- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:苏立昌,肖立新等编著
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7310014146
- 页数:357 页
Ⅰ 阅读技巧(Reading Skills) 1
1.专业与背景知识的掌握 1
2.怎样阅读报刊文章的标题 2
3.西方经贸报刊描述经济发展情况及预测发展趋势的习惯表达方式 8
4.西方经贸报刊文章句子、段落的衔接 17
5.西方经贸报刊文章的写作特点 21
6.西方经贸报刊词汇的掌握 32
Lesson 1 How Worried Should You Be? 42
Ⅱ 阅读文章(Selected Readings) 42
Supplementary Reading:Just What Is Holding the U.S.Economy up?The“X”Factor 48
Lesson 2 Asia’s Flawed Fundamentals 51
Supplementary Reading:The East Asian Tigers Have Plenty to Roar about 55
Lesson 3 The Main Obstacle to Recovery?Politicians 58
Supplementary Reading:Bad Banks:Why Japan’s Pols Are Paralyzed 62
Lesson 4 Shocked in Shanghai 66
Supplementary Reading:China Can Learn from East Asian Crisis 69
Lesson 5 The New Business Cycle 72
Supplementary Reading:High-Tech Stocks:Keeping the Faith,So Far 81
Inter-lesson Exercises(Ⅰ) 84
Lesson 6 The Cendant Mess Gets Messier 92
Supplementary Reading:Cendant:Who Is to Blame? 97
Lesson 7 Poof!And Small Turns into Big 101
Supplementary Reading:The Innovative Society 105
Lesson 8 The Euro 109
Supplementary Reading:The Euro Will Turn Europe into a Superpower 116
Lesson 9 The Great Euro Soap Opera 119
Supplementary Reading:Weighing the Cost of the Euro 124
Lesson 10 What to Do about Asia 127
Supplementary Reading:What Sank Asia?Money Sloshing around the World 134
Inter-Lesson Exercises(Ⅱ) 137
Lesson 11 Globalism Doesn’t Have to Be Cruel 146
Supplementary Reading:Lessons from Our Fast-Changing World 149
Lesson 12 Yikes!Japan’s Bank Debt Bomb Is Scarier than You Think 154
Supplementary Reading:Last Chance for the Yen? 159
Lesson 13 Desperation 163
Supplementary Reading:Asia Hand 168
Lesson 14 Instruments of the Capital Market 172
Supplementary Reading:Why the Antitrust Cops Should Lay off High Tech 176
Lesson 15 Who Can You Trust?/Earnings Hocus-pocus 179
Supplementary Reading:Asian Flu,European Sniffles 186
Inter-lesson Exercises(Ⅲ) 189
Lesson 16 Doing Business 198
Supplementary Reading:Trouble on Wall Street May Mean Trouble on Main Street 204
Lesson 17 Something Pretty Darn Close to Wisdom 208
Lesson 18 Make Way for the New CEO Clones 220
Supplementary Reading:Demystifying Leadership 228
Lesson 19 New World Realities and Competitiveness 233
Supplementary Reading:The Pitfalls of Unspoken Signals 238
Lesson 20 The Different Faces of the Chinese Consumers 242
Supplementary Reading:Pulling and Pushing Marketing Strategies in a Market-oriented System 247
Inter-lesson Exercises(Ⅳ) 252
Lesson 21 The Battle for Brazil 258
Supplementary Reading:Motown Slowdown 265
Lesson 22 Free Markets and Growth 269
Supplementary Reading:A Free Market Winner vs.a Soviet-style Loser 272
Lesson 23 Two Japans 275
Supplementary Reading:The Other Japan 283
Lesson 24 Why Seoul Is Seething 286
Supplementary Reading:Meltdown in Seoul 289
Lesson 25 How Long Can This Last? 293
Supplementary Reading:Why This Expansion Could Steam past Asian Shoals 298
Inter-lesson Exercises(Ⅴ) 302
Lesson 26 The Cartels Are Finally Crumbling 308
Supplementary Reading:‘A Fiasco for Germany’ 310
Lesson 27 Will the Ruble Bring down the Banks? 313
Supplementary Reading:And Now,the Pain 315
Lesson 28 Cheaper Exports?Not So Fast 318
Supplementary Reading:Don’t Worry:China Isn’t Following in Japan’s Footsteps 321
Lesson 29 A Quiet Revolution 324
Supplementary Reading:An Economy Ripped in Two 327
Lesson 30 WTO:World Trade Organization 330
Ⅲ 附录(Appendices) 341
1.Information Related to the Texts 341
2.Information on International Business Journals 355
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- 《家畜百宝 猪、牛、羊、鸡的综合利用》山西省商业厅组织技术处编著 1959
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- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
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- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
- 《近代民营出版机构的英语函授教育 以“商务、中华、开明”函授学校为个案 1915年-1946年版》丁伟 2017