中国创业教育体系的构建问题研究 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭新宝著
- 出 版 社:北京:中央编译出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787511722621
- 页数:212 页
1 Review of related researches and practices 1
1.1 Review of the development and research of entrepreneurship education 1
1.2 The development and research of entrepreneurship education in China 28
1.3 Future development trend of entrepreneurship education 33
2 Research on spillover effects of entrepreneurship education 38
2.1 Entrepreneurship education and establishment of innovative country 38
2.2 Research on entrepreneurship education based on perspective of entrepreneurship capital 42
2.3 Research on knowledge spillover of entrepreneurship education 57
3 Scientificity of entrepreneurship education 89
3.1 Historical inevitability of entrepreneurship education 90
3.2 Objective reality of entrepreneurship education 99
3.3 Assumption, goals, and evaluation of entrepreneurship education 116
3.4 Main modes of Chinese entrepreneurship education 127
3.5 Construction of Chinese entrepreneurship education system 131
4 Proposals for the development of entrepreneurship education in China 164
4.1 Cultivation system of entrepreneurship education 164
4.2 Management system of entrepreneurship education 182
4.3 Teacher groups of entrepreneurship education 190
4.4 Operation environment of entrepreneurship education 194
4.5 Government’s promotion to entrepreneurship education 201
Reference 205
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