语用学 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)George Yule著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810467972
- 页数:138 页
SECTION 1 Survey 1
1 Definitionsand background 3
Syntax,semantics,and pragmatics 4
Regularity 4
The pragmatics wastebasket 6
2 Deixis and distance 9
Person deixis 10
Preface 11
Spatial deixis 12
Temporal deixis 14
Deixis and grammar 15
3 Referenceand inference 17
Referential and attributive uses 18
Names and referents 19
The role of co-text 21
Anaphoric reference 22
4 Presupposition and entailment 25
Presupposition 26
Types of presupposition 27
The projection problem 30
Ordered entailments 33
5 Cooperationandimplicature 35
The cooperative principle 36
Hedges 38
Conversational implicature 40
Generalized conversational implicatures 40
Scalar implicatures 41
Particularized conversational implicatures 42
Properties of conversational implicatures 44
Conventional implicatures 45
6 Speech acts and events 47
Speechacts 48
IFIDs 49
Felicity conditions 50
The performative hypothesis 51
Speech act classification 53
Direct and indirect speech acts 54
Speech events 56
7 Politeness and interaction 59
Politeness 60
Face wants 61
Negative and positive face 61
Self and other:say nothing 62
Say something:off and on record 63
Positive and negative politeness 64
Strategies 65
Pre-sequences 67
8 Conversationand preferencestructure 71
Conversation analysis 71
Pauses,overlaps,and backchannels 72
Conversational style 76
Adjacency pairs 76
Preference structure 78
9 Discourse and culture 83
Discourse analysis 83
Coherence 84
Background knowledge 85
Cultural schemata 87
Cross-cultural pragmatics 87
SECTION 2 Readings 91
SECTION 3 References 117
SECTION 4 Glossary 127
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