英文经典 高中版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨自伍编注
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787313126580
- 页数:438 页
1.Ignorance&WilliamPenn 1
2.Return to the Old House&W.S.Maugham 4
3.Early Discipline&Jeremy Taylor 7
4.The Crow Doth Sing As Sweetly As the Lark&William Shakespeare 10
5.True Merit&Daniel Defoe 12
6.Innocent Pleasures&Sir William Temple 15
7.Of Truth&Francis Bacon 18
8.Of Wisdom for a Man's Self&Francis Bacon 21
9.English Snobbery&Thomas Nashe 24
10.Nature and Humanity&George Eliot 26
11.My Father&Benjamin Franklin 29
12.A Shepherd&John Stephens 32
13.A Country Gentleman&Sir Thomas Overbury 35
14.A Fair and Happy Milkmaid&Sir Thomas Overbury 38
15.Of Parents and Children&Francis Bacon 41
16.Of the Standard of Taste&David Hume 44
17.The Vale of Human Life&S.T.Coleridge 47
18.Death of Cleopatra&Sir Thomas North 50
19.The Queen's Speech to Her Last Parliament&Queen Elizabeth 53
20.Machiavelli&T.B.Macaulay 57
21.Good Manners and Good Breeding&Jonathan Swift 60
22.The Ugly Duckling&Hans Christian Andersen 64
23.CourageOliver&Goldsmith 67
24.On Bacon&Ben Jonson 70
25.Character of a Plodding Student&John Earle 73
26.A Day in the Country&Samuel Pepys 76
27.The Footprint&Daniel Defoe 79
28.Of Agriculture&Abraham Cowley 82
29.Inaugural Address&John Adams 86
30.Mercy&William Shakespeare 90
31.Wit and Learning&Samuel Johnson 93
32.Odd Ideas&Lionel Strachey 96
33.Wreck&E.A.Somerville&V.F.Martin 99
34.Pleasure of a Tenant&E.A.Somerville&V.F.Martin 102
35.The Art of Conversation&Jonathan Swift 105
36.Lines from the Plays&G.B.Shaw 108
37.Mr.Pickwick&G.K.Chesterton 111
38.Travels in and about Waste-Paper-Land&Charles Kingsley 114
39.A Conversation&T.B.Macaulay 117
40.Happy Life&William Shakespeare 121
41.1914&Rupert Brooke 124
42.End of the Medi?val Age&James Anthony Froude 127
43.Young Friends&William Shakespeare 130
44.Nature&Joseph Addison 133
45.Tom Tulliver&George Eliot 137
46.Loomings&Herman Melville 140
47.Pinkerton&Robert Louis Stevenson 143
48.Birds&W.H.Hudson 146
49.Sir Roger De Coverley's Ancestors&Richard Steele 149
50.The Parsonage&Anne Bront? 152
51.Pecksniff&Charles Dickens 155
52.Hamlet&Charles Dickens 158
53.A Picture&Herman Melville 161
54.Captain Singleton in China&Daniel Defoe 164
55.Self-Reliance&Ralph Waldo Emerson 167
56.First Sight of Dr Johnson(1)&James Boswell 171
57.First Sight of Dr Johnson(2)&James Boswell 174
58.The Thames&Donald Lupton 178
59.London Bridge&Donald Lupton 181
60.Aphorisms&Lord Beaconsfield 184
61.A Dandy&W.M.Thackeray 187
62.A Visit to Coleridge&Charles Lamb 191
63.Coleridge As Preacher&William Hazlitt 194
64.A Miser&George Eliot 198
65.A Hut in the Woods&Henry David Thoreau 202
66.A Lay-Sermon and a Shipwreck&William Hurrell Mallock 206
67.The Child in the House(1)&Walter Pater 210
68.The Child in the House(2)&Walter Pater 214
69.My Study&Hellen Keller 218
70.The Southern Sky&Matthew Fontaine Maury 222
71.The Faculty of Delight&Charles Edward Montague 226
72.Dawn&Edward Everett 230
73.Short Citations&George Meredith 234
74.The Roman Road&Kenneth Grahame 237
75.Jefferson&Henry Adams 241
76.New England Weather&Mark Twain 245
77.Three Pictures&Charlotte Bront? 249
78.A Defense of Enthusiasm&Henry Theodore Tuckerman 253
79.Hogarth&Horace Walpole 257
80.Bismarck&John Lothrop Motley 261
81.The Loss of the Prince Consort&Giles Lytton Strachey 265
82.The Clipper&John Masefield 269
83.Shelly&Francis Thompson 273
84.The Weather in His Soul&George Santayana 277
85.Labour&Thomas Carlyle 280
86.A Word for Autumn&A.A.Milne 284
87.The Leak&Joseph Conrad 287
88.Byron&William Hazilitt 291
89.Emerson and Newman&Patrick Francis Mullany 295
90.He Forsook His Nets,and Followed Him&Annie Trumbull Slosson 299
91.Thoreau's Broken Task&Ralph Waldo Emerson 303
92.The Romance of His Youth&Edward Gibbon 307
93.A School Portrait&Robert Bridges 311
94.The American People&Henry Adams 315
95.America and the English Tradition&Harry Morgan Ayres 319
96.Of Beauty&Edmund Burke 323
97.A Young Artist&James Joyce 327
98.Marie Antoinette&Edmund Burke 331
99.A Shadow in Spring&D.H.Lawrence 335
100.The Birth of Venus&Walter Pater 339
101.The Will to Believe&William James 343
102.A Game of Chess&Thomas Henry Huxley 347
103.George Washington&John Richard Green 351
104.Of the Difference of Manners&Thomas Hobbes 355
105.Jerusalem by Moonlight&Lord Beaconsfield 359
106.The Contemplation of Excellence&Sir Joshua Reynolds 363
107.Of Ambition Misdirected&Adam Smith 367
108.Augustus Caesar&Charles Merivale 371
109.On Freedom of Print and Belief&John Milton 375
110.Of Water&John Ruskin 379
111.Poets'Corner&Washington Irving 383
112.On the Genesis of A Great Book&Charles Darwin 387
113.The Character of Queen Elizabeth&David Hume 391
114.The Bront?Sisters&E.C.Gaskell 395
115.The Classics&John Henry Newman 399
116.On Individuality&John Stuart Mill 403
117.Culture&Matthew Arnold 407
118.A Freeman's Worship&Bertrand Russell 411
篇目词汇 415
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