英语诵读文萃 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:芦苇主编
- 出 版 社:银川:阳光出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787806207482
- 页数:120 页
金色年华 2
1.My father was my hero 2
2.Discovered myself 5
3.An unforgettable challenge 8
4.Giving is getting 11
5.A lesson learned—by lynn lombard 14
6.Helen keller:my story 17
7.The cost of a miracle 20
8.Being a mother(Ⅰ) 23
9.Being a mother(Ⅱ) 26
人在旅途 30
10.A morning wish 30
11.Never give up hope 33
12.Friendship 36
13.Building your own house 40
14.Skilled hands are better than treasure 43
15.Happiness 45
16.Look with into find happiness—by miami phillips 47
17.Have faith and expect the best 50
18.Knowledge and power 52
19.My dreams 55
20.Season 57
21.Be kind to yourself for a change 60
22.Today is all we have 63
23.This I believe 65
24.I like the peaceful feelings 68
25.Every liying person has problems 70
菁菁校园 74
26.Swimming and English learning 74
27.Don't give up 77
28.Time is money 79
青春风采 82
29.Is failure a bad thing 82
30.We have only one world 84
31.First impression 87
32.Traditional culture will not be lost 90
33.Mother's words 93
34.Life in the future 96
35.Protect our blue planet 98
心灵之约 102
36.The furthest distance in the world 102
37.These things shall never die—charles dickens 105
38.Think it over... 107
39.I have a dream 110
40.Real and simple friends 113
41.Sunshine—emily fessler 117
42.If one day 119
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