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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:林静编著
  • 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7561514948
  • 页数:238 页

Unit One 1

PassageA OfTheir Safe Voyage 关于他们的平安航行(William Bradford) 1

PassageB The American Revolution 美国革命 8

PassageC The Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 27

Unit Two 36

PassageA George Washington 乔治·华盛顿(Thomas Jefferson) 36

PassageB Grant and Lee 格兰特和李(Bruce Catton) 44

PassageC Lincoln Up Close 走近林肯(Gore Vidal) 55

Unit Three 66

PassageA Advice to Youth 对青年的劝告(Mark Twain) 66

PassageB The Nature of Liberty 自由的本质(H.L.Menken) 72

PassageC Running for Governor 竞选州长(Mark Twain) 82

PassageD Learning for Tomorrow 为明天学习(Alvin Toffler) 92

Unit Four 101

PassageA Three Days to See 给我三天的光明(Helen Keller) 101

PassageB Love Story 爱情的故事(Erich Segal) 109

PassageC The City 城市(John V.Lindsay) 123

PassageD Key to Management 管理的秘诀(Lee Iacocca) 132

Unit Five 140

PassageA Political Parties in the United States 美国的政党 140

PassageB The Chief Executive 行政长官(Ernest S.Griffith) 149

PassageC The Inaugural Address 就职演说(John F.Kennedy) 160

Unit Six 168

PassageA Where Do All New Words Come From? 新词都是从哪里来的? 168

PassageB The Cultural Differences between America and Other Countries 美国与其他国家的文化差异(Alison R.Lanier) 175

PassageC Schools in the United States 美国的学校(Alison R.Lanier) 187

Appendix One:Key to Vocabulary Work 词汇练习答案 195

Appendix Two:Reference Translation 参考译文 201
