英语史 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)鲍(Baugh,A.C.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560023886
- 页数:453 页
1 English Present and Future 1
1 Prototypes and categories 1
1.1 Colours, squares, birds and cups: early empirical research into lexical categories 1
Preface by Halliday F 9
王宗炎序 F 10
Preface by Chomsky F 13
Preface by Halliday F 14
王宗炎序 F 15
2 The Indo-European Family of Languages 16
Preface by Chomsky F 18
1.2 The internal structure of categories: prototypes, attributes, family resemblances and gestalt 20
沈家煊序 F 20
导读 F 23
沈家煊序 F 25
导读 F 28
Typographical conventions F 33
Acknowledgements F 34
Introduction F 36
Preface F 39
3 Old English 41
1.3 Context-dependence and cultural models 43
The Home of the English 46
The Dialects of Old English 52
2 Levels of categorization 60
2.1 Basic level categories of organisms and concrete objects 60
4 Foreign Influences on Old English 72
2.2 Superordinate categories and experiential hierarchies 73
2.3 Subordinate categories, composite terms and word-formation 86
2.4 Basic level categories and basic experiences: actions, events, properties, states and locations 99
5 The Norman Conquest and the Subjection of English, 1066—1200 105
3 Conceptual metaphors and metonymies 114
3.1 Metaphors and metonymies: from figures of speech to conceptual systems 114
3.2 Metaphors, metonymies and the structure of emotion categories 130
3.3 Metaphors as a way of thinking: examples from science and politics 143
7 Middle English 154
4.1 Figure and ground, trajector and landmark: early research into prepositions 156
4 Figure and ground 156
4.2 Figure, ground and two metaphors: a cognitive explanation of simple clause patterns 171
The Dialects of Middle English 186
4.3 Other types of prominence and cognitive processing 187
8 The Renaissance,1500-1650 195
5 The frame and attention approach 205
5.1 Frames and scripts 205
William Bullokar s Booke At Large(1580) 206
5.2 Event-frames and the windowing of attention 218
5.3 Language-specific framing and its use in narratives 233
9 The Appeal to Authority ,1650-1800 248
6.1 Iconicity 250
6 Other issues in cognitive linguistics 250
6.2 Grammaticalization 255
6.3 Lexical change and prototypicality 260
6.4 Effects on foreign language teaching 267
Conclusion 278
References 281
10 The Nineteenth Century and After 290
Index of persons 294
Index of subjects 297
文库索引 307
The Editors of the New(Oxford) English Dictionary 335
Extract from the Oxford English Dictionary 337
11 The English Language in America 345
The American Spelling Book of Noah Webster 368
The Dialects of American English 371
APPENDIX A Specimens of the Middle English Dialects 401
APPENDIX B English Spelling 414
文库索引 445
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