- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张守樟,李林圃等编
- 出 版 社:西安:陕西科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:15202·81
- 页数:340 页
Lesson1 The Importance of Electricity(电的重要性) 1
Lesson2 Electricity(电) 8
Lesson3 What is Electricity?(电是什么?) 14
Lesson4 Electric Current(电流) 22
Lesson5 Movement of Electricity 电的运动 28
Lesson6 Voltage(电压) 34
Lesson7 Resonant Circuits(谐振电路) 41
Lesson8 Insulators(绝缘体) 48
Lesson9 Transformers(变压器) 54
Lesson10 Transmission of Electricity(输电) 61
Lesson11 Andre Marie Ampere(安德烈·玛丽·安培) 69
Lesson12 Magnetic Forces and Fields(磁力与磁场) 74
Lesson13 Interaction between Electricity and Magnetism(电和磁的相互作用) 81
Lesson14 Why Is Alternating Current Used?(为什么使用交流电?) 86
Lesson15 Ac and Dc Circuits(交流和直流电路) 91
Lesson16 The Conservation of Electric Charge(电荷守恒) 95
Lesson17 Georg Simon Ohm(乔治·西蒙·欧姆) 100
Lesson18 The Resistance of Wire(电线的电阻) 106
Lesson19 The Kilowatt-Hour(千瓦小时) 111
Lesson20 Michael Faraday迈克尔·法拉第 118
Lesson21 Electric Motors(电动机) 128
Lesson22 Generators(发电机) 133
Lesson23 Electric Generators(发电机) 141
Lesson24 Comparison of Motors and Generators(电动机和发电机的比较) 147
Lesson25 Power(功率) 152
Lesson26 Series Power Sources(串联电源) 157
Lesson27 Short Circuits(短路) 162
Lesson28 The Load(负载) 167
Lesson29 Thomas Alva Edison(托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生) 171
Lesson30 The Incandescent Light(白炽灯) 178
Lesson31 How Do We Use Energy for Communication?(我们怎样用能量通讯?) 185
Lesson32 How the Telegraph Works(电报机是怎样工作的) 190
Lesson33 How Does the Telephone Work?(电话是怎样工作的?) 197
Lesson34 How Television Works(电视怎样工作) 207
Lesson35 Playing the Record Back(播放唱片) 214
Lesson36 Playing a Tape Recording(播放磁带录音) 219
Lesson37 Radar(雷达) 225
Lesson38 Sonar(声纳) 230
Lesson39 Resistor Failures(电阻器故障) 235
Lesson40 Failure of Auxiliary Devices(辅助设备的故障) 240
Lesson41 Waves(波) 245
Lesson42 Kinds of Waves(波的种类) 250
Lesson43 How Waves Behave(波的性能) 255
Lesson44 Loudspeakers(扩音器) 261
Lesson45 The Light That Carries Sound(传播声音的光) 268
Lesson46 Sound,Light,and Electrical Energy(声、光和电能) 274
Appendix1 Translations(附录1. 参考译文) 281
Appendix2 Key to the Exercises(附录2. 练习答案) 330
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