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古代寓言选  英汉对照
古代寓言选  英汉对照

古代寓言选 英汉对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:偬仕编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国文学出版社;北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7507105318
  • 页数:196 页
《古代寓言选 英汉对照》目录

大学生读书计划——中国文学宝库出版呼吁 编者 1

How the Fool Moved Mountains 2

愚公移山 3

The Lord Who Loved Dragons 6

叶公好龙 7

The Rats in the Altar 8

社鼠 9

The Chicken Thief 10

攘鸡 11

Waiting for a Hare to Turn up 12

守株待兔 13

The Fox Who Profited by the Tiger's Might 14

狐假虎威 15

The Snipe and the Mussel 16

鹬蚌相争 17

The Wolf of Zhongshan 18

中山狼传 19

Entering the City Gate with a Long Pole 38

截竿入城 39

Punishing the Horse 40

取道杀马 41

Why Zeng Shen Killed the Pig 42

曾子杀猪 43

The Dog Who Soured Wine 44

狗猛酒酸 45

Tht Use of Parables 46

惠子善譬 47

The Cicada,the Praying Mantis and the Sparrow 48

螳螂捕蝉 49

The Fur and the Hide 50

反裘负刍 51

The Man Who Lost His Jacket 52

澄子亡缁衣 53

The Owl Moves House 54

枭将东徙 55

Buying a Pair of Shoes 56

郑人买履 57

Marking the Boat to Locate the Sword 58

刻舟求剑 59

Too Many Paths 60

多歧亡羊 61

Presenting Doves 62

献鸠 63

Felling the Plane Tree 64

枯梧不祥 65

The Man Who Saw Nobody 66

攫金 67

The Ointment for Chapped Hands 68

不龟手之药 69

The Bird Killed by Kindness 70

鲁侯养鸟 71

Learning the Wrong Thing 72

丑女效颦 73

The Frog in the Well 74

埳井之蛙 75

The Carp in the Dry Rut 76

辙中有鲋 77

How Two Shepherd Boys Lost Their Sheep 78

臧谷亡羊 79

Three Chestnuts or Four 80

狙公赋芧 81

The Prince and His Bow 82

宣王好射 83

Learning to Play Draughts 84

学弈 85

Helping Young Shoots to Grow 86

揠苗助长 87

The Man Who Was Afraid of Ghosts 88

涓蜀梁 89

The Man Who Was Found in the Well 90

穿井得一人 91

The Son of a Good Swimmer 92

其父善游 93

Stealing the Bell 94

掩耳盗钟 95

Painting Ghosts 96

说画 97

The Crumbling Wall 98

宋有富人 99

Ivory Chopsticks 100

纣为象箸 101

The Man Who Pretended He Could Play Reed Pipes 102

滥竽充数 103

The Man Who Sold Spears and Shields 104

矛盾 105

A Recipe for Immortality 106

燕王学道 107

How Two Water Snakes Moved House 108

涸泽之蛇 109

Selling the Casket Without the Pearls 110

买椟还珠 111

The Rumour About Zeng Shen 112

曾母投杼 113

The Wrong Direction 114

南辕北辙 115

Drawing a Snake with Legs 116

画蛇添足 117

Buying a Good Horse 118

千金买首 119

Who Deserved the Place of Honour 120

曲突徙薪 121

Playing the Harp to an Ox 122

对牛弹琴 123

Lamenting a Mother's Death 124

哭母不哀 125

A Scholar Buys a Donkey 126

博士买驴 127

The Man Who Liked Money Better Than Life 128

溺者之死货 129

The Donkey of Guizhou 130

黔之驴 131

The Silly Fawn 132

临江之麋 133

Ancient Books for Ancient Bronze 134

古书换古器 135

The Boat-Owner's Bright Idea 136

可折半直 137

What Does the Sun Look Like? 138

日喻 139

The Fighting Oxen 140

戴嵩画牛 141

Treating Hunchbacks 142

驼医 143

The Dream 144

狡生梦金 145

Nothing to Do with Me 148

任事 149

Laugh with Others 150

众笑亦笑 151

Fine Tung Wood 152

良桐 153

Drought Assails the East Capital 154

东都大旱 155

Saving a Tiger 156

道士救虎 157

The Malicious Intent of Ziqiao 158

西郭子侨 159

The Musk Deer and the Tiger 160

麋虎 161

Wisdom and Strength 162

智力 163

Beekeepers 164

灵丘丈人养蜂 165

A Merchant 168

济阴商人 169

The Nine-Headed Bird 170

九头鸟争食 171

Jue Shu's Three Regrets 172

蹶叔三悔 173

An Impetuous Person 176

躁人 177

Stealing Dregs 178

鲁人窃糟 179

Preemptive Surgery 180

刳马肝 181

A Bull Wearing a Kerchief 182

富翁戴巾 183

Better to Be Blind 184

宁为盲人 185

Parents for Sale 186

卖双亲 187

Evading a Debt 188

躲债 189

Retractility 190

答令尊 191

To Readers of the English Translations of Classical Chinese Prose and Poetry Revisor 192

关于中国古典文学作品英译文的说明 校译者 196
