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英语近义词语辨析与演练  高中卷
英语近义词语辨析与演练  高中卷

英语近义词语辨析与演练 高中卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:尹福昌主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7313026978
  • 页数:276 页
《英语近义词语辨析与演练 高中卷》目录

Part One Verbs 1

Unit One 1

abandon,desert 1

accept,get,receive 1

accomplish,achieve,complete,finish 2

advise,persuade,convince,suggest 3

affect,influence 4

agree,promise,approve 4

allow,admit,permit,let 6

amuse,entertain,interest 7

answer,reply 8

announce,declare,state 8

单元测试1 9

Unit Two 10

appear,seem,look 10

appreciate,admire,enjoy,like 11

argue,discuss,quarrel,debate 11

arrive,reach,get 12

ask,require,demand,beg 13

astonish,amaze,surprise,wonder 13

attend,attend,to,be present 14

awake,wake,awaken,waken 15

award,reward,grant 15

单元测试2 16

beat,win,strike,adfeat 16

Unit Three 18

begin,start 18

believe,trust,bilieve in 19

borrow,keep,lend 19

bring,take,fetch,carry,send 19

catch,grasp,seize,master 20

change,exchange,replace 21

choose,select,elect,pick,prefer 21

close,shut 22

connect,join,unite,link 23

consider,regard,treat 23

单元测试3 24

Unit Four 26

consist,compose 26

contain,include,involve,hold 26

cost,pay,spend,take,spare 27

cry,shout,weep 27

cure,treat,heal 28

decline,lessen,reduce 28

defend,protect,guard 29

cemand,request,require,need 30

depend,rely 30

destroy,damage,harm,wreck,ruin,spoil 31

单元测试4 31

devote,dedicate 33

direct,lead,guide,show 33

Unit Five 33

disclose,expose,uncover 34

discover,invent,develop 35

divide,separate,isolate 35

draw,pull,drag 36

dress,wear,put on,have on 36

drill,train,exercise,practice 37

emerge,appear 37

examine,test,check 38

单元测试5 38

Unit Six 40

excuse,pardon,forgive 40

expect,hope,wish,desire 40

fall,drop,sink 41

feed,support,raise 42

fit,suit,match 42

fix,install,mend,repair 43

flee,escape 44

flow,float,fly 44

force,oblige,make 45

gather,collect 45

单元测试6 46

Unit Seven 47

get,obtain,gain 47

glance,scan,skim,browse 48

glare,gaze,stare 48

grasp,seize,snatch,hold 49

glide,slide,slip 49

happen,occur,take place 50

hesitate,doubt 51

hurt,injure,wound 51

inform,remind,warn 52

insist,persist,persevere,stick 53

单元测试7 53

Unit Eight 55

inspect,prove 55

join,attend,take part in 55

knock,hit,bump 56

know,recognize,realize 57

laugh,smile 57

learn,study,research 58

lay,lie,locate 58

listen,hear 59

look,see,notice,observe,watch 59

lose,miss,fail 60

单元测试8 61

Unit Nine 63

manage,try,intend,plan,mean 63

memorize,remember,recite 64

mistake,wrong 64

neglect,ignore 65

offer,supply,provide,furnish,equip 65

produce,make,manufacture 66

postpone,delay,cancel 66

peer,peep 66

question,ask,request 67

raise,rise,arise 68

单元测试9 68

Unit Ten 70

refuse,reject,decline 70

relax,relieve 70

rob,steal 71

say,speak,tell,talk 71

sit,seat 72

stop,pause 72

suggest,propose 73

stroll,stride,wander 73

swing,sway,rock 74

threaten,frighten,terrify 74

单元测试10 75

Part Two Nouns 77

Unit One 77

accent,dialect,tune,tone 77

accident,incident,event 77

ache,pain 78

act,action,deed,behavior,conduct 79

advantage,bendfit,profit 79

aim,purpose,intention 80

animal,beast,creature,pet 81

alternative,choice 81

area,district,zone,terrain,region 82

athletics,game,sport 83

单元测试1 83

Unit Two 85

bank,beach,coast,shore 85

base,basis,foundation 86

battle,fight,war 86

border,boundary,frontier 87

break,interval,pause,interruption 87

bundle,bunch,parcel,package 88

chance,opportunity 89

cause,reason 89

character,characteristic,quzlity,personality 90

chat,talk,conversation,dialogue 90

单元测试2 91

Unit Three 93

citizen,people,inhabitant,aborigine 93

climate,weather 94

clothes,clothing,dress,suit 94

country,nation,state,power 95

custom,habit 96

date,day 96

direction,instruction 97

doctor,physician,surgeon,dentist 97

drawing,painting,picture,portrait 98

door,entrance,gate 98

单元测试3 99

Unit Four 101

energy,force,power,strength,vigor 101

epoch,age,era,time 102

equipment,device,instrument,tool 102

error,blunder,fault,mistake,wrong 103

expert,specialist,authority 104

fable,fairy tale,legend,myth 104

fate,destiny,fortune 105

favor,aid,help,assistance 105

feeling,emotion,sense,mood 106

单元测试4 107

festival,vacation,holiday 107

Unit Five 109

floor,storey,layer,ground 109

form,shape 110

group,crowd,gang,troop 110

human,human being,man,mankind 111

illness,sickness,disease,disorder 112

importance,significance 112

inquiry,investigation,examination,survey 113

institute,college,university 113

job,work,position,profession,occupation,career 114

journey,trip,tour,travel,excursion,voyage,sightseeing 115

单元测试5 116

kind,sort,type,species,breed 118

Unit Six 118

lecture,speech,lesson,course 119

line,row,queue 120

manager,director,official,officer 120

mark,emblem,sign,signal,symbol,token 121

meal,snack,feast,banquet,dinner,party 122

method,means,way,style 123

middle,center(centre) 123

noise,sound,voice 124

number,figure,numeral,digit,fraction 124

单元测试6 125

opinion,view,idea,thought 127

part,section,share 127

Unit Seven 127

pay,salary,wage 128

phrase,idiom,proverb,slang,motto 129

possession,property,belongings 130

principle,principal 130

prize,award,reward,bonus 131

problem,question,issue 132

proof,evidence 132

road,path,avenue,street,boulevard 133

单元测试7 134

Unit Eight 135

scene,scenery,sight,view 135

shade,shadow 136

teacher,tutor,lecturer,coach 137

spot,site,scene 137

technique,technology,skill,knack 138

theory,concept,truth 139

treatment,cure,therapy 139

trust,faith,confidence,belief 140

undertaking,enterprise,venture 140

whisper,murmur 141

单元测试8 141

Part Three Phrasal Verbs 144

Unit One 144

break away,break down,break in,break into,break off ,break out,break through,break up 144

call back,call for,call forth,call in,call off ,call on,call out,call up 145

carry away,carry forward,carry off,carry on,carry out,carry over,carry through 146

get about,get along,get down to,get in,get off ,get on,get out of,get over,get through,get together 147

go after,go against,go ahead,go back to,go by,go down,go in for,go on,go out,go over,go through,go up 150

see about,see off ,see out,see over,see through,see to 152

set about,set aside,set back,set down,set forth,set in,set off,set out,set up,set upon 153

think about,think back to,think of,think out,think over,think through,think up 154

turn against,turn away,turn back,turn in,turn on,turn off ,turn out,turn over,turn to,turn up 155

work at,work in,work off ,work over,work out,work up 157

单元测试1 158

Unit Two 160

come about,come across,come along/on,come down,come out,come to 160

hear about,hear from,hear of,hear out 161

hold back,hold down,hold off ,hold on,hold out,hold over,hold to,hold together,hold up 162

keep at,keep back,keep down,keep from,keep off,keep on,keep out,keep to,keep up,keep up with 163

look about/around,look after,look back,look down on/upon,look forward to,look in,look into,look on/upon,look out,look over,look through,look to,look up,look up to 165

make for,make of,make off/away,make out,make up,make up for 167

pass away,pass by,pass for,pass off ,pass on,pass out,pass over,pass through 168

pay back,pay for,pay off ,pay out 169

run into,run out of,run over,run through,run to,run up,run up against 170

take aback,take after,take away,take back,take down,take for,take in,take off,take on,take out,take over,take to,take up,take up with 171

单元测试2 173

Part Four Prepositions,Connectives and Other Phrases 176

Unit One 176

above,on,over 176

across,through 176

beside,by,near,mearby 177

below,under,beneath 177

across,opposite 177

besides,except,except for,except that 178

in,within,after 179

like,as 179

Unit Two 180

at all,after all,above all,first of all 180

at the end,in the end,by the end 180

at all time,at one time,at a time,at times 181

a number of,the number of 181

at the top of,on the top of 182

at a distance,in the distance,from a distance 182

before long,long before 183

because of ,due to,thanks to,owing to 183

a great deal of,a large amount of,a great many 183

Unit Three 184

as,because,since,for 184

till,until,unless 185

though,although 185

Unit Four 186

every other day,the other day 186

for example,such as 186

in charge of,in the charge of 187

in case,in case of,in any case 187

in the dark,in the darkness 188

in the air,on the air 188

in front of,in the front of 188

no more than,not more than 189

in time,on time,in no time 189

no longer,no more 190

on earth,on the earth 190

out of question,out of the question 190

单元测试 191

Part Five Adjectives and Adverbs 193

Unit One 193

accurate,exact,precise 193

aged,old,ancient,elderly 193

ahead,forward 194

also,too,either 195

attractive,magnetic,irresistible,fascinating,charming 195

bare,exposed,bald 196

bad,nasty,rotten 196

big,large,huge,great 197

beautiful,handsome,lovely,pretty 197

boring,dull,tedious,monotonous,tiresorne 198

单元测试1 199

Unit Two 200

born,borne 200

bright,clever,intelligent,smart,wise,quick 201

calm,quiet,silent,peaceful,still 202

careless,thoughtless,casual,irresponsible 202

central,middle,nuclear 203

certain,sure,definite,confident 204

childish,childlike 204

chean,tidy,neat,pure,hygienic 205

chief,main 205

close,closely 206

单元测试2 206

Unit Three 208

common,ordinary,usual,gencral,normal 208

conceited,proud 208

considerate,considerable 209

continual,continuous 209

contrary,opposite 209

correct,right,exact,real,true 210

currently,presently,recently,lately 211

dead,deadly,dying 211

单元测试3 212

dead,lifeless,late 212

deeply,deep 212

Unit Fout 214

difficult,hard,tough,arduous 214

diligent,hard-working,industrious,energetic 215

distant,faraway,remote 215

drunk,drunken 216

each,every 216

educated,cultivated,learned,knowledgeable 217

efficient,effective 217

elder,elderly,older,aged 218

empty,vacant,spare 218

单元测试*4 219

energetic,vigorous,lively 219

Unit Five 221

especial,special,particular,peculiar 221

experienced,professional,qualified,practiced,veteran 222

fair,just,right,objective 222

fairly,quick,rather 223

fast,quick,rapid,swift 224

fat,stain,plump 224

fatal,deadly,mortal 225

favorite,favorable,popular 225

fierce,cruel,savage 226

finally,at last,in the end 226

单元测试5 227

fit,suitable,proper,appropriate 229

foreign,migrant,ethnic 229

Unit Six 229

funny,amusing,humorous 230

generous,liberal,hospitable 230

genuine,real,true 231

glad,pleased,happy,merry,cheerful 232

golden,gold 232

hard,hardly 233

healthy well,tine,fit 233

heavy,weighty,solid 234

单元测试6 234

historic,historical 236

Unit Seven 236

highly,high 236

honest,honorable,upright,sincere 237

horrible,dreadful,terrible,frightful 237

huge,gigantic,enormous,uast 238

ignorant,stupid,foolish,silly 238

incorrect,inaccurate,untrue,false,mistaken 239

jealous,envious 240

joyful,jubilant 240

kind,nice,thoughtful,considerate 240

单元测试7 241

late,lately,later 243

likely,probable,possible 243

Unit Eight 243

lit,lighted 244

little,small,tiny 244

main,major,chief,key,primary 245

modern,contemporary,current,recent 245

moist,wet,damp 246

near,close,nearby,next 247

necessary,essential,vital,imperative 247

old,ancient,antique 248

单元测试8 248

Unit Nine 250

only,single,individual 250

pleasant,pleasing,pleased 251

permanent,everlasting,eternal,immortal 251

powerful,mighty,forceful,strong 252

public,general,popular 252

real,true 253

reliabel,responsible,dependable 253

rich,wealthy 254

rude,impolite,insulting 254

sad,miserable,upset 255

单元测试9 255

Unit Ten 257

scarce,rare,infraquent,seldom 257

secret,private,confidential 257

shy,timid 258

serious,severe,strict 258

simitar,alike,same 259

single,only,sole,unique 259

sometime,sometimes,some time,some times 260

steady,stable,firm,fixed 261

strange,peculiar,unusual 261

tall,high 262

单元测试10 262

Unit Eleven 264

thick,dense,heavy 264

thin,slender,slim 264

tired,worn,exhausted 265

unequal,unbalanced,irregular 265

usual,normal,regular 266

unusual,rare,extraordinary 266

useful,helpful,valuable 266

valuable,priceless,valueless,worthless 267

violent,fierce,furious,wild 267

weak,feeble,ill,sick 268

单元测试11 269

Unit Twelve 270

whole,entire,total,complete 270

wide,broad,extensive 271

widely,wide 272

worth,worthy,worthwhile 272

单元测试12 272

Key 274
