- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马之騆编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7309026675
- 页数:620 页
第一部分:西方国际金融学专题论文 1
1. H. G. Johnson: Towards a General Theory of the Balance of Payments 3
2. H. G. Johnson: The Monetary Approach to Balance-of-Payments Theory 16
3. Richard Cooper: Flexible Exchange Rates (1973-1980): How Bad Have They Really Been? 30
4. J. A. Frenkel: Flexible Exchange Rates, Prices, and the Role of News ; Lessons from the 1970s 42
5. Rudiger Dornbusch: Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics 65
6. Fritz Machlup: The Need for Monetary Reserves 78
7. Harold James: The Historical Development of the Principle of Surveillance 103
8. M. Guitian: Conditionality: Past, Present, Future 127
9. Paul Krugrnan: What Do We Need to Know About the International Monetary System? 156
10. R. I. Mckinnon: Optimum Currency Areas 177
11. Maurice Obstfeld: EMU: Ready or Not? 185
12. Merton H. Miller: Financial Innvation: The Last Twenty Years and the Next 210
13. R. N. Cooper: Should Capital-Account Convertibility Be a World Objective? 224
14. Sebastian Edwards: The Order of Liberalization of the External Sector in Developing Countries 232
15. Paul Krugman: The Myth of Asia s Miracle 252
16. Koichi Hamada: Macroeconomic Strategy and Coordination under Alternative Exchange Rates 265
第二部分:西方国际金融学专题理论文献评介 295
1. Ronald MacDonald and Mark P. Taylor: Exchange Rate Economics: A Survey 297
2. John Williamson: Surveys in Applied Economics: International Liquidity 346
3. Herbert G. Grubel: The Demand for International Reserves: A Critical Review of the Literature 405
4. Ronald I. Mckinnon: The Rules of the Game: International Money in Historical Perspective 427
5. Zoran Hodjera: International Short-Term Capital Movements: A Survey of Theory and Empirical Analysis 474
6. Michael P. Dooley: A Survey of Literature on Controls over International Capital Transactions 520
7. George S. Tavlas: The New Theory of Optimum Currency Areas 563
8. Robert Z. Aliber: International Banking: A Survey 586
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