- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:盖兆泉,贺海龙编译
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560018459
- 页数:297 页
1.Speech by Arthur L.Kobler,President of AT T China Inc.at Workshop on Foreign Direct Investment in China 2
1.AT T(中国)公司总裁、北京美国商会委员高伯乐先生在外国直接投资专题研讨会上的讲话 3
China:The Elusive Dragon Approaches a New Millennium 4
2.Remarks by Mr.David Komansky,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Merrill Lynch Co.,Inc at the Marco Polo Award Presentation Ceremony 18
2.美林集团董事长兼首席执行官郭铭基先生在“马可·波罗奖”颁奖仪式上的讲话 19
Ten Years in China 26
3.Speech by Louis V.Gerstner,Jr..Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of IBM to Customers 30
3.IBM董事长兼首席执行官郭士纳对客户的讲话 31
A Foreigner Encounters Chinese Food Culture 52
4.Remarks by Dr.Ulrich Lehner,Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Henkel Group 58
4.德国汉高集团副董事长兼首席执行官李宁雅博士的讲话 59
5.Article by Raymond W.Bracy,President of Boeing China Inc 68
5.波音中国有限公司总裁博睿专稿 69
Memorable Experiences in China 76
6.Remarks by Lee R.Raymond,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Exxon Corporation at World Petroleum Congress 76
6.埃克森公司董事长兼首席执行官李·雷蒙德在北京世界石油大会上的讲话 77
A Teacher s Early Impressions of Students in China 92
7.Speech by Eckhard Pfeiffer,President and Chief Executive Officer of Compaq CO.at Beijing Book Center Online Project 100
7.康柏电脑公司总裁兼首席执行官埃克·菲弗尔在北京图书大厦网上书店开业典礼上的讲话 101
The Middle Path 106
8.Speech by Eckhard Pfeiffer,President and Chief Executive Officer of Compaq CO.at China Youth Information Online Project 108
8.康柏电脑公司总裁兼首席执行官埃克·菲弗尔在中国青少年信息网络工程上的讲话 109
9.Speech by Dr.Güner Wilhelm,Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG an the 150th Anniversary Celebration 114
9.西门子公司管理委员会成员君特·威尔海姆博士在公司成立150周年庆典上的讲话 115
10.Toast Speech by Goran Malm,President of General Electric Asian-Pacific Inc.at Dezhou Power Plant Coopera ion Dinner 126
10.通用电器亚太地区总裁毛悦澜在为德州电厂项目举行的晚宴上的祝酒辞 127
Culinary China A Comical Critique 128
11.Presentation by Horst Waesche,Vice President of the Board of Management Hoechst AG,at the MOFTEC Investment Conference 134
11.赫司特股份公司副总裁韦哲豪在“98中国投资贸易洽谈会”上的发言 135
Walking Along with China 148
12.Remarks by Alex Trotman,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ford Automotive Group at Tsinghun University 158
12.福特汽车公司总裁兼首席执行官阿莱克斯·乔德曼在清华大学的讲话 159
What Means to Be a Lao Wai in China? 172
13.Speech by Gareth C.C.Chang,Executive Director of News Cc.and Executive Chairman of STAR TV at the 7th China CATV Network 172
13.新闻集团执行董事、卫星电视执行董事长张镇中先生在第七届中国国际有线电视设备展览会主题报告会上的发言 173
How Do They Dare? 184
Motherland 192
14.Speech by Malcolm Williamson,President and Chief Executive Officer of Visa International When Meeting with Shanghai s Deputy Vice Mayor Chen Liangyu and Chairmen of Chinese and Foreign Banks 192
14.威士全球总裁兼首席执行官韦玛刚先生与上海常务副市长陈良宇及在沪中外银行行长会晤时的讲话 193
The Cultural City of Beijing Changes My Worldview 198
15.Speech by Joseph Stiglitz,Economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank at Beijing University 208
15.世界银行副行长兼经济学家约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨在北京大学的演讲 209
My Fate with China 218
Adventures in China 238
Jottings of an Overseas Chinese 262
16.Speech by John M.Thompson,Vice President and Executive Officer of the Software Group of IBM 264
16.国际商用机器公司副总裁及软件集团执行官唐普胜先生的讲话 265
The Tongzhi Bus 280
First Impressions of China 292
Tobacco Control in China 308
China Through My Eyes 324
China:The Return of a Native 346
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