- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:海智编
- 出 版 社:北京:兵器工业出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7801329759
- 页数:369 页
上部 电脑硬件入门 1
1.1 What Is the Computer 1
1.2 Whis Is Memory 1
1.3 What Is Display 2
1.4 What Is Disk Drive 3
1.5 What Is Keyboard 3
1.6 what Is Adding Hardware 4
1.6.1 what Is the Serial Port 4
1.6.2 what Is the Parallel Port 4
1.6.3 what Is the Mouse 4
1.6.4 what Is Printer 5
1.6.5 what Is the Modem 5
1.7 what Is Digital Computer 5
1.8 what Is General-purpose Computer 6
1.9 what are Micro,Mini,Mainframe and Super Computer 6
1.10 what Is the First Generation of Computers 7
1.11 what Is the Second Generation of Computers 7
1.12 what Is the Third Generation of Computers 8
1.13 what Is the fourth Generation of Computers 9
1.14 what Is Generationless Computer 9
1.15 what Are Computer Codes 10
1.16 what Is a Processor 14
1.17 what Is the Control Unit 15
1.18 what Is the Arithmetic/Logic Unit 16
1.19 what Is Register 16
1.20 what Is Instruction Code 17
1.21 what Are Elements in the Storage Hierarchy 17
1.22 what Is Sepcialized Storage Elements in the CPU 19
1.23 what Is Computer--System Input 20
1.24 what Is Computer--System Output 22
语法 22
习题 22
中部 电脑软件入门 39
2.1 what Is Operating System 39
2.2 what Is Job Management 40
2.3 what Is Resource Management 41
2.4 what Is control of I/O Operations 41
2.5 what Are File Systems 42
2.6 what Is Booting the System 44
2.7 what Is Running a Software Package 44
2.8 what Is DOS? 45
2.9 How MS-DOS Keeps Track of Your Files 45
2.10 what Is Windows? 46
2.11 what Is Program Manager? 48
2.12 what Is Working with Group 48
2.13 what Is Unix 50
2.14 How to Name a Variable 54
2.15 How to Declare Variable Types 55
2.16 what Are Arrays 56
2.17 what Is Program 58
2.18 what Is Machine Languages 61
2.19 what Is Assembly Languages 62
2.20 what Is High-Level Languages 64
2.21 what Is in the High-Level Language Names? 65
2.22 what Is Object Oriented Programming? 66
2.23 what s Language Processors 67
2.24 what Is Flowchart 68
语法 68
习题 68
下部 电脑应用入门 99
3.1 what Is Data Communication 99
3.2 what Is Computer Network 101
3.3 what Is management system(DBMS) 104
3.4 what Is DBMS Structuring Techniques 106
3.5 what Is Management Information 109
3.6 what Is Data Management? 110
3.7 what Is the Functions of DBMS 111
3.8 what Is Bar Code 112
3.9 what Is Office Automation 113
3.10 what Is External e-mail 115
3.11 what Is Electronic Data Interchange 117
3.12 what Is Viewdata 118
3.13 what Is Multimedia 120
3.14 what Is Multimedia Technology 122
3.15 what Does the Multimedia Actually Mean? 126
3.16 what Is Elements of Multimedia 126
3.17 what Are Uses for Multimedia 130
3.18 what Is the Multimedia Personal Computer 132
3.19 How to Creating Multimedia Applications 133
3.20 what Is CD-ROM 134
3.21 what Is CD-ROM Standard 137
3.22 what Is New Generation Computer Project 138
3.23 what Can Internet Do for Us? 140
3.24 what Is the Network Computer 140
3.25 How Are Firewall 141
3.26 what Is Electronic Bulletin Board 141
3.27 what is ISDN 142
语法 142
习题 142
电脑英语常用词汇及常见屏幕信息 166
[1]与计算机硬件有关的词汇 166
[2]与计算机软件有关的词汇 169
[3]DOS操作系统常见屏幕信息 173
[4]与文件有关的词汇 177
[5]与计算机数据有关的词汇 180
[6]与数据库有关的词汇 182
[7]与计算机窗口有关的词汇 185
[8]与Windows 95有关的词汇 188
[9]数据库屏幕常见信息 191
[10]与计算机多媒体有关的词汇 195
[11]与internet有关的词汇 199
[12]与网络应用有关的词汇 205
[13]与局域网有关的词汇 215
[14]与网络病毒有关的词汇 224
[15]文件编辑常见屏幕信息 226
[16]压缩文件常见屏幕信息 242
[17]数据库应用常见屏幕信息 247
[18]图写文件常用屏幕信息 264
[19]批处理文件常见屏幕信息 278
[20]清除病毒常见屏幕信息 296
附录:参考译文 301
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- 《少儿电子琴入门教程 双色图解版》灌木文化 2019
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- 《Python3从入门到实战》董洪伟 2019
- 《新编历史小丛书 祖逖北伐》何兹全著 2019
- 《新编高中物理竞赛教程习题全解》钟小平主编;钟小平,倪国富,曹海奇编写 2019
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