- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王守元著
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:756072096X
- 页数:270 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Definition of Stylistics 1
1.2 Emergence of Stylistics as an Interdisciplinary Field of Study 2
1.3 Two Important Assumptions of Stylistics 4
1.4 The Goals, Components and Procedure of Stylistic Inquiry 6
1.5 The Nature of Stylistic Analysis 9
Exercises 10
Chapter 2 Three Views on Style 11
2.1 Style as Deviance 12
2.2 Style as Choice 15
2.3 Style as Foregrounding 18
Exercises 22
Chapter 3 Surface-structure Deviation 23
3.1 Phonological Deviation 23
3.1.1 Omission 23
3.1.2 Mispronunciation and Sub-standard Pronunciation 24
3.1.3 Special Pronunciation 29
3.1.4 Change of Stress 30
3.2 Graphological Deviation 30
3.2.1 Shape of Text 30
3.2.2 Type of Print 32
3.2.3 Grammetrics 35
3.3.1 Unusual Clause Theme 39
3.3 Syntactic Deviation 39
3.3.2 Deviant Phrase Structure 43
3.4 Lexical Deviation 45
3.4.1 Affixation 46
3.4.2 Compounding 47
3.4.3 Conversion 48
Exercises 50
4.1 Contradiction 61
4.1.1 Oxymoron 61
Chapter 4 Deep-structure Deviation 61
4.1.2 Paradox 62
4.2 Transference 64
4.2.1 Synecdoche 64
4.2.2 Metonymy 65
4.2.3 Metaphor 66
4.3 Deception 70
4.3.1 Overstatement 70
4.3.2 Understatement 72
4.3.3 Irony 74
4.4 Ambiguity 77
Exercises 80
Chaptert 5 Phonological Overregularity 91
5.1 Phonemic Patterning 91
5.1.1 Alliteration 91
5.1.2 Rhyme 94
5.1.3 Assonance 101
5.1.4 Consonance 103
5.1.5 Onomatopoeia 104
5.2 Rhythmic Patterning 108
5.2.1 Stress 108
5.2.2 Metre 110
5.2.3 Metrical Variation 116
Exercises 121
Chapter 6 Syntactic Overregularity 131
6.1 Repetition 131
6.1.1 Immediate Repetition 131
6.1.2 Intermittent Repetition 133
6.2 Parallelism 134
6.2.1 Large-scale Parallelism 135
6.2.2 Small-scale Parallelism 142
Exercises 145
7.1 Phonological Devices 154
Chapter 7 Cohesion in Literary Discourse 154
7.2 Syntactic Devices 159
7.2.1 Co-reference 159
7.2.2 Ellipsis 161
7.2.3 Linkage 164
7.3 Lexical Devices 168
7.3.1 Lexical Repetition 168
7.3.2 Elegant Variation 170
7.4 Cohesion of Foregrounded Features 171
Exercises 180
8.1 Speech Act Theory 188
Chapter 8 Speech Acts, The Cooperative Principle and Turn-taking 188
8.2 The Cooperative Principle 197
8.3 Turn-taking 204
Exercises 211
Chapter 9 Implications of Stylistics for Teaching English Literature 215
9.1 A Brief Description of Students 215
9.2 Implications of Stylistics for Defining the Aims of Teaching Literature 217
9.3 Implications of Stylistics for Devising Classroom Literary Exercises 219
9.4 The Advantages and Challenges of a Stylistic Approach to Teaching Literature 231
Exercises 233
Bibliography 235
General Index (with Chinese Translation) 242
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