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英语口语入门  2
英语口语入门  2

英语口语入门 2PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱秀琴,ClarkWhite合著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国大百科全书出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7500063970
  • 页数:270 页
《英语口语入门 2》目录

Part Ⅰ 英语速学篇——双赢的策略 3

Chapter 1 初学英语要注意什么? 3

Chapter 2 提高英语学习效率的方法 7

Chapter 3 单词速记的捷径 10

Chapter 4 学语法的捷径 14

Chapter 5 如何提高英语会话能力 16

Part Ⅱ 会话实战篇——说的技巧 25

Chapter 6 Easy Talk 会话句型 25

1.I need a pair of shoes.(我需要一双鞋。) 25

2.I usually go to bed early.(我平常很早睡觉。) 28

3.He doesn t sing well.(他的歌唱得不好。) 31

4.I have to work.(我得去上班。) 34

5.You can t be serious.(你不是当真的吧。) 37

6.You must be tired.(你一定累了。) 40

7.He doesn t work here(他不在这里上班。) 43

8.She likes classical music.(她喜欢古典音乐。) 46

9.Helen works in a bank.(海伦在银行上班。) 49

10.Judy can run fast.(朱迪可以跑得很快。) 52

11.We have some old books.(我们有一些旧书。) 55

12.We go to church every Sunday.(我们每星期天上教堂。) 58

13.They have two children.(他们有两个小孩。) 61

14.We must ask him.(我们必须问他。) 64

15.The car belongs to me.(这车是我的。) 66

16.The store opens at 8:00 a.m.(商店八点开门。) 68

1.Can I have the check.(请把帐单给我。) 71

Chapter 7 Easy Talk 疑问句型 71

2.Can I buy you a drink?(要不要我请你喝杯酒?) 74

3.Can you help me with this?(你能不能帮我做这个?) 77

4.Do you play golf?(你打高尔夫球吗?) 80

5.Do you have the time?(你戴表了吗?) 83

6.Do you need anything?(你需要什么东西吗?) 86

7.Do you always get up so late?(你是否都睡这么晚才起床?) 89

8.Does that suit fit you?(那套西装合不合您的身?) 92

9.Does she work every day?(她每天都上班吗?) 95

10.May I speak to Tom?(可以请汤姆听电话吗?) 97

Chapter 8 常用英语会话句型 100

1.I was hungry.(当时我饿了。) 100

2.She was at work.(她当时在上班。) 103

3.It was terrible!(那太糟糕了!) 105

4.Was the food good?(菜做得还好吗?) 108

5.Were you sick?(你那时不舒服吗?) 111

6.I wasn t with her.(我那时并没有与她在一起。) 114

7.He wasn t there.(他当时不在那儿。) 116

8.I lost my key.(我的钥匙丢了。) 119

9.She got married.(她结婚了。) 122

10.We met before.(我们见过面。) 125

11.I just saw her.(我刚才看见她。) 128

12.We missed the train.(我们没赶上火车。) 131

13.We could go this Sunday.(我们这个星期日应该可以去。) 134

14.You should go home.(你应该回家。) 137

15.I didn t enjoy it.(我对那个并不感兴趣。) 140

16.He didn t call me.(他没打电话给我。) 143

17.We didn t buy a car.(我们并没有买车。) 145

18.She shouldn t drive so fast.(她真的不该把车开得那么快。) 147

Chapter 9 初级英语会话句型 150

1.I m John.(我是约翰。) 150

2.I am here on vacation.(我是来这里度假的。) 153

3.I m not interested in sports.(我对运动没兴趣。) 156

4.You are late again.(你又迟到了。) 158

5.They are on the bookshelf.(那些都在书架上。) 160

6.Mary is at work.(玛丽去上班了。) 163

7.The shoes are too big.(这双鞋太大了。) 166

8.The dress is a good buy.(这件套装真是物美价廉。) 168

9.The bag is heavy.(这个袋子好重。) 171

10.That s a nice shirt.(这件衬衫挺好的。) 174

11.It is hot today.(今天好热。) 177

12.The store is not open today.(这家店今天不营业。) 179

13.Am I late?(我来迟了吗?) 182

14.Is Mary there?(玛丽在吗?) 185

15.Is it dark now?(现在天黑了吗?) 188

16.Are you tired?(你累不累?) 191

17.Are these your things?(这些是你的物品?) 193

Chapter 10 初级疑问会话句型 196

1.Did I wake you?(我吵醒你了吗?) 196

2.Did you see Tom today?(你今天看见汤姆了吗?) 199

3.Did she marry him?(她跟他结婚了吗?) 202

4.Could I have the paper,please?(请把报纸给我看看?) 204

5.Could you open the door, please?(请你把门打开好吗?) 207

6.Would you help me with the report?(请你帮我准备这份报告?) 210

7.What are you doing?(你在干什么?) 213

8.What is that?(那是什么?) 216

9.What was that sound?(那是什么声音?) 219

10.What do you like?(你想要什么?) 221

11.What does he want?(他要什么?) 224

12.What did you do today?(你今天做了些什么?) 226

13.What did he want?(他要了什么?) 229

15.Why don t you call her?(你为什么不打个电话给她?) 233

14.Why do you need that?(你怎么会需要那个?) 234

16.Why did you tell a lie?(你为什么说谎?) 235

17.Why didn t you tell me?(你怎么没跟我说?) 237

18.Who are you?(您是哪位?) 240

19.Who is next?(下一位是谁?) 242

20.Who was on the phone?(讲电话的是谁呀?) 245

21.When is the meeting?(什么时候开会?) 248

22.When does the game start?(比赛几时开始?) 251

23.How is it going?(一切还好吧?) 253

24.How are the children?(孩子们都好吗?) 256

25.How do you want your egg?(你的鸡蛋要几分熟?) 259

26.How was your weekend?(这个周末你过得如何?) 262

27.How did you do it?(你是怎么做的?) 265

28.How much is it?(多少钱?) 268
