致用商务英语阅读 辅导用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙虹瑞,李政杰主编
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787566309891
- 页数:176 页
Programme 1 Concluding a Contract 1
Passage 1: Oil Majors Disagree on Contract 2
Passage 2: Company Expands Co-operation 4
Programme 2 Packaging of Products 15
Passage 1: Coca-Cola Promises “Greener” Drinks Bottles 16
Passage 2: Food Standards to Be Clarified, Unified 19
Programme 3 Sole Agent 29
Passage 1: Ng Fung Hong Refutes Charges of Profiteering over Beef Monopoly 30
Passage 2: Govt, Private Owner Join Luxury Fever 34
Programme 4 Commodity Inspection 45
Passage 1: Shaanxi Commended by State Council Inspection Group For Market Supply and Supervision 46
Passage 2: Pork Ribs Destroyed after Banned Additive Detected 49
Programme 5 Delivery and Shipment 59
Passage 1: Expand and Deliver (excerpts) 60
Passage 2: Volvo Jan Truck Deliveries Weakest in 3 Years 63
Programme 6 Complaints and Claims 73
Passage 1: Complaints on Internet Shopping Rise Sharply 74
Passage 2: Beyond the Arc Analyzes CFPB Complaint Data to Enhance Customer Experience 77
Programme 7 Business Arbitration 89
Passage 1: Arbitration in China. Get Used to It 90
Passage 2: Make HK a Business Arbitration Center 93
Programme 8 Business Logistics 103
Passage 1: At AFN, Employees are Treated with the Same Consideration as Customers 104
Passage 2: China Logistics Group Launches Domestic Trucking Services Operation In China 107
Programme 9 Business Insurance 117
Passage 1: Online Business Insurance Agent insureon Receives Near-Perfect Score for Customer Loyalty 118
Passage 2: Entrepreneurs Protect against Risks to Business 121
Programme 10 E-commerce 131
Passage 1: 3 E-commerce Trends to Watch in China in 2013 132
Passage 2: China will Become the World's Most Valuable Market for E-commerce 135
Key to the Work Book 145
Key to the Reading Book 157
References 176
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