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化学与应用化学专业英语  第2版
化学与应用化学专业英语  第2版

化学与应用化学专业英语 第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王幸宜,戴启广,马海燕,詹望成编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787562847373
  • 页数:218 页
图书介绍:《化学与应用化学专业英语(第二版)》是根据大学英语教学大纲的专业阅读部分的要求而编写的,旨在为化学、应用化学专业提供一本比较系统的专业英语教学用书。本书共分为9个单元,内容涵盖综合化学、无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学、生物化学、材料科学、单元操作和科技文献,每课由Paper、New Wordsand Expressions、Notes、Further Reading和Solved Problems 5个部分组成,形式安排较为新颖、内容覆盖面较广。
《化学与应用化学专业英语 第2版》目录

Unit One General Chemistry 1

Lesson One Chemistry Today and Tomorrow:the Central,Useful and Creative Science 2

Lesson Two Frontiers in Chemistry 8

Unit Two Inorganic Chemistry 15

Lesson One The Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds 17

Lesson Two Oxidation-Reduction Reaction 26

Lesson Three Acids and Bases 32

Lesson Four Coordination Chemistry 39

Unit Three Organic Chemistry 47

Lesson One Structure and Bonding 49

Lesson Two Functional Groups and Chemical Families 56

Lesson Three Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 63

Lesson Four Green Chemistry 70

Unit Four Physical Chemistry 77

Lesson One The First Law of Thermodynamics 79

Lesson Two Chemical Equilibrium 86

Lesson Three Electrolysis 92

Lesson Four Catalysis 98

Unit Five Analytical Chemistry 105

Lesson One Qualitative Chemical Analysis 107

Lesson Two Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy Ultraviolet-Visible and Infrared Spectrophotometry 112

Lesson Three Mass Spectrometry 118

Lesson Four Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 124

Lesson Five Gas Chromatography 131

Unit Six Biochemistry 139

Lesson One Enzymes 141

Lesson Two Glycolysis 150

Unit Seven Materials Science 157

Lesson One Polymer 159

Lesson Two Nanotechnology 166

Lesson Three Liquid Crystals 174

Unit Eight Unit Operation 181

Lesson One Distillation 183

Lesson Two Solvent Extraction 190

Lesson Three Crystallization 197

Appendix Ⅰ Chinese and English Name of the Chemical Elements 203

Appendix Ⅱ Common Chemical Prefix and Suffix 207

Subject Index 209

Referenees 217
