急症医学 第5版 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:48 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)廷蒂内利著
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7530829734
- 页数:2127 页
Contributors xv 1
Reviewers xxxvii 1
Preface xli 1
Section One Prehospital Care 1
1 Emergency Medical Services G. Patrick Lilja,Robert A.Swor 1
2 Prehospital Equipment and Adjuncts Daniel G.Hankins 6
3 Air Medical Transport C.Keith Stone,Stephen H.Thomas 11
4 Neonatal and Pediatric Transport Carl L.Bose,Phillip V.Gordon 15
5 Disaster Medical Services Eric K.Noji 22
6 Mass Gatherings Gregory D.Mears ,Arthur H.Yancey II 32
Section Two Resuscitative Problems and Techniques 39
7 Sudden Cardiac Death Joseph P.Ornato 39
8 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adults Jon Mark Hirshon 44
9 Neonatal Resuscitation and Emergencies Eugene E.Cepeda,Seetha Shankaran 49
10 Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation William E.Hauda II 57
11 Pediatric Airway Management Marcie Rubin,Nicholas Sadovnikoff 65
12 Resuscitation Issus in Pregnancy Elizabeth M.Datner,Susan B.Promes 71
13 Ethical Issues of Resuscitation Catherine A.Marco 76
14 Basic Airway Management Techniques A.Michael Roman 79
15 Tracheal Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation Daniel F.Danzl 85
16 Surgical Airway Management David R.Gens 97
17 Vascular Access Bharat B.Sutariya,William A.Berk 102
18 Invasive Monitoring,Pacing Techniques,and Automatic and Implantable Defibrillators Edward S.Bessman 111
19 Cerebral Resuscitation Gary S.Krause,Blaine C.White 118
20 Newer Resuscitative Techniques James E.Manning,Christopher W Barton, Lawrence M.Katz 121
21 Acid-Base Disorders David D.Nicolaou,Gabor D.Kelen 128
22 Blood Gases:Pathophysiology and Interpretation Mark P.Hamlin,Peter J.Pronovost 140
23 Fluid and Electrolyte Problems Michael Londner,Christine Carr,Gabor D.Kelen 150
24 Disturbances of Cardiac Rhythm and Conduction Edmund Bolton 169
25 Pharmacology of Antidysrhythmic and Vasoactive Medications Teresa M.Carlin 193
Section Three Shock 215
26 Approach to the Patient in Shock Emanuel P.Rivers.Mohamed Y.Rady,Robert Bilkovski 215
27 Fluid and Blood Resuscitation Steven C.Dronen,Eileen M.K.Bobek 222
28 Septic Shock Jonathan Jui 229
29 Cardiogenic Shock Raymond E.Jackson 239
30 Anaphylaxis and Acute Allergic Reactions Shaheed I.Koury,Lee U.Herfel 242
31 Neurogenic Shock Brian D.Euerle ,Thomas M.Scalea 247
Section Four Analgesia,Anesthesia,and Sedation 251
32 Acute Pain Management,Analgesia,and Anxiolysis in the Adult Patient Erica Liebelt,Nadine Levick 251
33 Systemic Analgesia and Sedation for Painful Procedures David D.Nicolaou 269
34 Management of Patients with Chronic Pain David M.Cline 274
Section Five Emergency Wound Management 281
35 Evaluation of Wounds Louis J.Kroot 281
36 Wound Preparation Susan C.Stone, Wallace A.Carter 284
37 Methods for Wound Closure Julia E.Martin, Rob Herfel 287
38 Lacerations to the Face and Scalp Wendy C.Coates 303
39 Fingertip and Nail Injuries Robert S.Chang, Wallace A. Carter 309
40 Lacerations of the Extremities and Joints Madonna Fernandez,Wendy C.Coates 314
41 Foot Lacerations Earl J.Reisdorff 320
42 Soft Tissue Foreign Bodies Richard L.Lammers 323
43 Puncture Wounds and Bites Charles A.Eckerline, Jr.,Jim Blake,Ronald F.Koury 330
44 Postrepair Wound Care Louis J.Kroot 337
Section Six Cardiovascular Diseases 341
45 Aspproach to Chest Pain and Possible Myocardial Ischemia Gary B.Green, Peter M.Hill 341
46 Syncope Barbara K.Blok 352
47 ACS:Unstable Angina, Myocardial Ischemia, and Infarction Judd E.Hollander 356
48 Intervention Strategies for Acute Coronary Syndrome Judd E.Hollander 366
49 Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema Charles B.Cairns 374
50 Valvular Emergencies and Endocarditis David M.Cline 378
51 Cardiomyopathies, Myocarditis,and Pericardial Disease James T.Niemann 387
52 Pulmonary Embolism Charles N.Schoenfeld 396
53 Hypertension Melissa M.Wu.Arjun Chanmugam 401
54 Aortic Dissection and Aneurysms Gary A.Johnson 412
55 Nontraumatic Peripheral Vascular Disorders Anil Chopra 416
56 Cardiac Transplantation Michael R.Mill,Michelle S.Grady 422
57 Noninvasive Myocardial Imaging David A.Bluemke,Bennett Chin,Joāo A.C.Lima 428
Section Seven Pulmonary Emergencies 443
58 Respiratory Distress J.Stephan Stapczynski 443
59 Bronchitis and Pneumonia Donald A.Moffa, Jr.,Charles L.Emerman 452
60 Aspiration Pneumonia, Lung Abscess,and Pleural Empyema Eric Anderson, Maxime Alix Gilles 461
61 Tuberculosis Janet M.Poponick, Joel Moll 466
62 Spontaneous and Iatrogenic Pneumothorax William Franklin Young, Jr.,Roger Loyd Humphries 471
63 Hemoptysis William Franklin Young, Jr.,Michael W.Stava 474
64 Acute Asthma in Adults Rita K.Cydulka,Sorabh Khandelwal 476
65 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Rita K.Cydulka, Sorabh Khandelwal 485
66 The Lung Transplant Patient Thomas P.Noeller 490
67 Pulmonary Imaging Janet M.Poponick 493
Section Eight Gastrointestinal Emergencies 497
68 Acute Abdominal Pain E.John Gallagher 497
69 Abdominal Pain in the Elderly Robert McNamara 515
70 Gastrointestinal Bleeding David T.Overton 520
71 Esophageal Emergencies Moss H.Mendelson 523
72 Swallowed Foreign Bodies Wade R.Gaasch,Robert A.Barish 529
73 Peptic Ulcer Disease and Gastritis Matthew C.Gratton 531
74 Appendicitis Denis J.FitzGerald, Arthur M.Pancioli 535
75 Intestinal Obstruction Salvator J.Vicario,Timothy G.Price 539
76 Hernia in Adults and Children Frank W.Lavoie 543
77 Ileitis,Colitis,and Diverticulitis Howard A.Werman,Hagop S.Mekhjian, Douglas A.Rund 547
78 Anorectal Disorders James K.Bouzoukis 557
79 Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Constipation Annie Tewel Sadosty,Brian J.Browne 567
80 Jaundice Richard O. Shields, Jr. 574
81 Cholecystitis and Biliary Colic Tom P.Aufderheide,William J.Brady, Judith E.Tintinalli 576
82 Hepatic Disorders and Hepatic Failure Rawden W.Evans 580
83 Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Robert J.Vissers,Riyad B.Abu-Laban 588
84 Complications of General Surgical Procedures Edmond A. Hooker 592
85 Complications of Gastrointestinal Devices Edmond A.Hooker 599
86 The Liver Transplant Patient Steven Kronick 601
87 Gastrointestinal Imaging Michael J.Bono 607
Section Nine Renal and Genitourinary Disorders 611
88 Acute Renal Failure Richard Sinert 611
89 Emergencies in Renal Failure and Dialysis Patients Richard Sinert 618
90 Urinary Tract Infections David S. Howes, William Franklin Young,Jr. 625
91 Male Genital Problems Robert E.Schneider 631
92 Urologic Stone Disease Joel Moll,William Franklin Peacock IV 640
93 Hematuria and Hematospermia David S.Howes, Mark P.Bogner 645
94 Complications of Urologic Procedures Elaine B.Josephson, Anthony Gomez 649
95 Complications of Urologic Devices C.Richard Ross,Edward Lee 650
96 The Renal Transplant Patient Richard Sinert 655
97 Renal Imaging Dan E. Wiener, Jennifer Marrast Host 661
Section Ten Gynecology and Obstetrics 669
98 Vaginal Bleeding and Pelvic Pain in the Nonpregnant Patient Laurie Morrison, Julie Spence 669
99 Normal Pregnancy Christina E.Hantsch, Donna L.Seger 680
100 Ectopic Pregnancy Richard S.Krause, David M.Janicke 686
101 Emergencies During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period Gloria J.Kuhn 694
102 Comorbid Diseases in Pregnancy Jessica L.Bienstock,Harold E.Fox 702
103 Emergency Delivery Michael J.VanRooyen, Julia B.VanRooyen 708
104 Vulvovaginitis Gloria J.Kuhn 714
105 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Amy J.Behrman, Suzanne Moore Shepherd 719
106 Breast Disorders Carol A.Terregino, Rachelle A.Greenman 723
107 Urogynecologic Disorders and Gynecologic Oncology Michael Londner, Julia B.VanRooyen 727
108 Complications of Gynecologic Procedures Michael A.Silverman,Karen J. Morrill Hardart 733
109 Pelvic Ultrasonography Robert F. Reardon, Dietrich V.K.Jehle 737
110 Fever Carol D.Berkowitz 749
Section Eleven Pediatrics 749
111 Assessment of the Child in the Emergency Department: A Practical Application of Normal Child Development Peter Mellis 753
112 Common Neonatal Problems M.Yousuf Hasan,Niranjan Kissoon 757
113 The NICU Graduate Daniel G.Batton 768
114 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Carol D.Berkowitz 771
115 Pediatric Heart Disease C.James Corrall 774
116 Otitis and Pharyngitis in Children Kimberly S.Quayle,Susan Fuchs, David M.Jaffe 786
117 Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Richard Malley 794
118 Bacteremia, Sepsis, and Meningitis in Children Peter I.Mellis 802
119 Viral and Bacterial Pneumonia in Children Kathleen M.Brown, Thomas E.Terndrup 809
120 Pediatric Asthma and Bronchioloitis Maybelle Kou,Thom A. Mayer 814
121 Seizures and Status Epilepticus in Children Michael A.Nigro 825
122 Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children Christopher M.Holmes,Ronald D.Holmes 838
123 Pediatric Abdominal Emergencies Robert W. Schafermeyer 844
124 The Diabetic Child and Diabetic Ketoacidosis Maribel Rodriguez, Thom A.Mayer 852
125 Hypoglycemia Randolph I.Cordle 855
126 Altered Mental Status in Children Nancy A.Pook,Natalie M.Cullen,Jonathan I.Singer 862
127 Syncope and Sudden Death William E.Hauda II,Thom A.Mayer 866
128 Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy William Ahrens 873
129 Upper Respiratory Emergencies Randolph J.Cordle,Nicholas C.Relich 879
130 Acute Pain Management and Sedation in Children Erica Liebelt,Nadine Levick 890
131 Pediatric Exanthems Michael S.Weinstock,Michael S.Catapano 899
132 Musculoskeletal Disorders in Children Richard A.Christoph 905
133 Sickle Cell Disease Peter J.Paganussi, Thom A. Mayer, Maybelle Kou 918
134 Evaluating the Handicapped or Disabled Child Cheryl H.Hack 924
135 Urogynecologic Problems in Children and Adolescents Richard A.Christoph 934
136 Pediatric Urinary Tract Infections Michael F.Altieri,Mary Camarca, Thom A.Mayer 939
Section Twelve Infectious Diseases 943
137 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Dexter L.Morris 943
138 Toxic Shock Syndrome and Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Shawna J. Perry, Ann L. Harwood-Nuss 946
139 HIV Infection and AIDS Richard E. Rothman, Gabor D.Kelen 952
140 Tetanus Donna L.Carden 964
141 Rabies David J. Weber, David A. Wohl, William A. Rutala 968
142 Malaria Jeffrey D. Band 974
143 Common Parasitic Infections Harold H.Osborn 980
144 Foodbome and Waterbome Diseases William T. Anderson 987
145 Infections from Animals John T. Meredith 991
146 Soft Tissue Infections Steven G. Folstad 1001
147 Reportable Communicable Diseases Jane H. Brice 1008
148 Occupational Exposures, Infection Control, and Standard Precautions Kathy J. Rinnert 1014
149 Antibiotics in the Emergency Department James H. Bryan, Kenneth C. Dirk, Jonathan Jui 1027
150 Common Viral Infections:Influenzaviruses and Herpesviruses Robert A. Brownstein 1049
151 General Management of Poisoned Patients Jason B.Hack, Robert S. Hoffman 1057
Section Thirteen Toxicology 1057
152 Tricyclic Antidepressants Kirk C.Mills 1063
153 Newer Antidepressants and Serotonin Syndrome Kirk C. Mills 1072
154 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Kirt C. Mills 1079
155 Antipsychotics Richard A. Harrigan, William J.Brady 1085
156 Lithium Sandra M. Schneider, Daniel J. Cobaugh 1089
157 Barbiturates Raquel M.Schears 1092
158 Benzodiazepines George M.Bosse 1095
159 Nonbenzodiazepine Sedative-Hypnotics Raquel M. Schears 1097
160 Alcohols William A. Berk, Wilma V. Henderson 1103
161 Opioids Suzanne Doyon 1109
162 Stimulants, Cocaine,and Amphetamines Jeanmarie Perrone, Robert S. Hoffman 1112
163 Hallucinogens Karen N. Hansen 1117
164 Salicylates Luke Yip, Richard C. Dart 1121
165 Acetaminophen Oliver Hung, Lewis S.Nelson 1125
166 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs G. Richard Bruno,Wallace A. Carter 1132
167 Xanthines Daniel J. Kranitz, Charles L.Emerman 1136
168 Digitalis Glycosides William H. Dribben, Mark A. Kirk 1139
169 β-Blocker Toxicity Willam P. Kerns II 1143
170 Calcium Channel Blockers Jeffrey A. Kline 1146
171 Antihypertensives Arjun Chanmugam 1151
172 Phenytoin and Fosphenytoin Toxicity Harold H.Osborn 1155
173 Iron Joseph G. Rella, Lewis S. Nelson 1159
174 Hydrocarbons and Volatile Substances Paul M. Wax 1162
175 Caustics G. Richard Bruno, Wallace A. Carter 1168
176 Insecticides,Herbicides, Rodenticides Walter C. Robey III,William J. Meggs 1174
177 Anticholinergic Toxicity Leslie R. Wolf 1182
178 Metals and Metalloids Marsha D. Ford 1185
179 Herbals and Vitamins G. Richard Braen 1193
180 Antimicrobials G. Richard Bruno, Wallace A. Carter 1197
181 Hazardous Materials Exposure Suzanne R. White, Col. Edward M. Eitzen, Jr. 1201
182 Cyanide Kathleen A. Delaney 1215
183 Dyshemoglobinemias Sean M. Rees, Lewis S. Nelson 1220
184 Hypoglycemic Agents Joseph G.Rella, Lewis S. Nelson 1222
Section Fourteen Environmental Injuries 1227
185 Frostbite and Other Localized Cold-Related Injuries Mark B. Rabold 1227
186 Hypothermia Howard A. Bessen 1231
187 Heat Emergencies James S. Walker, S. Brent Barnes 1235
188 Arthropod Bites and Stings Richard F. Clark 1242
189 Reptile Bites Richard C. Dart,Hernan F. Gomez, Frank F. S. Daly 1251
190 Trauma and Envenomations from Marine Fauna Paul S. Auerbach 1256
191 High Altitude Medical Problems Peter H. Hackett, Mark B.Rabold 1261
192 Dysbarism Kenneth W. Kizer 1269
193 Near Drowning Bruce E. Haynes 1278
194 Thermal Burns Lawrence R. Schwartz, Chenicheri Balakrishnan 1281
195 Chemical Burns Fred P. Harchelroad, Jr., J. Michael Ballester 1286
196 Electrical Injuries Ann S. Chinnis, Janet M. Williams, Kimberly N. Treat 1292
197 Lightning Injuries Kimberly N.Treat, Janet M. Williams, Ann S. Chinnis 1298
198 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Keith W.Van Meter 1302
199 Radiation Injuries Pamela L. Piggott 1306
200 Mushroom Poisoning Sandra M.Schneider,Anne F.Brayer 1317
201 Poisonous Plants Mart A. Hostetler, Sandra M.Schneider 1322
Section Fifteen Endocrine Emergencies 1327
202 Hypoglycemia William J. Brady, Richard A. Harrigan 1327
203 Diabetic Ketoacidosis Michael E. Chansky, Cary L. Lubkin 1330
204 Alcoholic Ketoacidosis William A. Woods, Debra G. Perina 1337
205 Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome Charles S. Graffeo 1340
206 Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Storm Horace K. Liang 1343
207 Hypothyroidism and Myxedema Coma Horace K. Liang 1345
208 Adrenal Insufficiency and Adrenal Crisis Gene Ragland 1348
209 Diabetes Mellitus Micheal D. Rush, Sonia Winslett, Kimberley Dawn Wisdow 1352
210 Evaluation of Anemia and the Bleeding Patient Mary E. Eberst 1365
Section Sixteen Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies 1365
211 Acquired Bleeding Disorders Mary E. Eberst 1370
212 Hemophilias and Von Willebrand s Disease Mary E. Eberst 1377
213 Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias Mary E. Eberst 1382
214 Acquired Hemolytic Anemias Mary E. Eberst 1387
215 Blood Transfusions and Component Therapy Mary E. Eberst 1392
216 Exogenous Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents Stephen D. Emond, John R. Cooke, J.Stephan Stapczynski 1399
217 Emergency Complications of Malignancy John J.Sverha, Marc Borenstein 1408
Section Seventeen Neurology 1415
218 The Neurologic Examination in the Emergency Setting Hubert S. Mickel 1415
219 Headache and Facial Pain Michael Schull 1422
220 Stroke,Transient Ischemic Attack,and Other Central Focal Conditions Phillip A. Scott, William G. Barsan 1430
221 Altered Mental Status and Coma J. Stephen Huff 1440
222 Ataxia and Gait Disturbances J.Stephen Huff 1449
223 Vertigo and Dizziness Brian Goldman 1452
224 Seizures and Status Epilepticus in Adults Christina Catlett Viola 1463
225 Acute Peripheral Neurologic Lesions Michael M. Wang 1471
226 Chronic Neurologic Disorders Edward P.Sloan 1477
227 Meningitis, Encephalitis,and Brain Abscess Keith E. Loring, David C. Anderson, Alan J.Kozak 1485
228 Complications of CNS Devices Joseph Pagane 1491
229 Approach to Neuroimaging in the Emergency Department Norman J.Beauchamp, Jr. 1494
230 Ocular Emergencies John D. Mitchell 1501
Section Eighteen Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat,and Oral Surgery 1501
231 Common Disorders of the External, Middle, and Inner Ear Anne Tintinalli, Michael Lucchesi 1518
232 Face and Jaw Emergencies W.F.Peacock IV 1526
233 Nasal Emergencies and Sinusitis Thomas A. Waters, W.F.Peacock IV 1532
234 Oral and Dental Emergencies Ronald W.Beaudreau 1539
235 Disorders of the Neck and Upper Airway Theresa A.Hackeling, Rudolph J.Triana,Jr. 1556
236 Complications of Airway Devices Rudolph J.Triana, Jr., Theresa A. Hackeling 1565
Section Nineteen Disorders of the Skin 1571
237 Approach to the Dermatologic Patient in the Emergency Department William J.Brady,Marcus L.Martin 1571
238 Disorders of the Face and Scalp Lisa May 1576
239 Disorders of the Hands, Feet,and Extremities Lisa May 1582
240 Disorders of the Groin and Skin Folds Lisa May 1590
241 Generalized Skin Disorders William J.Brady, Daniel J.DeBehnke 1594
242 Infestations and Bug Bites Lisa May 1604
Section Twenty Trauma 1609
243 Initial Approach to Trauma Edward E. Cornwell III 1609
244 Pediatric Trauma William E.Hauda II 1614
245 Geriatric Trauma O.John Ma,Daniel J.DeBehnke 1623
246 Trauma in Pregnancy Nelson Tang 1628
247 Head Injury Thomas D.Kirsch, Salvatore Migliore, Teresita M.Hogan 1631
248 Spinal Cord Injuries Bonny J.Baron, Thomas M.Scalea 1645
249 Maxillofacial Trauma Stephen A.Colucciello 1661
250 Penetrating and Blunt Neck Trauma Bonny J.Baron 1669
251 Thoracic Trauma William M.Bowling, Robert F. Wilson, Gabor D.Kelen, Timothy G.Buchman 1675
252 Abdominal Injuries Thomas M.Scalea, Sharon A.Boswell 1699
253 Penetrating Trauma to the Flank and Buttock Alasdair K.T.Conn 1709
254 Genitourinary Trauma Gabor D.Kelen 1711
255 Penetrating Trauma to the Extremities Richard D.Zane,Allan Kumar 1718
256 Wound Ballistics Jeremy J.Hollerman, Martin L.Fackler 1722
257 Forensics John E. Smialek 1729
258 Injury Control Arthur L.Kellermann, Knox H. Todd 1735
259 Early Evaluation and Management of Orthopedic Injuries Jeffrey S.Menkes 1739
Section Twenty-One Injuries to Bones,Joints,and Soft Tissues 1739
260 Injuries to the Hand and Digits Robert L.Muelleman 1753
261 Injuries to the Elbow and Forearm Dennis T.Uehara, Harold W.Chin 1763
262 Wrist Injuries Harold W.Chin, Dennis T.Uehara 1772
263 Injuries to the Shoulder Complex and Humerus Dennis T.Uehara, John P.Rudzinski 1783
264 Injuries to the Spine James L.Larson, Jr. 1792
265 Trauma to the Pelvis,Hip,and Femur Mark T.Steele 1801
266 Knee Injuries Mark T.Steele 1814
267 Leg Injuries Paul R.Haller,Ernest Ruiz 1823
268 Ankle Injuries John A.Michael, Ian G.Stiell 1825
269 Foot Injuries John A.Michael, Ian G.Stiell 1833
270 Compartment Syndromes Ernest Ruiz 1838
271 Rhabdomyolysis Francis L.Counselman 1841
272 Orthopedic Devices and Reconstructions Scott S.Kelley,Harrison A.Latimer 1845
Section Twenty-Two Nontraumatic Musculoskeletal Disorders 1863
273 Neck Pain Myron M.LaBan 1863
274 Thoracic and Lumbar Pain Syndromes Paul J.W.Tawney,Cara B.Siegel,Myron M.LaBan 1866
275 Shoulder Pain D.Monte Hunter 1873
276 Emergencies in Systemic Rheumatic Diseases Mary Chester Morgan Wasko 1882
277 Hand Infections Mark W.Fourre 1885
278 Acute Disorders of the Joints and Bursae John H.Burton 1891
279 Soft Tissue Problems of the Foot Frantz R.Melio 1899
Section Twenty-Three Psychosocial Disorders 1907
280 Behavioral Disorders:Clinical Features Douglas A.Rund 1907
281 Behavioral Disorders:Emergency Assessment and Stabilization Jeffery C.Hutzler,Douglas A.Rund 1913
282 Psychotropic Medications Richard A.Nockowitz,Douglas A.Rund 1918
283 Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Alexander H.Sackeyfio, Susan J.Gottlieb 1924
284 Panic Disorder Susan L.Siegfreid, Linda Meredith Nicholas 1929
285 Conversion Disorder(Reactions)Gregory P.Moore, Kenneth C.Jackimczyk 1933
286 Breaking Bad News:Notifying the Living of Death James E.Brown,Glenn C.Hamilton 1934
287 Patients Who Abuse Alcohol and Other Drugs:Emergency Department Identification,Intervention,and Referral Edward Bernstein, Judith Bernstein, Gail D Onofrio 1938
288 Physician Well-Being Sanford H.Koltonow 1943
Section Twenty-Four Abuse and Assault 1949
289 Child Abuse and Neglect Carol D.Berkowitz 1949
290 Female and Male Sexual Assault Kim M.Feldhaus 1952
291 Domestic Violence Patricia R.Salber, Ellen H.Taliaferro 1956
292 Abuse in the Elderly and Impaired Ellen H.Taliaferro,Patricia R.Salber 1960
293 Violence in the Emergency Department Marshall C.McCoy 1962
Section Twenty-Five Principles of Imaging 1967
294 Contrast Studies John Eng 1967
295 Principles of Emergency Department Sonography Scott W.Melanson, Michael B.Heller 1972
296 Principles of Emergency Department Use of Computed Tomography Stephanie Abbuhl, Patti J.Herling 1982
297 Magnetic Resonance Imaging:Principles and Some Applications Irwin D. Weisman 1987
Section Twenty-Six Special Patients 1993
298 Intravenous Drug Users Sarah A.Stahmer,Suzanne M.Shepherd 1993
299 The Alcohol-Abusing Patient William A.Berk 1998
300 The Elder Patient Arthur B.Sanders 2001
301 Adults with Physical Disabilities Cara B.Siegel, Paul J.W.Tawney 2006
302 The Mentally Retarded Adult Linmarie Sikich, L.Jarrett Barnhill 2009
303 The Homeless Patient Rama B.Rao,Lewis R.Goldfrank 2014
304 The Morbidly Obese Patient Robert J.Vissers,Kathleen A.Raftery 2017
Index 2021
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