朗文快捷英语教程 第2版 学生用书 2 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)(斯蒂芬·J.莫林斯基)(StevenJ.Molinsky),(美)(比尔·比利斯)(BillBliss)著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7508309251
- 页数:190 页
EXIT1.Friends and Neighbors 1
Hello. I m Your Neighbor Greet Someone and introduce yourself,using wh-quesions. 2
Is There a Laundromat in the Neighborhood? Ask information about a neighborhood, using wh-questions and yes/no questions. 4
Can I Park My Car Here? Ask permission to do something, using can. 6
Can I Help You Take Out the Garbage? Offer to help someone, using two-word verbs. 8
Could You Lend Me a Hammer? Ask a favor of someone. 10
I Knocked on Your Door several Times Last Week Tell about things you did, using the past tense. 12
Maybe You Should Call a plumber Give advice to someone, using should. 14
Do You Fix Kitchen Sinks? Call about a housing problem. 16
Water Everywhere! Read about a housing problem. Tell about a home emergency you experienced. 18
EXIT2. Calling People Going Places 21
Could You Please Tell Me How to Make a Long-Distance Call? Tell how to make different kinds of telephone calls, using could and imperatives. 22
I Want to Make This a Collect Call,Please Make collect and person-to-person telephone calls. 26
May I Please Speak to Betty? Call people on the telephone, using will and time expressions. 28
She Won t Be Back Until 3:00 Call People on the telephone and leave messages, using will and time expressions. 29
When is the Next Bus to Buffaio? Purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, using time and money expressions. 32
Please Fasten Your Seat Beit! Understand transportation safety rules, using imperatives and prepositions of location. 36
I Want to Report an Emergency! Report an emergency, using the past tense and time expressions. 38
Franco s Vacation Read about a train trip. Tell about a vacation you took. 40
EXIT3.Food 43
Do We Need Anything from the supermarket? Tell the quantities of food you need to buy, using partitives. 44
What Do You Want Me to Get? Tell the quantities of food you need to buy, using partitives. 45
I Want a Pound of Roast Beef Purchase food,using partitives. 48
Your Change Is $2.75 Pay for food items and receive change. 50
I d Like a Hamburger and an Order of French Fries Order food in a fast-food restaurant, using may and partitives. 52
I d Like the Chicken Order food in a sit-down restaurant, using would and partitives. 54
Would You Like a Few More Meatballs? Be a guest at someone s home for dinner, using would, count/noncount nouns, and adjectives. 56
Can You Tell Me the Recipe? Give and follow recipe instructions, using partitives and imperatives. 58
Saving Time Read about supermarkets and fast-food restaurants. Tell about places where you eat and shop. 61
REST STOP Role-Play Review of Exite 1,2, 3 63
EXIT4.Personal Finances 65
I Don t Think We Can Afford it Evaluate the affordability of items a store, using comparatives. 66
Can You Show Me a Less Expensive One? Evaluate the affordability of items in a store, using superlatives. 70
I Think We Should stop at the Bank Budget your money, using should, have to,and going to. 74
I d Like to Deposit This in My Savings Account Accomplish everyday banking procedures,using imperatives. 76
I m Balancing the Checkbook Discuss balancing a checkbook. 78
Why Are You Banging on the Vending Machine? Understand denominations of money, using should and the past tense. 80
Did You Remember to Pay the Telephone Bill? Evaluate payment of household bills, using ordinal numbers. 82
I Think There s a Mistake on My Electric Bill Deal effectively with errors on household bills. 84
Bob Anderson and His Checkbook Read about how someone manages his living expenses. 85
EXIT5.At Work 87
Could You Please Give This Report to Mr. Lewis? Make requests, using indirect objects. 88
Would You Like Me to Set Up the Conference Room? Offer to help someone at work, using two-word verbs. 90
You re a Very Accurate Translator! Give feedback, using adjectives and adverbs. 92
Am I Typing Fast Enough? Ask for and give feedback, using adverbs and comparative of adverbs. 94
I Won t Be Able to Work This Weekend Apologize, using able to. 96
I m Sorry That I Couldn t Work Overtime Yesterday Apologize, using could and able to. 97
Too Many Excuses! Read about and evaluate someone s behavior at work. 99
What Happened? Report an emergency at work, using reflexive pronouns. 100
Could I Possibly Leave an Hour Early Today? Ask Permission to do something, using could. 102
EXIT6.Rules and Regulations 105
Are You Allowed to Swim Here? Ask about what you re allowed to do,using impersonal expressions with you. 106
You Aren t Allowed to Park Here Tell people what they aren t allowed to do, using impersonal expressions with you. 108
Not Right Turn on Red Understand traffic signs. 110
Let Me See Your License Understand traffic violations, using the past tense and the past continuous tense. 112
Rules of the Building Understand rules of an apartment building, using impersonal experessions with you. 114
When Are You Going to Fix My Sink? Deal effectively with housing problems, using going to and will. 116
You Must Always Wear Your Uniform Understand rules and regulations at work sites, using must. 118
You Should Write to the Mayor Express opinions about issues that concern you, using should and ought to. 120
There Ought to Be a Law Read about and evaluate what two people do to solve a housing problem. 122
REST STOP Role-Play Review of Exits 4,5, 6 125
EXIT7. School, Family, and friends 127
How is David Doing in Math This Year? Discuss school performance,using pronouns. 128
Extracurricular Activities Read about several students extracurricular activities. Tell about school subjects and extracurricular activities in your country s schools. 131
This is Mrs. Smith, the School Principal, Calling Discuss school-related issues, using different verb tenses. 132
Whose Things Are These? Decide which items belong to family members, using possessive nouns and possessive pronouns. 134
How Much Longer? Ask how long family members will be busy, using the future continuous tense. 136
Good News! Bad News! Share good and bad naws about friends and family members ,using different verb tenses. 138
Did You Hear the News? Share information about work, school, and the community, using different verb tenses. 140
I Really Like Your New Laptop Computer Give compliments, using adjectives and wh-questions. 142
What Are You Going to Do This Weekend? Discuss planned activities, using might and will. 144
EXIT 8. Strategies for Communicating Saying Good-bye 147
I m Sorry to Interrupt Learn how to interrupt someone politely. 148
What Does That Mean? Ask for and give clarification. 150
I Agree Learn ways to agree with someone. 152
I Disagree Learn ways to disagree with someone. 154
I ve Really Got to Go Now Say good-bye to someone, using have to and have got to. 156
So Long Say good-bye to someone, using have got to. 158
In My Opinion Exchange opinions with another person. 160
The Game of Language Read about people s communication strategies. 162
REST STOP Role-Play Review of Exits 7 8 165
Grammar Constructions 168
Gardinal Numbers 179
Ordinal Numbers 180
Irregular Verbs 181
Scripts for Listening Esercises 182
Grammar Index 189
Topic Index 190
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