- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周谟智,邓炎昌编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1980
- ISBN:9215·40
- 页数:305 页
Lesson 1
1.Text A:The World,Its Countries and Peoples 1
Text B:Gyps ies—T he ir Past and Present 21 4
Word Study:call,speak,made of,none 8
Text B:Tropical Countries 15
2.Text A:How Marx and Lenin Studied Foreign Languages 19
Word Study:go on,keep,get to,find 22
Text B:How the English Language has Developed from Early Times 32
3.Text A:PFC Hyman,No.32703980 Meets Chairman Mao 35
Word Study:hear,remember,by 39
Text B:A Photo of Friendship 49
4.Text A:Isaac Newton 55
Word Study:full,fill,interest,spend,little,few,no matter,remain 59
Text B:Gravity 71
5.Text A:The Last Lesson 76
Word Study:order,suggest,dare,without,as,only,except,besides,seem 81
Text B:William Tell 92
6.Text A:The Fall of Troy 98
Word Study:make,it,either,neither,so that,remind,warn 102
Text B:The Olympic Games 113
7.Text A:Galileo 118
Word Study:whether,happen,lead to,dream,succeed,what 121
Text B:Thomas Edison 132
8.Text A:London 138
Word Study:afford,force,mind,take care of,take charge of,look after 141
Text B:On the Thames 152
9.Text A:Painting Aunt Polly's Fence 155
Word Study:appear,appearance,stop,wish,mean,meaning 159
Text B:A Matter of Honor 172
10.Text A:Simple Habits,Deep Thoughts 178
Word Study:expect,notice,pay,prove 181
Text B:Einstein's Theories 194
11.Text A:Gypsies—a Wandering People 198
Word Study:prefer,work,fit,used 201
12.Text A:The People of the United States 218
Word Study:share,keep,mention,increase 221
Text B:TheUnited States of America 234
13.Text A:Glimpsesof New York 239
Word Study:show,settle,bring,put 243
Text B:Washington 256
14.Text A:The Lady,or The Tiger? 261
Word Study:prove,give,in case,in order that 266
Text B:Law and Law Courts 278
15.Text A:Running for Governor 282
Word Study:run,charge,meet 289
Text B:How Americans Choose Their President 302
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