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地道英语  数词100句
地道英语  数词100句

地道英语 数词100句PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:浩瀚等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7506809427
  • 页数:258 页
《地道英语 数词100句》目录

CHAPTER 1基数词 2

1 Nineteen people were wounded. 19人受伤。 2

2 There are six million people in this city.这座城市有600万人。 6

3 A thousand milliom is a billion. 一千个百万是十亿。 9

4 I have got a four-week holiday. 我有4周的假期。 12

5 Three years is a long time. 三年是很长的一段时间。 16

6 Put two zeros after a five make five hundred. 5后面加两个0成了500。 19

7 They stayed there half an hour.他们在那里呆了半小时。 23

8 We have one cat at home. 我家养了一只猫。 27

CHAPTER 2序数词 35

1 We live in the twenty-first century. 我们生活在21世纪。 35

2 His car has just run to the one thousand and first mile. 他的汽车刚跑到第1001英里。 40

CHAPTER 3倍数 44

1 Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的4倍。 44

2 This room is twice larger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大2倍。 48

3 Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲比欧洲大3 倍。 51

4 I take exercises for three times a week .我一周进行3次体育锻炼。 55

1 More than one boy has been there. 不止一个男孩已经去过那里了。 59

CHAPTER 4概数表示法 59

2 It s under $5.它不到5美元。 63

3 The tower is about 137 metres high. 这座塔高137米。 66

4 We will stay here for no longer than 7 days. 我们在这儿至多呆7天。 71

5 I want three dozen pencils.我想要买3打铅笔。 75

6 I have a hundred things to do.我有许多事要做。 79

7 Thousands of foreigners came to vist the city. 数以千计的外国人到这个城市来参观。 82

CHAPTER 5分数、小数、百分数 89

1 Only two percent failed in the exam. 只有2%的人考试不及格。 89

2 My school is less than one-third mile from my home.学校距离我不到1/3英里。 94

CHAPTER 6算式表示法 100

1 How much is twelve times twelve? .12乘12等于多少? 100

2 The ratio of twelve to three equals four. 12除以3 等于4 104

CHAPTER 7数词的其他用法 110

1 We are to study Chapter four this week. 这星期我们将学习第四章。 110

2 She comes here once every third day.(every three days).她每三天(每隔两天)来一次。 115

3 She bought five yards of cloth. 她买了5码布。 119

4 We live in the 21st century. 我们生活在21世纪。 124

5 My sister has an eight-year-old son.我姐姐有个8岁的儿子。 129

6 That s twenty-four cents. 那是24美分。 133

7 Water freezes at zero degree. 水在零度结冰。 138

8 Everthing in the house is at sixs and sevens. 屋里一切都是乱七八糟的。 143

CHAPTER 8数量短语 148

1 Many people think so.许多人这样想。 148

2 There isn t much food in the house.家里没有多少食物了。 152

3 Regular exercise will do you a lot of good.定时锻炼,将会对你有许多好处。 155

4 We ve come a good way. 我们已经走了好长的路了。 159

6 He has got a few friends here.他在此地有几个朋友。 167

7 He is blind in both eyes. 他双目失明。 171

8 Has either of you seen him?你们俩谁见过他? 175

9 I have no brothers. 我没有兄弟。 179

10 They had to wait for another six hours.他们不得不再等6小时。 183

CHAPTER 9汉语中常用量词的英译法 188

1 A large amount of money were spent on the bridge.建那座桥花了大笔的钱。 188

2 I bought a bunch of flowers. 我买了一束花。 192

3 He drank a can of root beer.他喝了一罐甜啤酒。 196

4 The professor has a large collection of books.这位教授有一大批藏书。 199

5 There are several couples of partners in the floor. 舞池中有好几对舞伴。 202

6 We saw a crowd of lookers-on.我们看到一群旁观者。 205

7 Drop of water sparkled on the sun. 一滴滴水在阳光下闪闪发光。 209

8 We have received a new lot of hats.我们刚进了一批新帽子。 212

9 Many kinds of apples grow in our garden.我们的花园里长着许多种苹果。 216

10 The pond became a solid mass of ice.池塘变成了一大块坚硬的冰。 220

11 He took a mouthful of fresh air. 他吸了一口新鲜空气。 223

12 He bought a pair of compasses. 他买了一副圆规。 226

13 Please give me a piece of paper.请给我一张纸。 230

14 There are a pile of letters on the desk. 桌上有一堆书信。 234

15 He came across a series of problems. 他碰了一连串的钉子。 237

16 My friend presented me with a set of blue china tea service. 我的朋友送给我一套青瓷茶具。 240

17 Jeorge was wearing a new suit of clothes. 乔治穿了一套新衣服。 244

18 This store keeps a big stock of books. 这家书店存有一大批书。 248

19 He invented a new type of stethoscope. 他发明了一种新型的听诊器。 251

20 There are over twenty varieties of roses in the garden.花园里有20多个品种的玫瑰。 255
