- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄安贻主编;李伟光,杨振中副主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787562920830
- 页数:223 页
Chapter 1 Introduction to control systems 1
1.1 Principle of automatic control system 2
1.2 Structure of control system 4
1.3 Control systems'characteristics 5
1.4 Types of control systems 7
1.5 Brief history of automatic control 10
1.6 Drill problems 11
Chapter 2 Building appropriate mathematical models for a control system 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Describe a physical system in differential equation 14
2.3 Transfer function 26
2.4 Block diagrams 31
2.5 Signal flow diagrams 41
2.6 State space representation 44
2.7 Derive transfer function from state space representation 57
2.8 Drill problems 59
Chapter 3 Time response analysis of control systems 63
3.1 Introduction 63
3.2 Time response and its components 63
3.3 Time response from transfer function 66
3.4 Performance specifications in time domain 77
3.5 Time response from state space equation 82
3.6 Observability and controllability of control system 85
3.7 Drill problems 88
Chapter 4 Frequency response analysis of control systems 91
4.1 Concepts 91
4.2 Graphical descriptions:Nyquist and Bode diagrams 94
4.3 Minimum phase systems 103
4.4 Frequency characteristics of closed-loop control systems 105
4.5 Performance specification in frequency domain 107
4.6 Determine the transfer function of a control systems through experiments 108
4.7 Drill problems 110
Chapter 5 Stability analysis of control systems 113
5.1 Concepts 113
5.2 Routh's stability criterion 115
5.3 Routh's criterion:special cases 118
5.4 Criterion for stability in frequency domain 122
5.5 Relative-stability:gain and phase margins 134
5.6 Summary 137
5.7 Drill problems 138
Chapter 6 Steady-state errors of control systems 140
6.1 Concepts 140
6.2 Calculating the steady-state errors resulted from inputs 141
6.3 The effect of feedback on system disturbances 144
6.4 Drill Problems 145
Chapter 7 Compensation techniques 147
7.1 Introduction 147
7.2 General controller 149
7.3 Frequency-based compensation of system 153
7.4 Poles assignment in state feedback 167
7.5 Drill problems 173
Chapter 8 Digital control 175
8.1 Introduction 175
8.2 Analog-digital conversion 177
8.3 Discrete-time signals 181
8.4 Sampling 188
8.5 The z-transform and inverse z-transform 192
8.6 Pulse transfer functions 196
8.7 Reconstruction of signals from samples 198
8.8 Discrete-time systems 203
8.9 State space represent of discrete-time systems 206
8.10 Drill problems 209
Appendix A Commentaries 211
Appendix B Laplace transform 216
Appendix C Terminology index 219
References 223
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