- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:偬仕编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国文学出版社;北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7507105245
- 页数:220 页
目录 1
大学生读书计划——中国文学宝库出版呼吁 编者 1
Poor Memory 2
昏忘 3
Buying a Slave 4
买奴 5
Cravings 8
偷蜜 9
The Signal of the Bell 12
闻铃温酒 13
The Doctrine of Ultimate Causes 14
岂是车拨伤 15
The Stutterer 18
腊月何处有蛇蛟 19
A Connoisseur of Watchdogs 22
当作号号 23
The Use of the Bell 26
铃辩 27
The Frog’s Tail 30
有尾者斩 31
Like Father,Like Son 32
有其父必有其子 33
Even the Gods Fear Bullies 34
神像与水沟 35
The Old Woman’s Sorrow 38
哭夫 39
The Knowledge of the Carnivore 40
吃肉聪明 41
Contrary to the Needs of the Times 44
不合时宜 45
Thievery 46
辩盗 47
A Fiery Temper 48
火烧裳尾 49
Exchange Books for Bronzes 50
癖好 51
Tears from the Forehead 54
惧内 55
Antiquarianism 56
秦士好古 57
Three Brothers at Loggerheads 60
兄弟相拗 61
The Dragon King’s Feast 64
兄弟虚妄 65
A Guest’s Retort 68
客答 69
The Corrupt Are Devious 70
官员贪污 71
Punishing a Grandson 72
孙儿 73
An Arranged Marriage 74
老配 75
A Disappearing Monk 76
僧在 77
A Blind Man’s Lack of Faith 78
盲苦 79
The Surname Wan(“Ten Thousand”) 80
万字 81
A Poor-sighted Watchdog 82
狗病目 83
A Borrowed Raiment 84
借衣 85
Repairing a Leaking Roof 86
修屋漏 87
A False Alarm 88
惊潮 89
Pillow Talk 92
误语 93
Advice on Chanting 94
止母念佛 95
A Trick 96
诱出户 97
A Good Time After Death 98
死后佳 99
The Bride’s Regret 100
恨卢郎 101
Moralists Revile One Another 102
道学相骂 103
Respects to Your Father 104
问令尊 105
The Decorum of Yielding Passage 106
引避 107
Vegetarianism 108
吃素 109
Saving One Eyebrow 110
剃眉 111
False Incrimination 112
诬告 113
Three Men 114
殊禀 115
The Account Book 116
刺俗 117
The Oath of Officialdom 118
吏人立誓 119
Latrine Keeper 120
厕吏 121
The Correct Way of Marching 122
直走横行 123
The Venerable Prankster 124
老人妄语 125
Destined for Each Other 126
五百年夫妻 127
“And Don’t Take Credit!” 128
死后不赊 129
For a Penny More 130
一钱莫救 131
Affectations 132
矫揉不安贫 133
How Chen Gao Limited His Drinking 134
陈公戒酒 135
The Joys of Inspiration 136
喜得句 137
Bridegroom Needed 138
脔婿 139
Impetuosity 140
性急 141
A Liar Gets His Comeuppance 142
嘲人说谎 143
Weak in the Sphere of Human Affairs 146
嘲不识人 147
Non-Identification 148
同席不相认 149
A Centenarian’s Worries 150
虑二百岁寿诞 151
Working off a Debt in the Next Life 152
愿变父亲 153
The Dumb Speak! 156
哑子说话 157
“It’s Even Stronger Over Here!” 158
臭得更狠 159
The Rotting Tray 160
烂盘盒 161
“Let Me Be Your Baby!” 162
情愿做儿 163
Exaggeration 164
山灰蚊肝 165
Smoke as Excrement 168
欱风屙烟 169
A Scholar’s Verdict 172
秀才断事 173
The Proper Positions of Religious Heads 174
搬老君佛像 175
Humpback 176
医驼背 177
Removing an Arrow Stem 178
剪箭管 179
A Thief’s Coat Is Stolen 180
藏贼衣 181
A Bird Aficionado 182
养百龄 183
Human or Inhuman 186
像人不像人 187
A Mean-spirited Bureaucrat from the Capital 188
京官悭吝 189
Nobody’s Fool 192
问靴价 193
Money Demanded by Ghosts 194
死要钱 195
Justified in the Eyes of the Law 198
有理 199
Cash on Delivery 200
取金 201
An Older Woman 202
藏年 203
“Come a Bit Earlier Tomorrow” 204
坐椅子 205
The Size of the Monkey 206
问猴 207
Sloth 208
懒妇 209
The Ghost of a Miser 210
啬刻鬼 211
Paragons of Self-discipline 214
名读书 215
To Readers of the English Translations of Classical Chinese Prose and Poetry Revisor 216
关于中国古典文学作品英译文的说明 校译者 220
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