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Reservoir  Diagenesis  and  Quality  Prediction
Reservoir  Diagenesis  and  Quality  Prediction

Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality PredictionPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:HonghanChen,ChunquanLi,HongweiPing编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:中国地质大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787562529033
  • 页数:328 页
《Reservoir Diagenesis and Quality Prediction》目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Overview 1

1.2 Glossary 1

1.3 Abbreviations 8

Chapter 2 Tools and Techniques 9

2.1 At what stage of exploration or production can the tools be applied? 9

2.2 How reliable are the tools? 9

2.3 Further reading 9

Chapter 3 Diagenesis of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks 16

3.1 Introduction 16

3.2 Clastic diagenesis 17

3.3 Carbonate diagenesis 61

Chapter 4 Rock Mechanics Related to Reservoir 130

4.1 Underground stresses 130

4.2 Pore pressure 140

4.3 Sedimentological aspects 144

4.4 Mechanical properties of sedimentary rocks 150

Chapter 5 Lithofacies 160

5.1 Why consider lithofacies? 160

5.2 What is lithofacies? 161

5.3 How does sandstone composition affect reservoir quality? 162

5.4 How does texture affect porosity? 162

5.5 How does texture affect permeability? 163

5.6 What is the effect of fabric on reservoir quality? 163

5.7 What are the effects of bedding and sedimentary structures on reservoir quality? 164

5.8 How are depositional environments, primary lithofacies and K-φ related? 166

5.9 Conclusions 171

Chapter 6 Carbonate Sequences 173

6.1 What are the most important controls on reservoir quality in carbonate sequences? 173

6.2 Sulphates 181

6.3 Karstification 181

6.4 Compaction 183

6.5 Fractures 183

6.6 Predicting reservoir quality in limestones 184

6.7 How can we predict permeability? 189

Chapter 7 Compaction 194

7.1 What is compaction? 194

7.2 How does compaction affect reservoir quality? 194

7.3 How does compaction operate? 195

7.4 What are the controls on compaction? 196

Chapter 8 Quartz 199

8.1 How does quartz cement affect reservoir quality? 199

8.2 What is quartz? 202

8.3 How to identify quartz cements? 204

8.4 Where does quartz cement come from? 204

8.5 What controls quartz cement distribution? 207

8.6 Amount of quartz cement 209

8.7 What controls quartz cement precipitation? 209

8.8 Analyzing quartz cement 211

8.9 Summary 214

Chapter 9 Clays 216

9.1 What are clay minerals? 216

9.2 How do we distinguish between detrital and diagenetic clays? 216

9.3 Effect of clay minerals on reservoir quality 218

9.4 Illite 219

9.5 Chlorite 220

9.6 Kaolinite 223

9.7 Smectite 224

9.8 Other clays 226

Chapter 10 Carbonate Cements in Clastics 230

10.1 What is carbonate cements? 231

10.2 What is the form of carbonate cementation? 231

10.3 How does carbonate cement effect reservoir quality? 233

10.4 Tools and techniques for use with carbonate cements 234

10.5 Source of carbonate cements 236

10.6 Timing of cementation 237

10.7 Reservoir connectivity 238

10.8 Depositional environments and carbonate cements 238

Chapter 11 Secondary Porosity 241

11.1 What causes secondary porosity? 241

11.2 Types of secondary pores 242

11.3 How does secondary porosity affect reservoir quality? 242

11.4 What views do other oil companies have on secondary porosity? 244

11.5 Possible mechanisms of secondary porosity generation 245

11.6 How can we recognize secondary porosity? 246

11.7 Conclusions 247

Chapter 12 Faults and Fractures 249

12.1 The effects of faults and fractures on reservoir quality 249

12.2 Where are we most likely to encounter faults and fractures? 250

12.3 How do faults and factures affect reservoir quality? 250

12.4 What makes a fracture or fault non-conductive? 251

12.5 Fault and fracture cementation 252

12.6 Timing and source of cementation 253

12.7 Fracture conductivity with the host matrix 254

12.8 The importance of fracture porosity 255

12.9 The importance of fracture permeability 259

12.10 Fault sealing 262

12.11 Conclusions 263

The Strengths 263

The Weaknesses 263

Appendix 264

Chapter 13 How Can We Predict Porosity? 266

13.1 Principles 266

13.2 Porosity data 268

13.3 Statistics 269

13.4 Case History 270

13.5 How to use this information to predict porosity? 274

13.6 Effects of diagenesis and porosity modification on net pay 278

Chapter 14 How Can We Predict Permeability? 281

14.1 What is permeability? 281

14.2 Empirical prediction of permeability 283

14.3 Limitations of empirical approaches 285

14.4 What’s the effect of compaction? 285

14.5 How to predict permeablity? 291

14.6 Where next? 292

Chapter 15 How Can We Predict Reservoir Connectivity and Compartmentalization 293

15.1 Reservoir compartmentalization 293

15.2 Types of compartmentalization 294

15.3 What can fluid composition tell us about reservoir compartment alization? 295

15.4 Conclusions 302

References 303
