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  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李开荣主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7506809087
  • 页数:714 页

(一)社会学 Sociology 1

一、政治科学 Political Science 1

(一)社会学 Sociology 1

1.总论 General 1

(1)社会学术语 Sociological Terms 1

一、政治科学 Political Science 1

(2)分支社会学 Branches of Sociology 2

2.社会整体结构 Whole Structure of Society 3

(1)自然环境 Natural Environment 3

(2)人口因素 Population Factor 3

(4)政治因素 Political Factor 4

(3)经济因素 Economic Factor 4

(5)文化因素 Cultural Factor 4

3.社会子整体结构 Sub-whole Structure of Society 5

(1)个人 Individual 5

(2)社会化 Socialization 6

(3)社会角色 Social Role 6

(4)社会群体 Social Group 6

(5)家庭 Family 7

(6)社会组织 Social Organization 7

(7)社会分层 Social Stratification 8

(8)社会流动 Social Mobility 9

(9)社区 Community 9

(1)社会交往 Social Interaction 10

4.社会运行 Social Motion 10

(2)社会关系 Social Relation 11

(3)社会行为 Social Behaviour 11

(4)生活方式 Life style 12

(5)社会变迁 Social Change 12

5.社会调适 Social Adjustment 13

(1)社会制度 Social Institution 13

(2)社会管理 Social Management 13

(3)社会保障 Social Guarantee 14

(4)社会问题 Social Problem 14

(二)政治学 Politics 15

(二)政治学 Politics 15

1.普通政治学 General Politics 15

2.国际政治学 International Politics 19

1.一般用语 General Terms 22

(三)政治经济学 Political Economics 22

(三)政治经济学 Political Economics 22

2.前资本主义 Precapitalism 23

(2)货币 Currency 24

(1)商品 Commodity 24

3.资本主义 Capitalism 24

(4)剩余价值 Surplus Value 25

(3)资本 Capital 25

4.帝国主义 Imperialism 27

(5)经济危机 Economic Crisis 27

5.社会主义 Socialism 28

(四)行政学 Administration 30

(四)行政学 Administration 30

1.行政管理学 Administration Management 30

2.人事、财务行政 Personnel,Financial Administration 32

3.行政机关管理和行政法制 Administrative Office Management and Legal System 32

(一)阶级与革命 Class and Revolution 33

二、社会、阶级、革命 Society,Class and Revolution 33

(一)阶级与革命 Class and Revolution 33

1.社会各阶级 Class in Society 33

二、社会、阶级、革命 Society,Class and Revolution 33

2.阶级成员 Class Elements 34

3.阶级斗争 Class Struggle 36

4.阶级分析 Class Analysis 37

5.社会革命 Social Revolution 38

2.新民主主义革命 New-democratic Revolution(1919-1949) 40

(二)中国革命和建设 Chinese Revolution and Construction 40

(1)中国共产党的成立 The Founding of the CPC 40

(二)中国革命和建设 Chinese Revolution and Construction 40

1.旧民主主义革命 Old-democratic Revolution(1840-1919) 40

(2)国内革命战争 Revolutionary Civil Wars 41

(3)抗日战争 War of Resistance Against Japan(1937-1945) 42

(4)解放战争 War of Liberation(1946-1949) 43

(2)土地改革运动 Land Reform Movement 44

3.社会主义革命和社会主义建设 Socialist Revolution and Socialist Construction 44

(1)中华人民共和国成立 The Founding of the People s Republic of China(1949) 44

(3)民主改革运动等 Democratic Reform Movement,etc. 45

(4)社会主义改造 Socialist Transformation 46

(5)社会主义教育运动 Socialist Education Movement(1963-1965) 48

(6)文化大革命 Cultural Revolution(1966-1976) 49

(7)国际共产主义运动 International Communist Movement 50

(2)社会主义精神文明 Socialist Spiritual Civilization 51

(1)四个现代化 Four Modernizations 51

4.社会主义现代化建设 Socialist Modernization 51

(3)政治体制改革 Reform of Political Structure 53

(4)经济体制改革 Reform of Economic Structure 55

(5)对外开放政策 Open Policies 56

(6)祖国统一 China s Unification 58

(7)工业改革 Reform in Industry 59

(8)农业改革 Reform in Agriculture 63

三、政党与组织 Political Party and Organization 66

三、政党与组织 Political Party and Organization 66

(一)政党 Political Party 66

(一)政党 Political Party 66

1.政党种类 Kinds of Political Party 66

2.中国各党派 China s Political Parties 67

1.党章与党的建设 Party Constitution and Building 68

(二)中国共产党 Communist Party of China(CPC) 68

(二)中国共产党 Communist Party of China(CPC) 68

2.党的组织与职务 Party Organizations and Positions 70

(1)中央组织与职务 Central Party Organizations and Positions 70

(2)地方组织与职务 Local Party Organizations and Positions 71

(3)党代会与其他会议 Party Congress and Meetings 74

(4)党的历史机构 Historical Party Organs 75

3.党的生活 Party Life 75

4.党务 Party Affairs 76

5.党纪与整党 Party Discipline and Consolidation 77

(三)组织 Organization 79

1.组织种类 Kinds of Organization 79

(三)组织 Organization 79

(1)工会 Trade Union 80

2.工人组织 Workers Organization 80

(3)国际工人组织 International Workers Organizations 81

(2)中国工会组织 Chinese Trade Unions 81

(4)其他 Others 82

3.妇女组织 Women Organizations 82

4.青少年组织 Youth and Children s Organizations 83

(1)中外青少年组织 Chinese and Non-Chinese Organizations of Youth and Children 83

(2)中国共产主义青年团 Communist Youth League of China 84

(3)中国少年先锋队 Young Pioneers of China 85

5.其他中国群众组织 Some Other Mass Organizations in China 86

四、国家 State 88

(一)国体与政体 State System and Form of Government 88

1.国家种类 Kinds of State 88

四、国家 State 88

(一)国体与政体 State System and Form of Government 88

2.首都、国土等 Capital,Territory,etc. 90

3.国体与政权 State Form and Power 91

4.议会、内阁与政府 Parliament,Cabinet and Government 93

(1)国家机关 State Organs 94

5.国家机关与职员 State Organs and Functionary 94

(2)国家职员 State Functionary 95

6.国家事务与管理 State Affairs and Administration 96

7.方针与政策 General and Specific Policies 98

(1)君主与皇族 Monarch and Imperial Kinsmen 99

8.君主国 Monarchy 99

(2)皇室、宫内事务等 Royal Household,Palace Affairs,etc. 100

(3)宫内官员及其他人员 Court Officials and Servants 101

(4)贵族与爵位 Nobility and the Ranks 102

(1)亚洲国家 Countries in Asia 102

9.世界各国 World Countries 102

(2)非洲国家 Countries in Africa 104

(3)欧洲国家 Countries in Europe 105

(4)美洲国家 Countries in America 106

(5)大洋洲国家 Countries in Oceania 107

(1)亚洲 Asia 108

10.世界各国首都 World Capitals 108

(2)非洲 Africa 108

(4)美洲 America 109

(3)欧洲 Europe 109

(5)大洋洲 Oceania 110

(二)中华人民共和国 The People s Republic of China 110

1.人民代表大会 People s Congress 110

(二)中华人民共和国 The People s Republic of China 110

2.中国人民政治协商会议 Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference 111

3.中央人民政府 Central People s Government 112

4.地方人民政府 Local People s Government 115

(1)各级地方人民政府 Local People s Government at All Levels 115

(2)省辖厅、局 Departments under the Provincial Government 116

(3)市、县辖局 Bureaus under the Municipal and County Governments 116

(5)处、科、室等 Divisions,Sections,Offices,etc. 117

(4)人民政府办公室 Offices of People s Government 117

(6)政府人士 Government Circles 118

(7)其他 Others 119

5.历史机构 Historical Organs 119

6.中华人民共和国行政区划 China s Administrative Divisions (Provinces,Municipalities,Autonomous Regions and Capitals) 120

(三)中国古代制度、机构与官职 Ancient Institutions,Government Apparatus and Official Positions in China 121

1.中国古代典章制度 Ancient Laws and Institutions in China 121

(三)中国古代制度、机构与官职 Ancient Institutions,Government Apparatus and Official Positions in China 121

2.中国古代政府机构 Ancient Government Apparatus in China 133

3.中国古代官职 Ancient Official Positions in China 208

五、国际交往 International Contacts 322

(一)外交机构、人员 Diplomatic Establishments and Personnel 322

(一)外交机构、人员 Diplomatic Establishments and Personnel 322

1.中国外交机关与外事部门 Chinese Diplomatic Establishments and Departments,etc. 322

五、国际交往 International Contacts 322

2.外交代表机构 Diplomatic Missions and Facilities 323

3.政府外交官员与外交人员 Governmental Officials in Charge of Diplomatic Affairs and Other Diplomatic Personnel 324

4.其他 Others 325

(二)外交事务 Foreign Affairs 326

(二)外交事务 Foreign Affairs 326

1.外交与外交关系 Diplomacy and Diplomatic Relations 326

2.国际往来 International Contacts 327

(2)接见 Interviews 329

(1)访问 Visits 329

3.访问、接见与宴会 Visits,Interviews and Banquets 329

(3)宴会 Banquets 330

4.会谈、声明、照会与抗议 Talks,Statements,Notes,and Protests 331

5.外交政策 Diplomatic Policies 332

6.交涉与谈判 Representation and Negotiation 334

(1)主权、外交特权等 Sovereignty,Privileges,etc. 336

7.主权、外交特权与侨民事务 Sovereignty,Privileges and Affairs Concerning Nationals Living Abroad 336

(2)侨民事务 Affairs Concerning Nationals Living Abroad 337

8.国际调停 International Mediation 337

9.外交文书 Diplomatic Correspondence 339

(1)护照 Passport 339

(2)签证 Visa 339

(3)其他外交文件 Other Diplomatic Documents 340

(4)外交函电 Diplomatic Letters and Telegrams 340

10.涉外法规 Laws and Regulations on Matters Concerning Foreign Missions and Nationals 341

1.国际形势 International Situation 342

(三)国际事务 International Affairs 342

(三)国际事务 International Affairs 342

2.民族民主革命运动 National Democratic Revolutionary Movement 343

3.国际援助 International Support 344

(四)国际会议 International Conference 346

(四)国际会议 International Conference 346

1.会议类型 Types of Conference 346

2.会议执行与工作机构 Governing and Working Bodies of a Conference 347

3.会议筹备工作 Preparation of a Conference 348

4.会议文件 Documents of a Conference 348

5.与会者与主持者 Conferees and Officers 350

6.会务 Conference Affairs 351

7.辩论与投票 Debates and Voting 352

1.国际契约种类 Kinds of International Instrument 354

(五)国际契约 International Instruments 354

(五)国际契约 International Instruments 354

2.国际契约用语 Common Terms of International Document 356

3.中华人民共和国参加或缔结的主要国际多边条约 Major Multilateral International Treaties Acceded to or Concluded by the People s Republic of China 357

(六)联合国 The United Nations 366

1.联合国机构、人员与事务 UN Bodies,Personnel and Affairs 366

(六)联合国 The United Nations 366

(2)常设委员会 Standing Committees 367

2.联合国大会 United Nations General Assembly 367

(1)主要委员会 Main Committees 367

3.安全理事会(安理会) Security Council(SC) 370

B.亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会) Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP) 371

A.欧洲经济委员会 Economic Commission for Europe(ECE) 371

(2)区域委员会 Regional Commission 371

(1)专门委员会 Commissions 371

4.经济及社会理事会(经社理事会) Economic and Social Council(ESC) 371

C.拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会 Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean(ECLAC) 373

D.非洲经济委员会 Economic Commission for Africa(ECA) 374

(3)常设委员会 Standing Committee 374

(5)其他组织 Other Organizations 375

(4)国际法院 International Court of Justice 375

5.联合国秘书处 United Nations Secretariat 378

(1)主要职务 Main Positions and Offices 378

(2)政治和大会事务及秘书处服务厅 Office for Political and General Assembly Affairs and Secretarial Services(OPGS) 379

(3)总务厅 Office of General Services(OGS) 380

(4)人力资源管理厅 Office of Human Resources Management(OHRM) 381

(6)政治和安全理事会事务部 Department of Political and Security Council Affairs(DPSCA;PSCA) 383

(5)法律事务厅 Office of Legal Affairs(OLA) 383

(8)国际经济和社会事务部 Department of International Economic and Social Affairs(DIESA;IESA) 384

(7)特别政治问题、区域合作、非殖民化和托管部 Department for Special Political Questions,Regional Cooperation,Decolonization and Trusteeship(DSPQRCDT) 384

(9)技术合作促进发展部 Department of Technical Co-operation for Development(DTCD;TCD) 385

(11)裁军事务部 Department for Disarmament Affairs(DDA) 386

(10)行政和管理事务部 Department of Administration and Management(DAM) 386

(12)会议事务部 Department of Conference Services(DCS) 387

(14)新闻部 Department of Public Information(DPI) 387

(13)联合国书店 United Nations Bookshop 388

(17)联合国日内瓦办事处 United Nations Office at Geneva(UNOG) 389

(18)联合国跨国公司中心 United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations(UNCTC;CTNC;CTC) 389

(16)联合国合办工作人员养恤基金(养恤基金) United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund(JSPF;UNJSPF) 389

(15)科学和技术促进发展中心 Centre for Science and Technology Development(CSTD) 389

(19)联合国大学 United Nations University(UNU) 390

6.联合国贸易和发展会议 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTD) 390

7.联合国开发计划署 United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) 391

8.联合国环境规划署 United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) 394

9.联合国工业发展组织 United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO) 396

10.联合国儿童基金会 United Nations Children s Fund(UNCF) 398

(1)国际农业发展基金会 International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD) 400

(2)国际民用航空组织 International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) 400

11.联合国专门机构 U.N. Specialized Agencies 400

(3)联合国粮食及农业组织 Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations(FAO) 402

(4)国际劳工局 International Labour Office(ILO) 406

A.总部 Headquarters 408

(5)联合国教育、科学及文化组织 United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) 408

B.总部外单位 Field Units 410

C.其他机构 Other Institutions 412

(6)世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) 415

(7)国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund(IMF) 416

(8)关税及贸易总协定 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) 417

(9)国际电信联盟 International Telecommunications Union(ITU) 418

(10)国际通信卫星组织 International Telecommunications Satellite Organization(INTELSAT) 418

(11)世界气象组织 World Meteorological Organization(WMO) 419

(12)国际原子能机构 International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) 420

(13)世界卫生组织 World Health Organization(WHO;OMS) 420

(14)联合国人口基金 United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) 422

(15)万国邮政联盟 Universal Postal Union(UPU) 423

(16)联合国志愿人员 United Nations Volunteers(UNV) 423

六、国家防务 National Defense Affairs 424

(一)国防事务 National Defence Affairs 424

1.兵役 Military Service 424

(一)国防事务 National Defence Affairs 424

六、国家防务 National Defense Affairs 424

2.战备、军工、军备等 Combat Readiness,Military Industry,Armament,etc. 426

3.军事情报 Military Intelligence 427

(1)情报种类 Kinds of Intelligence 427

(2)情报机构与人员 Intelligence Agencies and Personnel 428

(3)情报活动 Intelligence Activities 428

4.军事设施 Military Installation 430

(2)军用仓库、兵站、补给线等 Military Depot,Service Station,Supply Line,etc 431

(3)军营、军用机场,军港、靶场等 Military Camp,Airfield,Port,Shooting Range,etc. 431

(4)军事学校、医院、法庭 Military School,Hospital and Court 432

5.核试验 Nuclear Test 434

6.国防 National Defense 435

7.民防 Civil Defense 436

8.空防 Air Defense 438

9.海防 Coastal Defense 441

(二)武装力量 Armed Forces 444

1.军队 Armies 444

(二)武装力量 Armed Forces 444

2.部队 Military Units 445

3.兵种 Arms 446

4.军队建制 Military Organization 447

5.军事机关 Military Establishment 449

6.军事人员 Military Personnel 450

(1)武装部队领导人 Leaders of Armed Forces 450

(2)军官 Officers 451

(3)士兵 Enlisted Men and Women 452

(4)枪炮手、军士和空地勤人民 Gunners,Sergeants,Aircraft and Ground Crews 453

(6)其他 Others 454

(5)军队技术人员 Army Technicians 454

7.军衔 Ranks in Armed Forces 455

(1)中国军衔 Ranks in the Chinese Armed Forces 455

A.陆军 Army 455

C.海军 Navy 455

B.空军 Air Force 455

(2)英军军衔 Ranks in the British Armed Forces 456

A.陆军 Army 456

B.空军 Royal Air Force 456

C.海军 Royal Navy 456

D.海军陆战队 Royal Marines 456

A.陆军 Army 457

B.空军 Air Force 457

C.海军 Navy 457

(3)美国军衔 Ranks in the U.S.Armed Forces 457

D.海军陆战队 Marine Corps 458

(4)俄军军衔 Ranks in the Russian Armed Forces 458

A.陆军 Army 458

B.空军 Air Force 458

C.海军 Navy 459

(5)日本自卫队军衔 Ranks in the Japanese Self-Defence Forces 459

A.陆上自卫队 Ground Self-Defense Force 459

B.航空自卫队 Air Self-Defense Force 459

C.海上自卫队 Maritime Self-Defense Force 459

(三)军务 Military Affairs 460

(三)军务 Military Affairs 460

1.勤务 Services 460

2.军纪、军威等 Military Discipline and Prowess 461

(1)军事训练 Military Training 462

3.训练、队列、检阅、演习 Training,Formation,Review and Manoeuvre 462

(2)队列 Formation 462

(3)检阅 Reviewing 463

(4)军事演习 Military Manoeuvre 463

4.打靶、刺杀 Target Practice and Bayonet Fighting 464

(1)打靶 Target Practice 464

(四)战争与和平 War and Peace 465

(2)刺杀 Bayonet Fighting 465

(四)战争与和平 War and Peace 465

1.战争种类 Kinds of War 465

2.宣战 Declaration of War 466

3.战争状态 State of War 467

4.侵略战争 Aggressive War 469

5.人民战争 People s War 471

6.胜利与失败 Victory and Defeat 474

(1)胜利 Victories 474

(2)失败 Defeats 474

7.投降、俘虏等 Surrender,Captives,etc. 475

8.停战、戒严等 Armistice,Military Control,etc. 476

9.军功、嘉奖等 Military Exploit,Commendation,etc. 477

10.伤亡 Casualties 478

11.和平 Peace 480

1.侦察、敌情与地形 Reconnaissance,Enemy Situation and Terrain 481

(五)军事行动 Military Operation 481

(1)侦察与敌情 Reconnaissance and Enemy Situation 481

(五)军事行动 Military Operation 481

(2)地形与地物 Terrain and Landmarks 482

2.作战方式 Modes of Operation 482

3.作战计划与部署 Operation Plan and Disposition 483

4.指挥、命令与联络 Command,Order and Liaison 485

(1)指挥 Command 485

(2)命令 Order 486

(3)联络 Liaison 486

5.战略 Strategy 487

6.战术 Tactics 488

7.兵法、计策等 Art of War,Stratagem,etc. 489

8.战斗 Combat 490

9.进攻 Attack 491

10.防御 Defence 494

11.火力与阵地 Fire Power and Position 496

(1)火力 Fire 496

(2)阵地 Position 497

12.工事 Defence Works 497

13.行军与宿营 March and Bivouac 499

14.迂回、展开与前进 Outflanking,Development and Advance 500

15.支援、掩护、撤退等 Support,Cover,Retreat,etc. 501

16.空战 Air Battle 502

17.海战 Naval Battle 505

18.原子、生物、化学战 ABC Warfare 506

(1)原子战 Atomic Warfare 506

(2)生物战 Biological Warfare 506

(3)化学战 Chemical Warfare 506

1.政治工作 Political Work 508

(一)政治思想工作 Political and Ideological Work 508

七、政治事务 General Political Affairs 508

(一)政治思想工作 Political and Ideological Work 508

七、政治事务 General Political Affairs 508

2.思想工作 Ideological Work 509

3.群众工作 Mass Work 510

4.理论工作 Theoretical Work 511

(二)会议与选举 Meeting,Conference and Election 514

1.会议 Meeting and Conference 514

(二)会议与选举 Meeting,Conference and Election 514

2.选举 Election 517

(三)政治人物与人事 Political Figures and Personnel Affairs 520

1.政治人物 Political Figures 520

(三)政治人物与人事 Political Figures and Personnel Affairs 520

2.人事 Personnel Affairs 524

(1)编制与人员 Authorized Strength and Personnel 524

(2)干部与职工 Cadres,Staff and Workers 525

(3)聘用、晋升、降级、调动等 Employment,Promotion,Demotion,Transfer,etc. 526

(4)考勤、奖惩与待遇 Attendance,Rewards,Punishments and Wages 529

1.文件、函电等 Documents,Letters,telegrams,etc. 531

(四)文书 Documents 531

(四)文书 Documents 531

2.命令、报告、档案等 Orders,Reports,Records,etc. 532

3.证书 Certificates 534

4.公文处理 Official Paper Processing 535

八、法律 Law 538

八、法律 Law 538

(一)法制 Legal System 538

1.实体法 Material Law 538

(1)宪法 Constitution 538

(2)刑法 Criminal Law 538

(3)民法 Civil Law 538

(一)法制 Legal System 538

(4)经济法 Law of Economy 539

(5)其他 Others 540

2.程序法 Adjective Law 542

3.国际法 International Law 542

(二)司法机关与人员 Judicial Organs and Officials 543

1.审判机关 Judicial Apparatus 543

(1)法院 Court of Justice 543

(二)司法机关与人员 Judicial Organs and Officials 543

(2)法庭 Court 544

2.检察机关 Investigating and Prosecuting Apparatus 545

3.公安机关 Department of Public Security 545

(1)公安组织 Organization of Public Safety 545

(2)监狱 Prison 547

(1)审判人员 Judiciary 548

(2)检察人员 Procuratorial Personnel 549

(3)公安人员 Public Security Personnel 549

(三)法律事务 Legal Affairs 551

1.法律用语 Legal Terms 551

(三)法律事务 Legal Affairs 551

2.警务 Public Functions of Police 553

(1)治安 Peace and Security 553

(3)警察设备 Police Equipments and Tools 555

(2)消防 Fire-fighting 555

3.律师和公证 Lawyer and Notarization 556

(1)律师 Lawyer 556

(2)公证 Notarization 557

(四)宪法 Constitution 557

1.国体与政体 Form of State and Regime 557

(四)宪法 Constitution 557

2.权力机关 Organ of Authority 558

3.行政机关 Administrative Organ 558

4.民主、民族等 Democracy,Nationality,etc. 558

5.经济制度 Economic System 559

6.公民权利与义务 Civil Right and Duty 559

(1)公民权利 Civil Right 559

(2)公民义务 Civil Duty 560

(1)民事权利 Civil Right 561

(五)民法 Civil Law 561

1.民事 Civil 561

(五)民法 Civil Law 561

2.民事权利与责任 Civil Right and Liability 561

(2)民事责任 Civil Liability 562

3.人与法人 Person and Juridical Person 562

(1)人 Person 562

(2)法人 Juridical Person 563

4.能力与行为 Capacity and Action 563

(1)能力 Capacity 563

(1)物 Chattel 564

5.财产或物 Property or Chattel 564

(2)财产 Property 564

(2)行为 Action 564

6.债 Arrearage 565

7.损害赔偿 Damages Compensation 565

(六)诉讼法 Procedural Law 566

(六)诉讼法 Procedural Law 566

1.刑事诉讼 Criminal Procedure 566

2.民事诉讼 Civil Procedure 566

3.案件 Legal Case 567

4.侦查 Investigation 568

5.证据 Evidence 569

6.证人 Witness 571

7.供词 Confession 571

8.鉴定 Verification 571

9.拘留 Detention 572

10.逮捕 Arrest 573

11.审判 Trial 574

12.法庭辩论 Debate in Court 575

13.判决 Judgement 576

14.监禁 Imprisonment 578

(七)刑法 Criminal Law 579

1.罪 Crime 579

(1)反革命罪 Offence of Counterrevolution 579

(2)与国家工作人员职务有关的罪 Crime About Officials and Staff 579

(3)奸淫罪 Carnal Intercourse 579

(七)刑法 Criminal Law 579

(4)杀人罪 Crime of Manslaughter 580

(5)盗窃与诈骗罪 Crime of Larceny and Swindle 580

(6)其他刑事犯罪 Other Criminal Offences 580

2.罪犯 Prisoner 581

(1)重罪犯 Felon 581

(2)普通刑事犯 Common Crminal 581

(3)嫌疑犯 Suspected Criminal 582

3.刑罚 Punishment 582

(1)主刑 Principal Penalty 582

(2)附加刑 Supplementary Punishment 583

(3)刑具 Instruments of Torture 583

4.刑法一般用语 Terms of Criminal Law 583

(1)刑事行为 Criminal Act 583

(3)伤害 Injury 584

4.司法人员 Legal Staff 584

(4)淫乱 Promiscuity 584

(2)杀人 Killing 584

(5)犯罪 Commission of a Crime 585

(6)暴力与团伙 Violence and Gang 585

(7)释放 Release 586

(八)行政法 Administrative Law 586

(八)行政法 Administrative Law 586

(九)劳动法 Labour Law 588

(九)劳动法 Labour Law 588

(十)婚姻法 Marriage Law 590

(十)婚姻法 Marriage Law 590

1.婚姻 Marriage 590

3.离婚 Divorce 591

4.家庭 Family 591

2.结婚 Conjugation 591

5.夫妻 Conjoints 592

6.父母 Parents 592

7.子女 Child 592

8.亲属 Kin 593

9.计划生育 Family Planning 593

(十一)继承法 Inheritance Law 594

1.遗嘱 Will 594

(十一)继承法 Inheritance Law 594

2.遗产 Legacy 595

3.继承 Succession 595

4.继承人 Heir 596

5.遗赠与赠与 Legatum and Gift 596

(十二)专利法 Patent Law 597

(十二)专利法 Patent Law 597

1.专利 Patent 597

2.专利权 Patent Right 598

(十三)版权法 Copyright Law 599

(十三)版权法 Copyright Law 599

(十四)商标法 Trademark Law 600

(十四)商标法 Trademark Law 600

(十五)保险法 Insurance Law 601

(十五)保险法 Insurance Law 601

1.保险类别 Branches of Insurance 601

2.保险范围 Insurance Coverage 602

3.其他 Others 603

(十六)担保法 Guarantee Law 603

(十六)担保法 Guarantee Law 603

(十七)税法 Tax Law 605

1.税种 Categories of Tax 605

(十七)税法 Tax Law 605

2.税率 Tax Rate 606

3.关税 Customs Duty 606

(十八)合同法 Contract Law 607

4.其他 Others 607

(十八)合同法 Contract Law 607

2.契约与契据 Bond and Deed 608

3.合同用语 Contract Terms 609

(十九)仲裁法 Arbitration Law 610

4.仲裁 Arbitration 610

(十九)仲裁法 Arbitration Law 610

(二十)票据法 Negotiable Instrument Law 612

(二十)票据法 Negotiable Instrument Law 612

(二十一)商业法 Business Law 613

1.商业 Business 613

(二十一)商业法 Business Law 613

2.商品 Merchandise 614

3.商品价格 Price of Commodity 615

4.市场 Market 615

5.商业经营 Business Operation 616

(1)商品贸易 Commercial Trade 616

(2)商业交易 Commercial Transaction 616

(3)经营管理 Business Management 617

6.商人和商店 Dealers and shops 617

(二十二)海关法 Customs Law 618

(二十二)海关法 Customs Law 618

(二十三)进出口商品检验法 Law on Import and Export Commodity Inspection 619

(二十三)进出口商品检验法 Law on Import and Export Commodity Inspection 619

(二十四)国境卫生检疫法 Frontier Health and Quarantine Law 620

(二十四)国境卫生检疫法 Frontier Health and Quarantine Law 620

(二十五)外资企业法 Law on Foreign-Capital Enterprises 621

(二十五)外资企业法 Law on Foreign-capital Enterprises 621

(二十六)归侨、归眷权益保护法 Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Family Members of Overseas Chinese 622

(二十六)归侨、归眷权益保护法 Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Family Members of Overseas Chinese 622

1.一般用语 General Terms 623

(二十七)对外贸易法 Foreign Trade Law 623

(二十七)对外贸易法 Foreign Trade Law 623

2.出口 Export 625

3.进口 Import 625

4.其他 Others 626

(二十八)国际法 International Law 626

1.国际契约 International Treaty and Convention 626

(二十八)国际法 International Law 626

2.国际关系 International Relations 628

(1)国家 State 628

(2)政府 Government 628

(3)主权 Sovereign Right 629

(4)外交 Diplomacy 630

3.侨民法 Alien Act 631

4.国籍法 Nationality Law 631

5.战争法 Law of War 632

6.中立法 Neutrality Law 633

7.海洋法 Maritime Law 634

8.国际投资法 International Investment Law 635

9.冲突法 Conflict Law 636

10.国际技术转让法 International Technology Transfer Law 638

11.海商法 Maritime Law 640

12.国际航空法 International Air Law 647

13.国际环境法 International Law on Environment 648

14.国际金融法 International Law on Finance 649

(1)国际货币与外汇 International Monetary and Foreign Exchange 649

(2)国际信贷 International Credit 651

(3)国际证券 International Securities 653

(4)国际结算 International Settlement 654

(5)国际租赁 International Lease 656

(6)国际信托法 International Trust 657

(7)世界最大500家银行 World Top 500 Banks 658

(1)宪法 Constitution 671

1.宪法与国家法 Constitution,Legislation on State 671

(2)国家机构 State Structure 671

(二十九)中华人民共和国主要法律和法规 Current Laws and Major Regulations of the People s Republic of China 671

(二十九)中华人民共和国主要法律和法规 Current Laws and Major Regulations of the People s Republic of China 671

(3)选举 Election 673

(4)立法 Legislation 674

(5)人大工作 People s Congress Work 675

(6)民族区域自治 Regional Autonomy of Nationalities 675

(7)特别行政区 Special Administrative Regions(SARs) 675

(8)国旗、国歌、国徽、国庆 National Flag,National Anthem,National Emblem,National Day 676

(9)公民权益保障 Guarantee of Citizens Rights 677

(10)国籍 Nationality 677

(11)领土 Territory 677

(12)外交关系、国际组织 Foreign Relations,International Organizations 677

(2)婚姻、家庭 Marriage,Family 678

(4)财产所有权 Property Ownership 678

(3)继承 Succession 678

(5)合同 Contracts 678

(1)民事基本法 Basic Civil Law 678

2.民商法 Civil and Commercial Legislation 678

(6)知识产权 Intellectual Property Rights 679

(10)票据 Negotiable Instruments 680

(9)公司 Company 680

(11)海商 Maritime 680

(12)保险 Insurance 680

(8)担保 Security 680

(7)人身权 Personal Rights 680

(14)破产 Bankruptcy 681

3.刑法 Criminal Legislation 681

(13)证券 Securities 681

4.行政法 Administrative Legislation 683

(1)军事 Military Affairs 683

(2)公安 Public Security 684

(3)国家安全 State Security 685

(4)民政 Civil Affairs 686

(5)司法行政 Administration of Justice 686

(6)监察、廉政建设 Supervision and Building up Honesty in Administration 687

(7)人事 Personnel 687

(8)劳动 Labor 688

(9)教育 Education 688

(10)科学技术 Science and Technology 689

(11)文化 Culture 690

(12)广播、电影、电视 Broadcasting,Film and Television 690

(14)语言文字 Language 691

(15)卫生 Health 691

(13)新闻出版 Press and Publications 691

(16)医药 Medicine 692

(17)计划生育与人口管理 Family Planning and Population Control 693

(18)体育 Physical Culture and Sports 693

(19)民族事务 Nationalities Affairs 693

(20)华侨事务 Overseas Chinese Affairs 693

(21)宗教事务 Religious Affairs 694

(22)社会团体 Mass Organizations 694

(23)档案 Archives 694

(24)机关工作 Government Office Work 694

(25)行政法制 Administrative Legality 695

5.经济法 Economic Legislation 695

(1)国民经济与社会发展计划 National Economic and Social Developmnet Plan 695

(2)国民经济管理与企业管理 National Economic and Enterprise Management 695

(3)财政 Finance 696

(4)国有资产管理 Administration of State Assets 696

(5)税务 Tax 697

1.经济合同 Economc Contract 697

(6)金融 Banking 699

(7)工商行政管理 Industrial and Commercial Administration 699

(8)审计 Auditing 700

(9)统计 Statistics 700

(10)价格管理 Price Control 700

(11)技术监督 Technical Supervision 700

(12)环境保护 Environmental Protection 701

(13)工业 Industries 702

(14)地质矿产 Geological and Mineral Resources 702

(15)能源 Energy 703

(16)土地管理 Land Administration 704

(17)建设 Construction 704

(18)国内贸易 Internal Trade 705

(19)海关 Customs 705

(20)对外贸易和经济合作 Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 706

(21)旅游 Tourism 707

(22)公路、水路运输 Highway and Water Transport 707

(24)民用航空运输(航天) Civil Aviation(Space) 708

(23)铁路运输 Railway Transport 708

(25)邮电 Posts and Telecommunications 709

(26)农业 Agriculture 709

(27)林业 Forestry 710

(28)水利 Water Resources 711

(29)气象、海洋 Meteorology and Oceanography 712

(30)地震预防 Earthquake Prevention 712

6.诉讼法 Procedural Legislation 712

(1)民事(经济、海事)诉讼 Civil(Economic,Maritime)Procedure 712

(2)刑事诉讼 Criminal Procedure 713

(3)行政诉讼 Administrative Procedure 713

(4)仲裁 Arbitration 713
