CAM与数控编程 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:封志明主编
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787564348434
- 页数:261 页
Chapter 1 Fundamentals of CNC Machining 1
1.1 Numerical Control Fundamentals 1
1.2 CNC part programming 8
1.3 Computer aided manufacturing(CAM) 12
Chapter 2 Basis of UG NX CAM 18
2.1 UG NX CAM overview 18
2.2 UG CAM machining environment 22
2.3 Analyzing the part to machine 24
2.4 Creating CAM operations 26
2.5 Coordinate system of UG NX CAM 35
2.6 Tool Paths 37
2.7 Postprocessing 41
2.8 Operation Navigator 46
Chapter 3 UG CAM Path Settings 52
3.1 Path settings overview 52
3.2 Cut Pattern 53
3.3 Stepover 54
3.4 Cut levels 55
3.5 Cutting Parameters 55
3.6 Non-cutting Moves 70
3.7 Feeds and speeds 79
3.8 Machine control 81
Chapter 4 Planar Milling 85
4.1 Planar milling&Path Settings overview 85
4.2 Manufacturing boundaries overview 86
4.3 Planar milling geometry 92
4.4 Planar milling operation parameters 94
4.5 Planar milling cutting parameters 101
4.6 Create planar milling operation 104
4.7 Planar milling example 105
Chapter 5 Cavity Milling 114
5.1 Cavity milling overview 114
5.2 In Process Workpiece(IPW) 115
5.3 Setting cavity milling geometry 121
5.4 Cavity milling cutting parameters 124
5.5 Create cavity milling operation 132
5.6 Cavity Milling Operation Example 133
Chapter 6 Face Milling 141
6.1 Face milling overview 141
6.2 Face milling geometry 142
6.3 Face milling operation parameters 145
6.4 Face milling cutting parameters 147
6.5 Create face milling operation 151
6.6 Face milling example 152
Chapter 7 Z-Level Milling 157
7.1 Z-level milling overview 157
7.2 Z-level milling geometry 158
7.3 Z-level milling operation parameters 159
7.4 Z-level milling cutting parameters 160
7.5 Z-level milling example 165
Chapter 8 Fixed-axis Surface Contouring 171
8.1 Surface contouring overview 171
8.2 Valid geometry for fixed-axis surface contouring 173
8.3 Drive methods 173
8.4 Projection Vector 193
8.5 Tool axis 194
8.6 Create a fixed contouring operation 194
8.7 Fixed contouring operation example 195
Chapter 9 Drilling 201
9.1 Drilling operations overview 201
9.2 Drill geometry 204
9.3 Drilling cycles 211
9.4 Cycle Parameters 216
9.5 Drilling operation example 220
Chapter 10 A Comprehensive CAM Instance 227
10.1 Part analysis 227
10.2 Setting up the machining environment 229
10.3 Preparation for creating operations 229
10.4 Create milling operations 233
Vocabulary List 256
Reference 261
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