英语科普阅读 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭继荣等编
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560512801
- 页数:357 页
1.What s a Scientific Theory? (什么是科学理论?) 1
2.Entropy(熵) 6
3.How the Heavens Go(天国的秘密) 12
4.The Science That Imitates Nature s Mechanisms(仿生学--模仿自然界功能的科学) 17
5.Atmospheric Sciences(环境科学) 23
6.What Use Is Philosophy?(哲学有何用处?) 29
7.Birth of a Buzzword--Globality(“全球境”--一个流行词的诞生) 33
8.In 1900, They Never Imagined(1900年,人们不曾想到……) 37
9.The Pager, the Cellular Telephone and the Personal Cordless Telephone(寻呼机,蜂窝式手机和无绳电话) 45
10.Xeno s Paradox(异体移植) 49
11.First Dolly, Now Mickey: Scientists Clone Mouse(先有多莉,现有米基:科学家克隆老鼠) 52
12.Dolly s False Legacy(绵羊多莉引发的谬误) 55
13.Medicines May Soon Come in the Form of Food(食品形式的药物即将出现) 61
14.Tool Innovation in Automobile Manufacture(汽车产业中生产工具的革新) 66
15.Cars of the Future Come Under Scrutiny(未来汽车在研制之中) 72
16.What Is “Mechatronics”?(“机电一体化”是什么?) 78
17.Aseptic Processing(无菌处理) 84
18.Prospecting the Moon(月球探秘) 89
19.Man Searches for Life in Space(宇宙生命探秘) 92
20.The Ancient History of the Internet(因特网史话) 97
21.Marketing Is Changing, Thanks to the Internet(营销起变化,缘于因特网) 104
22.Angels on the Internet(因特网上的天使) 108
23.One Computer, One World(一台计算机,一个世界) 115
24.What s New in the Computer World(计算机世界的新产品) 120
25.Microprocessor Applications(微处理器的应用) 125
26.The Biology of Technology (Ⅰ)(技术的“生命周期”(Ⅰ)) 129
27.The Biology of Technology (Ⅱ)(技术的“生命周期”(Ⅱ)) 134
28.The History and the Hype(历史与骗局) 138
29.Calm down: It s Just Another Big Glitch(“千年虫”不就是只小虫吗?) 143
30.Dangers towards the Computers(计算机面临的危险) 148
31.The Year 2000: Dilemma and Solutions(Ⅰ)(2000年,困境与选择(Ⅰ)) 152
32.The Year 2000: Dilemma and Solutions(Ⅱ)(2000年,困境与选择(Ⅱ)) 157
33.Multimedia(Ⅰ)(多媒体(Ⅰ)) 162
34.Multimedia(Ⅱ)(多媒体(Ⅱ)) 167
35.Multimedia(Ⅲ)(多媒体(Ⅲ)) 171
36.The Second Railway Revolution(第二次铁路革命) 175
37.Cassini Probe to Saturn Is First to the Moon of Another Planet(卡西尼号飞船驶向土星:人类对另一颗行星之卫星的首次探测活动) 179
38.Lost and Found in Orbit(“失而复得”的太空探测器) 183
39.The Cash-free Society(无现金社会) 187
40.Gaining Efficiencies Within the Branch(银行走进“自动化时代”) 192
41.The 20-Volume Oxford Dictionary Will Now Fit into Your Pocket(20卷的牛津词典现在可放入您的口袋) 199
42.Pollution Is a Dirty Word(污染--一个肮脏的字眼) 206
43.Pay for Pollution(污染--人们要为之付出巨大代价) 211
44.A Human Hand in the Yangtze Flooding(长江水灾的人为因素) 217
45.Blowing Hot and Cold(反复无常) 222
46.Keep Food on the Table(怎样使我们的餐桌丰盛起来) 226
47.The Oceans--Man s Last Great Resource(海洋--人类最后的巨大资源) 231
48.Air Bubbles in the Sea(海洋中的大气循环) 235
49.Those Awesome Night Flyers(令人敬畏的夜间飞禽) 241
50.Germs, Infection, and Disease(细菌、传染和疾病) 245
51.Energy Problems in Latin America(拉美各国所面临的能源问题) 250
52.Firing Refinery By-products(副产品的回收利用) 255
53.Frozen History(Ⅰ)(冰核--解开地球气候变迁之谜的金钥匙(Ⅰ)) 259
54.Frozen History(Ⅱ)(冰核--解开地球气候变迁之谜的金钥匙(Ⅱ)) 264
55.A Cure for Sick Building Syndrome(治疗大楼综合病) 269
56.The Big Push for Protein(蛋白质--人体重要的组成部分) 273
57.Hazards in Chemical Engineering Laboratories(化学试验室里的危险) 277
58.Social Anxiety: New Focus Leads to Insights and Therapy(社会焦虑症--根源及治疗) 281
59.How to Relax in a Crowd(众人之中如何放松) 286
60.Comfort and Joy(惬意与快乐) 293
61.Independence Day, July 4th(7月4日,美国独立纪念日) 297
62.The History of Thanksgiving Day(感恩节的历史) 305
63.My Friend, Albert Einstein(我的朋友爱因斯坦) 310
64.A Tale of Two(比尔总统和比尔首富) 316
65.Best Graduate Schools(全球最好的研究生院) 322
66.Oxford University Has Had an Outstanding Reputation for Centuries(享誉数百年的牛津大学) 327
67.Head Start(智力开发--到国外上中学) 334
68.Becoming Wealthy: It s Up to You(Ⅰ)(你也能成为百万富翁(Ⅰ)) 341
69.Becoming Wealthy: It s Up to You(Ⅱ)(你也能成为百万富翁(Ⅱ)) 348
70.Five Ring Scandal(被丑闻淹没的五环旗) 354
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