterior aspect 28
图75 眶(前面观) The orbit. Anterior aspect 29
图76 骨性鼻腔内侧壁 The medial wall of the bony nasal cavity 29
图77 骨性鼻腔外侧壁(1) The lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity(1) 30
图78 骨性鼻腔外侧壁(2) The lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity(2) 30
图79 锁骨(上面观) The clavicle. Superior aspect 31
图80 锁骨(下面观) The clavicle. Inferior aspect 31
图81 肩胛骨上角(外侧面观) The superior angle of the scapula. Lateral aspect 31
图82 肩胛骨(前面观) The scapula. Anterior aspect 32
图83 肩胛骨(后面观) The scapula. Posterior aspect 32
图84 肱骨(前面观) The humerus. Anterior aspect 33
图85 肱骨(后面观) The humerus. Posterior aspect 33
图88 尺骨(后面观) The ulna. Posterior aspect 34
图89 桡骨(后面观) The radius. Posterior aspect 34
图86 桡骨(前面观) The radius. Anterior aspect 34
图87 尺骨(前面观) The ulna. Anterior aspect 34
图90 手骨(前面观) The bones of the hand. Anterior aspect 35
图91 手骨(后面观) The bones of the hand. Posterior aspect 35
图92 髋骨(外面观) The hip bone. External aspect 36
图93 婴儿髋骨 The hip bone of the infant 36
图94 髋骨(内面观) The hip bone. Internal aspect 36
图95 股骨(前面观) The femur. Anterior aspect 37
图96 股骨(后面观) The femur. Posterior aspect 37
图101 胫骨(前面观) The tibia. Anterior aspect 38
图103 腓骨(后面观) The fibula. Posterior aspect 38
图102 胫骨(后面观) The tibia. Posterior aspect 38
图97 髌骨(前面观) The patella. Anterior aspect 38
图100 腓骨(前面观) The fibula. Anterior aspect 38
图99 胫骨(上面观) The tibia. Superior aspect 38
图98 髌骨(后面观) The patella. Posterior aspect 38
图104 足骨(上面观) The bones of the foot. Superior aspect 39
图105 足骨(下面观) The bones of the foot. Inferior aspect 39
图108 距骨(下面观) The talus. Inferior aspect 40
图109 跟骨(上面观) The calcaneus. Superior aspect 40
图106 足骨(侧面观) The bones of the foot. Lateral aspect 40
图107 距骨(上面观) The talus. Superior aspect 40
运动系统-关节 Locomotor System-Joint 41
图110 椎骨间连结(1) Intervertebral joints(1) 41
图111 椎骨间连结(2) Intervertebral joints(2) 41
图112 椎骨间连结(3) Intervertebral joints(3) 42
图113 椎骨间连结(4) Intervertebral joints(4) 42
图114 椎骨间连结(5) Intervertebral joints(5) 42
图116 颅骨与椎骨连结(2) The joints of the skull and vertebra(2) 43
图115 颅骨与椎骨连结(1) The joints of the skull and vertebra(1) 43
图117 肋与胸骨连结 The joints of ribs and the sternum 44
图118 颞下颌关节(外面观) The temporomandibular joint. Lateral aspect 45
图119 颞下颌关节(内面观)The temporomandibular joint. Medial aspect 45
图120 颞下颌关节(矢状剖面) The temporomandibular joint. Sagittal section 45
图121 肩关节(前面观) The shoulder joint. Anterior aspect 46
图122 肩关节(剖面观) The shoulder joint. Section 46
图123 肩关节(内面观) The shoulder joint. Medial aspect 47
图124 肘关节(前面观) The elbow joint. Anterior aspect 47
图126 肘关节(内侧面观) The elbow joint. Medial aspect 48
图125 肘关节(后面观) The elbow joint. Posterior aspect 48
图127 肘关节(外侧面观) The elbow joint. Lateral aspect 49
图128 肘关节(剖面观) The elbow joint. Section 49
图129 前臂骨的连结 The joints of the forearm 49
图130 手骨的连结(前面观) The joints of the hand. Anterior aspect 50
图131 手骨的连结(后面观) The joints of the hand. Posterior aspect 50
图132 手骨的连结(剖面观) The joints of the hand.Section 51
图133 骨盆的连接(前面观) The joints of the hand.Anterior aspect 51
图135 骨盆(女性) The pelvis. Female 52
图134 骶髂关节、髋关节(后面观) The sacroilial and hip joints. Posterior aspect 52
图136 骨盆(男性) The pelvis.Male 53
图137 髋关节(前面观) The hip joint. Anterior aspect 53
图138 髋关节(后面观)The hip joint. Posterior aspect 54
图139 髋关节(剖面观)The hip joint. Section 54
图140 髋关节(打开) The hip joint.Incision 55
图141 膝关节(矢状剖面) The knee joint. Sagittal section 55
图142 膝关节(前面观)The knee joint. Anterior aspect 56
图143 膝关节(后面观)The knee joint. Posterior aspect 56
图144 膝关节(内侧面观) The knee joint. Medial aspect 57
图145 膝关节(外侧面观) The knee joint. Lateral aspect 57
图147 膝关节(打开2) The knee joint. Incision(2) 58
图146 膝关节(打开1) The knee joint. Incision(1) 58
图148 膝关节(打开3) The knee joint. Incision(3) 59
图149 膝关节(半月?)The knee joint. Meniscuses 59
图150 小腿骨的连结 The joints of the leg 60
图151 足骨的连结(剖面观) The joints of the foot. Section 60
图152 足骨的连结(上面观) The joints of the foot. Superior aspect 61
图153 足骨的连结(下面观) The joints of the foot.Inferior aspect 61
图154 足骨的连结(内侧面观) The joints of the foot.Medial adpect 62
图155 足骨的连结(外侧面观) The joints of the foot. Latera aspect 62
图156 肌的形态 Forms of muscles 62
运动系统-肌 Locomotor System-Muscle 63
图157 背肌浅层 Superficial muscles of the back 64
图158 背肌中层 Middle muscles of the back 65
图159 背肌深层 Deep muscles of the back 66
图160 项部肌深层 Deep muscles of the nuchae 67
图161 腰部肌深层 Deep muscles of the lumbar region 68
图163 颈阔肌 Platysma muscle 69
图162 椎枕肌 Vertebrooccipital muscles 69
图164 表情肌(前面观) Muscles of facial expression. Anterior aspect 70
图165 表情肌(侧面观) Muscles of facial expression. Lateral aspect 70
图166 咀嚼肌(1) Masticatory muscles(1) 71
图167 咀嚼肌(2) Masticatory muscles(2) 71
图168 颈肌(侧面观1)Muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect(1) 72
图169 颈肌(侧面观2) Muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect(2) 72
图170 颈肌(前面观) Muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect 73
图171 椎前肌 Anterior vertebral muscles 73
图173 胸肌(前面观) Muscles of the thorax. Anterior aspect 74
图172 颈部横切面 Transverse section of the neck 74
图174 前锯肌 Serratus anterior 75
图175 膈(下面观)Diaphragm. Inferior aspect 75
图176 膈(上面观) Diaphragm. Superior aspect 76
图177 腹肌(1)(浅层) Muscles of the abdomen(1). Superficial layer 76
图178 腹肌(2)(中、深层) Muscles of the abdomen(2). Middle and deep layers 77
图179 腹后壁肌 Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall 78
图180 肩、臂肌(前面观1) Muscles of the shoulder and upper arm. Anterior aspect(1) 79
图181 肩、臂肌(前面观2)Muscles of the shoulder and upper arm. Anterior aspect(2) 79
图183 肩、臂肌(后面观2) Muscles of the shoulder and upper arm. Posterior aspect(2) 80
图182 肩、臂肌(后面观1) Muscles of the shoulder and upper arm. Posterior aspect(1) 80
图184 前臂肌(前面观1) Muscles of the forearm. Anterior aspect(1) 81
图185 前臂肌(前面观2) Muscles of the forearm. Anterior aspect(2) 81
图186 前臂肌(前面观3) Muscles of the forearm. Anterior aspect(3) 82
图187 前臂肌(后面观1) Muscles of the forearm. Posterior aspect(1) 82
图188 前臂肌(后面观2) Muscles of the forearm. Posterior aspect(2) 83
图189 手肌(前面观1) Muscles of the hand. Anterior aspect(1) 83
图190 手肌(前面观2) Muscles of the hand. Anterior aspect(2) 83
图192 骨间背侧肌(后面观) Dorsal interosseous muscles. Posterior aspect 84
图191 手肌(前面观3)Muscles of the hand. Anterior aspect(3) 84
图193 指腱鞘(后面观) Tendinous sheaths of fingers. Posterior aspect 85
图194 指腱鞘(前面观) Tendinous sheaths of fingers. Anterior aspect 85
图195 手肌(后面观) Muscles of the hand. Posterior aspect 86
图196 髋部肌(1) Muscles of the hip(1) 86
图197 髋部肌(2) Muscles of the hip(2) 87
图198 髋部肌(3) Muscles of the hip(3) 87
图199 髋部肌(4) Muscles of the hip(4) 88
图200 髋部肌(5) Muscles of the hip(5) 88
图202 股部肌(前面观2) Muscles of the thigh. Anterior aspect(2) 89
图201 股部肌(前面观1) Muscles of the thigh. Anterior aspect(1) 89
图203 股部肌(前面观3) Muscles of the thigh. Anterior aspect(3) 90
图204 股部肌(前面观4) Muscles of the thigh. Anterior aspect(4) 90
图205 股部肌(后面观) Muscles of the thigh. Posterior aspect 91
图206 小腿肌(前外侧面观) Muscles of the leg. Anteriolateral aspect 91
图207 小腿肌(后面观1) Muscles of the leg. Posterior aspect(1) 92
图208 小腿肌(后面观2) Muscles of the leg. Posterior aspect(2) 92
图209 小腿肌(后面观3) Muscles of the leg. Posterior aspect(3) 93
图210 足肌(底面观1) Muscles of the foot. Inferior aspect(1) 93
图211 足肌(底面观2) Muscles of the foot. Inferior aspect(2) 94
图212 足肌(底面观3) Muscles of the foot. Inferior aspect(3) 95
图213 足肌(底面观4) Muscles of the foot. Inferior aspect(4) 96
图214 足肌(内侧面观) Muscles of the foot. Medial aspect 97
图215 足肌(外侧面观) Muscles of the foot. Lateral aspect 97
图216 足肌(上面观) Muscles of the foot.Superior aspect 98
图217 骨间肌(1) Interosseous muscle(1) 99
图218 骨间肌(2) Interosseous muscle(2) 99
图219 足腱鞘(1) Tendinous sheaths of the foot(1) 100
图220 足腱鞘(2) Tendinous sheaths of the foot(2) 100
图221 消化系统概况 General arrangement of the digestive system 101
消化系统 Digestive System 101
图223 口腔(2) The mouth cavity(2) 102
图222 口腔(1) The mouth cavity(1) 102
图224 恒牙(1) Permanent teeth(1) 103
图225 恒牙(2) Permanent teeth(2) 103
图226 乳牙 The deciduous teeth 104
图227 牙的构造 The structure of the tooth 104
图229 舌肌(纵切面) The muscles of the tongue. Longitudinal section 105
图230 舌肌(横切面) The muscles of the tongue. Transversal section 105
图228 舌背面 The dorsum of the tongue 105
图231 舌外肌 Extralingual muscles 106
图232 口腔腺(外侧面观) The glands of oral cavity. Lateral aspect 106
图233 口腔腺(内侧面观) The glands of oral cavity. Medial aspect 107
图234 头颈部正中矢状断面 The median sagittal sectio of the head and neck 107
图235 咽肌(后面观)The muscles of the pharynx. Posterior aspect 108
图236 咽腔(后面观) The pharyngeal cavity. Posterior aspect 109
图237 食管 The esophagus 110
图239 胃的各种形态 Various forms of the stomach 111
图240 胃(干制标本) The stomach. Dried specimen 111
图238 胃 The stomach 111
图241 胃的肌层 The muscular coat of the stomach 112
图242 胃的粘膜 The mucous membrane of the stomach 112
图243 腹上区(1) The epigastric region(1) 113
图244 腹上区(2) The epigastric region(2) 113
图245 腹下区 The hypogastric region 114
图246 结肠(外面观) The colon. Extemal aspect 115
图247 小肠壁各层 Coats of the small intestine wall 115
图248 十二指肠粘膜 The mucous membrane of the duodenum 115
图251 盲肠和阑尾 The caecum and vermiform appendix 116
图249 空肠粘膜 The mucous membrane of the jejunum 116
图250 回肠粘膜 The mucous membrane of the ileum 116
图252 直肠(外面观) The rectum. Extemal aspect 117
图253 直肠(内面观) The rectum. Internal aspect 117
图254 肝脏(前面观) The liver. Anterior aspect 118
图255 肝脏(下面观) The liver. Inferior aspect 118
图256 肝脏(上面观) The liver. Superior aspect 119
图257 肝脏门脉 The hepatic portal system 119
图259 肝脏管道铸型(下面观) The cast of the hepatic duct. Inferior aspect 120
图258 肝脏管道铸型(前面观) The cast of the hepatic duct. Anterior aspcet 120
图260 胆道、胰腺和十二指肠(前面观1) The bile passages, pancreas and duodenum. Anterior aspect(1) 121
图261 胆道、胰腺和十二指肠(前面观2) The bile passages, pancreas and duodenum. Anterior aspect(2) 121
图262 胆道和胰腺管 The bile passages and pancreatic duct 122
图263 胰腺管铸型 The cast of the pancreatic duct 122
图264 腹前壁腹膜(外面观) The peritoneum on the anterior abdominal wall. External aspect 123
图265 腹前壁腹膜(内面观1) The peritoneum on the anterior abdominal wall. Internal aspect(1) 123
图266 腹前壁腹膜(内面观2) The peritoneum on the anterior abdominal wall. Internal aspect(2) 123
图267 大网膜 The greater omentum 124
图268 小网膜及肠系膜根 The lesser omentum and radix of mesentery 125
图269 网膜孔 Omental foramen 126
图270 腹腔横断(下面观) Transverse section of the abdominal cavity.Inferior aspect 126
呼吸系统 Respiratory System 127
图271 呼吸系统概况 General arrangement of respiratory system 127
图272 鼻软骨(外侧面观) Cartilages of nose. Lateral aspect 128
图273 鼻软骨(下面观) Cartilages of nose. Inferior aspect 128
图274 鼻中隔 The septum of the nose 128
图276 鼻旁窦 Paranasal sinuses 129
图275 鼻腔外侧壁 Lateral wall of nasal cavity 129
图277 颅的额状切 The skull. Frontal section 130
图278 甲状软骨(前面观) The thyroid cartilage. Anterior aspect 130
图279 甲状软骨(后面观) The thyroid cartilage. Posterior aspect 130
图280 环状软骨、杓状软骨和小角软骨(前面观) The cricord、arytenoid and comiculate cartiages. Anterior aspect 131
图281 环状软骨、杓状软骨和小角软骨(后面观) The cricord、aryternoid and comiculate cartiages.Posterior aspect 131
图282 会厌软骨(后面观) The epiglottic cartilage. Posterior aspect 131
图283 弹性圆锥(上面观) The elastic cone. Superior aspect 131
图286 甲状舌骨膜 The thyrohyoid membrane 132
图285 弹性圆锥和方形膜(侧面观) The elastic cone and quadrangular membrane. Lateral aspect 132
图284 弹性圆锥(侧面观) The elastic cone. Lateral aspect 132
图287 喉(前面观) The larynx. Anterior aspect 133
图288 喉(后面观) The larynx. Posterior aspect 133
图289 喉(冠状切面后面观) The larynx. Coronal section. Posterior aspect 134
图290 喉(后壁打开) The larynx. Incision of the posterior wall 134
图291 喉(矢状切面) The larynx. Sagittal section 135
图292 喉口(上面观) Aditus laryngis. Superior aspect 135
图293 气管支气管(前面观) The trachea and bronchi. Anterior aspect 136
图295 肺(前面观) The lungs. Anterior aspect 137
图294 气管支气管(铸型) The trachea and bronchi.Cast 137
图296 右肺(内侧面观) Right lung. Medial aspect 138
图297 左肺(内侧面观) Left lung. Medial aspect 138
图298 心、肺、肝(铸型) The heart, lungs and liver. Cast 139
图299 胸膜(前面观) The pleura. Anteror aspect 140
图300 胸部横断(下面观) Transverse section of the thoracic region. Inferior aspect 140
泌尿生殖系统 Urogenital System 141
图301 泌尿生殖系统概况 General arrnagement of the urogenital system 141
图302 肾(前面观) The kidney. Anterior aspect 142
图303 肾(额状切面) The kidney. Frontal section 142
图304 肾盂和肾盏 The renal pelvis and renal calices 143
图305 肾的被膜(横切面) The coverings of the kidney. Transerse section 143
图306 肾的被膜(矢状切面) The coerings of the kidney. Sagittal section 143
图307 肾铸型(后面观) The cast of the kidney. Posterior aspect 144
图308 肾的位置(后面观) Position of kidneys. Posterior aspect 144
图309 多囊肾(剖开) The multicapsular kindney. Section 145
图310 男性生殖系概观 General arrangement of the male genital system 145
图311 男性盆腔(右侧面观) Male pelvic cavity. Right lateral aspect 146
图312 男性盆腔(正?矢状断面) The pelvic of the male. Median sagittal section 147
图313 膀胱、前列腺、尿道及其邻近结构 The urinary bladder,prostate,urethra and relative structures 148
图314 前列腺和精囊腺 The prostate and seminal vesicles 148
图315 膀胱、尿道和男性生殖腺(剖面观) The urinary bladder. urethra and male genital glans. Section 149
图316 膀胱、尿道和男性生殖腺(后面观) The urinary bladder. urethra and male genital glands. Posterior aspect 149
图317 睾丸(侧面观) The testis. Lateral aspect 150
图318 睾丸(前面观) The testis. Anterior aspect 150
图319 睾丸精索被膜 Coverings of testis and spermatic cord 150
图322 阴茎(横切面) The penis. Transverse section 151
图320 阴茎海绵体 Cavernous bodies of penis 151
图321 阴茎(纵切面) The penis. Longitudinal section 151
图323 女性盆腔(正中矢状断面) Female pelvic cavity. Median sagittal section 152
图324 女性盆腔(右侧面观) Female pelvic cavity. Right lateral aspect 153
图325 女性盆腔(上面观) Female pelvic cavity. Superior aspect 153
图326 子宫、阴道和卵巢(1) The uterus, vagina and ovaries(1) 154
图327 子宫、阴道和卵巢(2) The uterus, vagina and ovaries(2) 154
图328 子宫口 Qstium of uterus 154
图330 女性外生殖器(处女) Female external genital organs. Virgin 155
图329 女性外生殖器 Female external genital organs 155
图331 前庭球和前庭大腺 The bulbs of the vestibule and the greater vestibular glands 156
图332 女性乳房 Female mamma 156
图333 乳房(矢状断面) The mamma. Sagittal section 157
图334 输乳管 Lactiferous ducts 157
图335 男性会阴 Male perineum 158
图336 女性会阴 Remale perineum 158
图337 心脏的位置 Position of the heart 159
图338 心脏的外形(前面观) External features of the heart. Anterior aspect 159
心血管系统-心 Cardiovascular System-Heart 159
心细管系统 Cardiovascular System 159
图339 心脏的外形(后面观) Extermal features of the heart. Posterior aspect 160
图340 右心房和右心室(内面观) The right atrium and right ventricle. Internal aspect 160
图341 左心房和左心室(内面观) The left atrium and left ventricle. Internal aspect 161
图342 心脏切面 Section of the heart 161
图343 心肌 The cardiac muscles 162
图344 心室底 Base of the ventricle 162
图346 心包(2) The pericardium(2) 163
图345 心包(1) The pericardium(1) 163
图348 心脏的动脉(后面观) Arteries of the heart. Posterior aspect 164
图347 心脏的动脉(前面观) Arteries of the heart. Anterior aspect 164
图349 心脏铸型 The cast of the heart 165
心血管系统-动脉 Cardiovascular System-Artery 165
图350 主动脉弓及其分支 Arch of aorta and its branches 165
图351 胸部的动脉 Arteries of the thoracic region 165
图352 头颈部的动脉(1) Arteries of the head and neck(1) 166
图353 头颈部的动脉(2) Arteries of the head and neck(2) 166
图355 胸前壁的动脉(内面观) Arteries of the anterior thouacic wall. Internal aspect 167
图354 锁骨下动脉 The subclavicular artery 167
图356 腋动脉 The axillary artery 168
图357 肩部的动脉(后面观) Arteries of the shoulder. Posterior aspect 168
图358 臂部的动脉(前面观) Arteries of the arm. Anterior aspect 169
图359 臂部的动脉(后面观) Arteries of the arm. Posterior aspect 169
图360 前臂的动脉(前面观) Arteries of the forearm. Anterior aspect 170
图361 前臂的动脉(后面观) Arteries of the forearm. Posterior aspect 170
图362 手掌的动脉(1) Arteries of the palm of the hand(1) 171
图363 手掌的动脉(2) Arteries of the palm of the hand(2) 172
图364 手背的动脉 Arteries of the back of the hand 173
图365 手动脉铸型(前面观) The cast of arteries of the hand. Anterior aspect 174
图366 手动脉铸型(后面观) The cast of arteries of the hand. Posterior aspect 174
图367 腹部的动脉(1) Arteries of the abdomen(1) 175
图368 肾动脉铸型(前面观) The cast of renal arteries. Anterior aspect 176
图369 肾动脉铸型(后面观) The cast of renal arteries. Posterior aspect 176
图370 腹部的动脉(2) Arteries of the abdomen(2) 177
图371 腹部的动脉(3) Arteries of the abdomen(3) 177
图372 腹部的动脉(4) Arteries of the abdomen(4) 178
图373 腹部的动脉(5) Arteries of the abdomen(5) 179
图374 胃的动脉 Arteries of the stomach 180
图375 小肠的动脉 Arteries of the small intestine 180
图376 回盲部的动脉(前面观) Arteries of the iliocecal region. Anterior aspect 181
图377 回盲部的动脉(后面观) Arteries of the iliocecal region. Posterior aspect 181
图378 盆部的动脉(男性) Arteries of male pelvis 182
图379 盆部的动脉(女性) Arteries of female pelvis 183
图381 会阴部的动脉(男性) Arteries of male perineum 184
图380 变异的闭孔动脉 The abnormal obturator artery 184
图382 会阴部的动脉(女性) Arteries of female perineum 185
图383 臀部的动脉 Arteries of the gluteal region 185
图384 股部的动脉(前面观1) Arteries of the thigh. Anterior aspect(1) 186
图385 股部的动脉(前面观2) Arteries of the thigh. Anterior aspect(2) 186
图386 股骨的动脉(前面观) Arteries of the femur. Anterior aspect 187
图387 股骨的动脉(后面观) Arteries of the femur. Posterior aspect 187
图389 小腿的动脉(前面观) Arteries of the leg. Anterior aspect 188
图388 小腿的动脉(后面观) Arteries of the leg. Posterior aspect 188
图390 足的动脉(上面观) Arteries of the foot. Superior aspect 189
图391 足的动脉(下面观1) Arteries of the foot. Interior aspect(1) 190
图392 足的动脉(下面观2) Arteries of the foot. Interior aspect(2) 191
图393 足的动脉(铸型) Arteries of the foot. Cast 192
心血管系统-静脉 Cardiovascular System-Vein 192
图394 头面部的静脉(后面观) Veins of the head. Posterior aspect 192
图395 头面部的静脉(前面观) Veins of the head. Anterior aspect 193
图396 头面部的静脉(侧面观) Veins of the head. Lateral aspect 193
图399 头部血管铸型(3) Blood vessels of the head. Cast(3) 194
图398 头部血管铸型(2) Blood vessels of the head. Cast(2) 194
图397 头部血管铸型(1) Blood vessels of the head. Cast(1) 194
图400 头颈部的静脉(侧面观) Veins of the head and neck. Lateral aspect 195
图401 上肢的浅静脉(前面观) Superficial veins of the upper limb. Aanteror aspect 196
图402 上肢的浅静脉(后面观) Superficial veins of the upper limb. Posterior aspect 196
图403 手掌的浅静脉 Superficial veins of the palm of the hand 197
图404 手背的浅静脉 Superficial veins of the back of the hand 197
图405 腰升静脉和奇静脉 The ascending lumber veins and azygos vein 198
图407 直肠静脉丛(铸型) The rectal venous plexuses. Cast 199
图406 椎静脉丛 The vertebral venous plexuses 199
图408 门静脉及其属支 Portal vein and its tributaries 200
图409 下肢的浅静脉(前内侧面观1) Superficial veins of the lwocr limb. Anteromedial aspect(1) 201
图410 下肢的浅静脉(前内侧面观2) Superficial veins of the lwocr limb. Anteromedial aspect(2) 202
图411 下肢的浅静脉(后面观) Superficial veins of the lower limb. Posterior aspect 202
图412 足的浅静脉(上面观) Superficial veins of the foot. Superior aspect 203
图413 足的浅静脉(下面观) Superficial veins of the foot. Inferior aspect 203
图414 足的浅静脉(内侧面观) Superficial veins of the foot. Medial aspect 204
图415 足的浅静脉(外侧面观) Superficial veins of the foot. Lateral aspect 204
图416 胸导管 The thoracic duct 205
淋巴系统 Lymphatic System 205
图417 头颈部的浅淋巴结(前面观) Superficial lymph nodes of the head and neck. Anterior aspect 206
图418 头颈部的深淋巴结(外侧面观) Deep lymph nodes of the head and neck. Lateral aspect 206
图419 上肢的浅淋巴管和淋巴结(前面观) Superficial lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the upper limb. Anteror aspect 207
图420 腋淋巴结 The axillary lymph nodes 208
图421 肺门淋巴结 Lymph nodes of the hilum of the lungs 208
图422 腹壁的淋巴结 Lymph nodes of the abdominal wall 209
图423 肝的淋巴管 Lymphatic vessels of the liver 209
图426 胃的淋巴管(后面观) Lymphatic vessels of the stomach. Posterior aspect 210
图425 胃的淋巴管(前面观) Lymphatic vessels of the stomach. Anterior aspect 210
图424 胸臂的淋巴管 Lymph nodes of the thoracic wall 210
图427 肠的淋巴结 Lymph nodes of the instetine 211
图428 盆部的淋巴结 Lymph nodes of the pelvis 211
图429 下肢的浅淋巴管和淋巴结(前面观) Superficial lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the lower limb. Anterior aspect 212
图430 下肢的浅淋巴管和淋巴结(内侧面观) Superficial lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the lower limb. Medial aspect 212
图431 脾(膈面) Diaphragmatic surface of the spleen 213
图432 脾(脏面) Visceral surface of the spleen 213
图435 突触(脊髓前角) The synapse. Anterior horn of the spinal cord 214
图434 双极神经元(视网膜) Bipolar neuron. Retina 214
图436 多极神经元(脊髓前角) Multipolar neuron. Anteior horn of the spinal cord 214
神经系统-脊髓 Nervous System-Spinal Cord 214
神经系统 Nervous System 214
图433 假单极神经元(脊神经节) Pseudounipolar neuron. Spinal ganglion 214
图437 脊髓(后面观) The spinal cord. Posterior aspect 215
图438 马尾(前面观) The cauda equina. Anterior aspect 215
图439 脊髓和脊神经根(前面观) Spinal cord and roots of spinal nerves. Anterior aspect 216
图440 脊髓的被膜 Menings of the spinal cord 216
图443 腰段脊髓(横切面) Lumbar segment of the spinal cord. Transverse section 217
图444 骶段脊髓(横切面) Sacral segment of the spinal cord. Transverse section 217
图442 胸段脊髓(横切面)Thoracic segment of the spinal cord. Transverse section 217
图441 颈段脊髓(横切面) Cervical segment of the spinal cord. Transverse section 217
图445 脊髓的血管(前面观) Blood vessels of the spinal cord. Anterior aspect 218
图446 脊髓的血管(后面观) Blood vessels of the spinal cord. Posterior aspect 218
神经系统-脑 Nervous System-Brain 219
图447 脑干(腹面观) The brainstem. Ventral aspect 219
图448 脑干(背面观) The brainstem. Dorsal aspect 219
图449 脑干和各脑神经(侧面观) The brainstem and cranial nerves. Lateral aspect 220
图451 延髓横切面(经锥体交叉2) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the pyramidal decussation(2) 221
图450 延髓横切面(经锥体交叉1) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the pyramidal decussation(1) 221
图452 延髓横切面(经丘系交叉1) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the decussation of the medial lemniscus(1) 222
图453 延髓横切面(经丘系交叉2) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the decussation of the medial lemniscus(2) 222
图454 延髓横切面(经橄榄中部1) Transverse section of the medulla obongata throuth the middle part of the inferior olive(1) 223
图455 延髓横切面(经橄榄中部2) Transverse section of the medulla obongata throuth the middle part of the inferior olive(2) 223
图456 延髓横切面(经蜗神经核1) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the cochlear nuclei(1) 224
图457 延髓横切面(经蜗神经核2) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the cochlear nuclei(2) 224
图458 桥脑横切面(经面丘1) Transverse section of the pons throuth the facial colliculus(1) 225
图459 桥脑横切面(经面丘2) Transverse section of the pons throuth the facial colliculus(2) 225
图461 桥脑横切面(经三叉神经运动核2) Transverse section of the pons through the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve(2) 226
图460 桥脑横切面(经三叉神经运动核1) Transverse section of the pons through the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve(1) 226
图462 中脑横切面(经下丘1)Transverse section of the midbrain through the inferior colliculus(1) 227
图463 中脑横切面(经下丘2) Transverse section of the midbrain through the inferior colliculus(2) 227
图464 中脑横切面(经上丘1) Transverse section of the midbrain through the superior colliculus(1) 228
图465 中脑横切面(经上丘2) Transverse section of the midbrain through the superior colliculus(2) 228
图466 第四脑室脉络组织和脉络丛 Choroid tela and choroid plexus of the 4th ventricle 229
图467 小脑(背面观) The cerebllum. Dorsal aspect 229
图468 小脑(腹面观) The cerebllum. Ventral aspect 230
图469 小脑(前面观) The cerebllum. Anterior aspect 230
图471 小脑(横切面) The cerebllum. Transverse section 231
图470 小脑(下中矢状切面) The cerebllum. Median saggital section 231
图472 小脑脚(1) Peduncles of the cerebellum(1) 232
图473 小脑脚(2) Peduncles of the cerebellum(2) 232
图474 脑底面 Basal surface of the brain 233
图475 脑外侧面 Lateral surface of the brain 233
图476 脑岛 The insula 234
图477 大脑背面 Dorsal surface of the cerebrum 234
图478 大脑内侧面 Medial surface of the cerebrum 235
图479 脑的正中矢状切面 Median sagittal section of the brain 235
图481 脑的水平切面 Horizontal section of the brain 236
图480 脑的冠状切面 Frontal section of the brain 236
图482 胼胝体(上面观) The corpus callosum. Supcrior aspect 237
图483 联络纤维 Association fibers 237
图484 穹窿及海马联合 Fonix and the commissure of hippocampus 238
图485 锥体束 The pyramidal tract 238
图486 视束和视辐射 Optic tract and optic radiation 239
图487 侧脑室(上面观) The lateral ventricles, Superior aspect 239
图488 侧脑室的铸型(侧面观) The cast of the lateral venticles. Lateral aspect 240
图489 侧脑室的铸型(后面观) The cast of the lateral venticles. Posterior aspect 240
图491 硬脑膜(后面观) Cerebral dura mater. Posterior aspect 241
图490 硬脑膜(侧面观) Cerebral dura mater. Lateral aspect 241
图493 大脑镰和小脑幕 Cerebral falx and tentorium of cerebellum 242
图492 硬脑膜(内面观) Cerebral dura mater. Internal aspect 242
图494 蛛网膜 The arachnoid mater 243
图495 脑底的动脉 Arteries at the base of the brain 243
图496 大脑外侧面的动脉 Arteries of the lateral surface of the cerebrum 244
图497 大脑内侧面的动脉 Arteries of the medial surface of the cerebrum 244
图498 大脑外侧面的静脉 Veins of the lateral surface of the cerebrum 245
图499 大脑大静脉及其属支 The great cerebral vein and its tributaries 245
图500 背部的皮神经 Cutaneous nerves of the back 246
神经系统-脊神经 Nervous System-Spinal Nerves 246
图501 颈丛(1) The cervical plexus(1) 247
图502 颈丛(2) The cervical plexus(2) 247
图503 臂丛(1) The brachial plexus(1) 248
图504 臂丛(2) The brachial plexus(2) 248
图505 臂部的神经(前面观1) Nerves of the arm. Anterior aspect(1) 249
图506 臂部的神经(前面观2) Nerves of the arm. Anterior aspect(2) 249
图508 前臂的神经(前面观1) Nerves of the forearm. Anterior aspect(1) 250
图507 臂部的神经(后面观)Nerves of the arm. Posterior aspect 250
图509 前臂的神经(前面观2) Nerves of the forearm. Anterior aspect(2) 251
图510 前臂的神经(后面观1)Nerves of the forearm. posterior aspect(1) 251
图511 前臂的神经(后面观2) Nerves of the forearm. posterior aspect(2) 252
图512 手的神经(后面观) Nerves of the hand. Posterior aspect 252
图513 手的神经(后面观1) Nerves of the hand. Anterior aspect(1) 253
图514 手的神经(后面观2) Nerves of the hand. Anterior aspect(2) 253
图515 胸腹部的皮神经 Cutaneous nerves of the thoracic and abdominal regions 254
图516 腰骶丛 The lumbar and sacral plexus 255
图518 会阴部的神经(女性) Nerves of the female perineum 256
图517 会阴部的神经(男性) Nerves of the male perineum 256
图519 臀部的神经(1) Nerves of the gluteal region(1) 257
图520 臀部的神经(2) Nerves of the gluteal region(2) 257
图521 股部的神经(前面观1) Nerves of the thigh. Anterior aspect(1) 258
图522 股部的神经(前面观2) Nerves of the thigh. Anterior aspect(2) 258
图523 股部的神经(后面观1) Nerves of the thigh. Posterior aspect(1) 259
图524 股部的神经(后面观2) Nerves of the thigh. Posterior aspect(2) 259
图525 小腿的神经(前面观1) Nerves of the leg. Anterior aspect(1) 260
图526 小腿的神经(前面观2) Nerves of the leg. Anterior aspect(2) 260
图528 小腿的神经(后面观2) Nerves of the leg. Posterior aspect(2) 261
图527 小腿的神经(后面观1) Nerves of the leg. Posterior aspect(1) 261
图529 足底的神经(1) Nerves of the plantar aspect of the foot(1) 262
图530 足底的神经(2) Nerves of the plantar aspect of the foot(2) 262
图531 足背的神经 Nerves of the dorsal aspect of the foot 263
神经系统-脑神经 Nervous System-Cranial Nerves 263
图532 眶腔内神经(1) Nerves in the orbital cavity(1) 263
图533 眶腔内神经(2) Nerves in the orbital cavity(2) 264
图534 三叉神经(外侧面观) The trigeminal nerve. Lateral aspect 264
图536 面神经(1) The facial nerve(1) 265
图535 三叉神经(内侧面观) The trigeminal nerve. Medial aspect 265
图537 面神经(2) The facial nerve(2) 266
图538 面神经(3) The facial nerve(3) 266
图539 下四对脑神经 Inferior 4 pairs of the cranial nerves 267
图540 纵隔的神经(右) Nerves of the mediastinum. Right aspect 268
图541 左喉返神经 Left recurrent laryngeal nerve 268
图542 腹部的神经 Nerves of the abdomen 269
图546 睾丸 Testis 270
图545 松果体 Pineal body 270
图544 垂体 Hypophysis 270
内分泌系统 Endocrine System 270
图543 胸腺 Thymus 270
图547 肾上腺 Suprarenal gland 271
图548 胰腺 Pancreas 271
图549 卵巢 Ovary 271
图550 甲状腺 Thyroid gland 272
图551 甲状旁腺 Parathyroid gland 272
图553 眼球水平切面 Horizontal section of the eyeball 273
图554 眼球水平切面(模式图) Diagram of horizontal section through the eyeball 273
图552 眼球(外侧面观) The cycball. Lateral aspect 273
感觉器 Sense Organs 273
图555 眼球前部水平切面 Horizontal section of the anterior part of the eyeball 274
图556 视网膜水平切面 Horizontal section of the retina 274
图557 中央凹水平切面 Horizontal section of the central fovea 274
图558 视神经盘水平切面 Horizontal section of the optic disc 274
图559 眼底模式图(右侧) Diagram of fundus of eyeball. Right side 275
图560 右眼(前面观) The right eye. Anterior aspect 275
图562 右眼眶隔 Orbital septum of the right eye 276
图561 眼睑(矢状切面) The eyelid. Sagittal section 276
图563 泪器 The lacrimal apparatus 277
图564 眼外肌(前外侧面观) The extraocular muscles. Anterolateral aspect 277
图565 眼外肌(上面观) The extraocular muscles. Superior aspect 278
图566 眼外肌(外侧面观) The extraocular muscles. Lateral aspect 278
图567 眼的动脉(上面观) Arteries of the eye. Superior aspect 279
图568 前庭蜗器概观 General arrangement of the organs of hearing and equilibration 279
图570 耳廓软骨 Cartiage of the auricle 280
图571 鼓膜 The tympanic membrane 280
图569 耳廓 The auricle 280
图572 中耳(1) The middle ear(1) 281
图573 中耳(2) The middle ear(2) 281
图574 听小骨 The auditory ossicles 282
图575 骨迷路(1) The bony labyrinth(1) 282
图576 骨迷路(2) The bony labyrinth(2) 282
图577 螺旋器 The spiral organ 283
图578 位觉斑 The macula of utricle and macula of saccule 283
图579 壶腹嵴 The ampullary crest 283
图580 内耳道底 Bottom of the internal acoustic meatus 283
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- 《国之重器出版工程 云化虚拟现实技术与应用》熊华平 2019
- 《新闻出版博物馆 总第33期》新闻出版博物馆 2018
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- 《生物科技、医学与法律》齐延平,安·玛丽·杜盖著 2018
- 《科技新闻英语 英汉互译精选》郑佩芸主编;吴越,郭亮,毛隽副主编 2019
- 《科技法教程》李功国著 1993