- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)丹尼斯顿等著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7117045671
- 页数:850 页
Chance Favors the Prepared Mind 2
Chemistry Connection 2
A Human Perspective 4
The Scientific Method 4
Food Calories 25
A Clinical Perspective 28
Diagnosis Based on Waste 28
Curiosity,Science,and Medicine 34
Atomic Spectra and the Fourth of July 51
Electromagnetic Radiation and Its Effects on Our Everyday Life 52
An Environmental Perspective 52
Managing Mountains of Information 58
A Medical Perspective 62
Copper Deficiency and Wilson s Disease 62
Dietary Calcium 73
Magnets and Migration 82
How the Elements Came into Being 95
Blood Pressure and the Sodium Ion/Potassium Ion Ratio 96
The Chemistry of Automobile Air Bags 118
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:A Case of Combining Ratios 133
Pharmaceutical Chemistry: The Practical Significance of Percent Yield 144
The Demise of the Hindenburg 150
Autoclaves and the Gas Laws 156
The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming 163
Blood Gases and Respiration 166
Seeing a Thought 176
Scuba Diving:Nitrogen and the Bends 185
An Extraordinary Molecule 198
Hemodialysis 200
The Cost of Energy?More Than You Imagine 206
Triboluminescence:Sparks in the Dark with Candy 211
Hot and Cold Packs 218
Drug Delivery 238
Acid Rain 252
Control of Blood pH 258
Oxidizing Agents for Chemical Control of Microbes 259
Electrochemical Reactions on the Statue of Liberty and in Dental Fillings 261
Turning the Human Body into a Battery 264
An Extraordinary Woman in Science 270
Nuclear Waste Disposal 281
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 286
Radon and Indoor Air Pollution 291
The Origin of Organic Compounds 296
Oil-Eating Bacteria 309
Polyhalogenated Hydrocarbons Used as Anesthetics 315
A Cautionary Tale:DDT and Biological Magnification 324
Life without Polymers? 340
Aromatic Compounds and Carcinogenesis 346
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 356
Alcohol Consumption and the Breathalyzer Test 371
Multistep Organic Synthesis 372
Genetic Complexity from Simple Molecules 384
Aldehydes in Medicine 392
The Chemistry of Vision 401
Wake Up,Sleeping Gene 408
Garbage Bags from Potato Peels 416
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives of Special Interest 430
The Nicotine Patch 440
Medically Important Amines 447
Secondary Amines and Cancer 451
Amines and the Central Nervous System 455
Medically Important Amides 457
Chemistry Through the Looking Glass 468
Tooth Decay and Simple Sugars 470
Blood Transfusions and the Blood Group Antigens 484
The Bacterial Cell Wall 488
Monosaccharide Derivatives and Heteropolysaccharides of Medical Interest 490
Life-Saving Lipids 496
Disorders of Sphingolipid Metabolism 510
Anabolic Steroids and Athletics 513
Steroids and the Treatment of Heart Disease 515
Antibiotics That Destroy Membrane Integrity 524
Angiogenesis Inhibitors:Proteins that Inhibit Tumor Growth 534
The Opium Poppy and Peptide Synthesis in the Brain 542
Collagen:A Protein That Makes Us Strong 548
Immunoglobulins:Proteins That Defend the Body 554
Super Hot Enzymes and the Origin of Life 566
The AIDS Test 576
Enzymes Nerve Transmission,and Nerve Agents 588
Enzymes,Isoenzymes,and Myocardial Infarction 592
The Man Who Got Tipsy from Eating Pasta 600
Fermentations:The Good,the Bad,and the Ugly 626
Glycogen Storage Diseases 630
Mitochondria from Mom 636
Exercise and Energy Metabolism 638
Brown Fat:The Fat That Makes You Thin? 650
Obesity:A Genetic Disorder? 666
Losing Those Unwanted Pounds of Adipose Tissue 672
Diabetes Mellitus and Ketone Bodies 680
Molecular Genetics and Detection of Human Genetic Disease 692
Fooling the AIDS Virus with Look-Alike Nucleotides 698
24.4 Information Flow in Biological Systems 701
Classes of RNA Molecules 702
Transcription 703
Post-transcriptional Processing of RNA 705
24.5 The Genetic Code 707
24.6 Protein Synthesis 708
The Role of Transfer RNA 709
The Process of Translation 711
The Nature of Mutations 713
24.7 Mutation,Ultraviolet Light,and DNA Repair 713
The Results of Mutations 713
Ultraviolet Light Damage and DNA Repair 714
Mutagens and Carcinogens 714
A CLINICAL PERSPECTIVE: The Ames Test for Carcinogens 715
The Ames Test for Carcinogens 715
Consequences of Defects in DNA Repair 716
24.8 Recombinant DNA 716
Tools Used in the Study of DNA 716
DNA Fingerprinting 720
A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE: DNA Fingerprinting 720
Genetic Engineering 721
24.9 Polymerase Chain Reaction 723
A MEDICAL PERSPECTIVE:α1-Antitrypsin and Familial Emphysema 724
α1-Antitrypsin and Familial Emphysema 724
Summary 725
Key Terms 726
Questions and Problems 727
Critical Thinking Problems 728
Appendixes 729
Glossary 769
Answers to Selected Problems 785
Credits 821
Index 823
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