- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)斯图尔特等编著
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787560528366
- 页数:288 页
第一章 如何准备GMAT写作考试 1
一、GMAT官方作文题库 1
二、GMAT作文部分的基本考试程序 2
三、作文阅卷、评分以及分数报送 2
四、立论分析部分 5
五、驳论作文解析 11
六、如何形成恰当并且有说服力的写作风格 20
七、CAT系统和计算机界面 21
第二章 Issue范文精讲 27
Issue 1 Censorship of television and radio programs 27
Issue 2 Energy sources and worldwide cooperation 28
Issue 4 Manifestations of power and restraint 30
Issue 6 The definition of success 32
Issue 7 Giving advice to other people 33
Issue 9 Employees'personal activities 35
Issue 10 Process product 37
Issue 11 Personal faults of great achievers 38
Issue 12 Education as the key to success in life 41
Issue 13 Responsibility for preserving the natural environment 42
Issue 14 Importance to an organization of a clear hierarchy 44
Issue 16 Public architecture as a reflection of attitudes and values in society 46
Issue 17 Time management and flexibility 47
Issue 18 Corporations—making money vs.a duty to serve society 49
Issue 19 Hiring criteria for entry-level jobs 51
Issue 23 Should our schools teach ethical and social values? 53
Issue 25 Hiring capable people as a key business strategy 55
Issue 27 Job satisfaction and security 57
Issue 28 Should schools provide extensive training in consumerism? 59
Issue 30 Should employees be taking work home with them? 60
Issue 31 Financial gain as a factor in choosing a career 62
Issue 32 Advertisements as reflections of the ideas of a nation 64
Issue 33 Earning respect as a leader 65
Issue 37 Education—science vs.arts and humanities 67
Issue 39 Professional success and personal sacrifices 69
Issue 41 Penalties for damaging the natural environment 70
Issue 42 Changing environmental standards and government regulations 72
Issue 43 The importance of studying history 74
Issue 49 Is hard work the key to career success? 76
Issue 51 Is the presence of a competitor good for business? 77
Issue 55 Should bosses tell workers how to do things? 79
Issue 57 Respecting one another's differencs 81
Issue 58 The final objective of business 83
Issue 59 Business'social duty regarding juvenile crime 85
Issue 62 Education—teaching about the human community 86
Issue 66 Are manufacturers responsible for ensuring product safety? 88
Issue 67 How work affects people's personal lives 89
Issue 69 The ability to work well with other employees 91
Issue 70 Unethical behavior in creating and marketing products 93
Issue 72 Effects of giving incentives to employees 94
Issue 75 The motivating forces of self-interest and fear 96
Issue 81 Lasting success and non-conformists 98
Issue 83 How buildings shape us 99
Issue 85 Advertising as an influential artistic achievement 101
Issue 89 Studying history:a waste of time? 103
Issue 92 The limits of loyalty to one's employer 104
Issue 94 The importance of teaching children self-discipline 106
Issue 96 The importance of memorials and museums 108
Issue 102 Does an advanced degree foster success on the job? 109
Issue 107 Goals of the information technology industry 111
第三章 Issue范文精选 114
Issue 3 Hierarchical vs.flat organizational structure 114
Issue 5 Sharing decision-making and central authority 114
Issue 8 Monetary systems and electronic accounts 115
Issue 15 Children and material on the Internet 116
Issue 20 The role of automation in our lives 116
Issue 21 Rewarding employees—job performance vs.tenure 117
Issue 22 Government's responsibility regarding the arts 117
Issue 24 Power and opportunity to influence—business vs.government 118
Issue 26 Location:still the key to business's success 119
Issue 29 Focusing on the specific task rather than the result 119
Issue 34 Potential benefits of mandatory public service 120
Issue 35 Undo focus on short-term goals 120
Issue 36 Teamwork vs.individual commitment and energy 121
Issue 38 Everyday courtesy as an endangered art 121
Issue 40 Our role as citizens of the world 122
Issue 44 When to invest in high-quality advertising 123
Issue 45 Ethical business conduct and maximizing profits 123
Issue 46 Problems with large bureaucracies in business and government 124
Issue 47 Responsibility for preventing environmental damage 125
Issue 48 Assessing personality traits in hiring employees 125
Issue 50 Criticizing the performance of an employee 126
Issue 52 Success through setting goals beyond one's last achievement 127
Issue 53 User-unfriendly systems in today's society 127
Issue 54 Commercially successful films and television programs 128
Issue 56 The secret of business:keeping an important secret 129
Issue 60 The right to obtain personal information about employees 129
Issue 61 Government as a necessary burden to business 130
Issue 63 Government bureaucracy 130
Issue 64 Goal of business:profit vs.the well being of the public 131
Issue 65 Multinational corporations and global homogeneity 132
Issue 68 Physical work environment and employee input 132
Issue 71 Imposing limits on commercialism 133
Issue 73 Following one's instincts 134
Issue 74 Rule-breakers:the people we remember 134
Issue 76 Making decisions and effective leadership 135
Issue 77 The hallmark of genius 135
Issue 78 The historic value of old buildings 136
Issue 79 Social skills as purchasable commodities 137
Issue 80 Do people borrow too much? 137
Issue 82 Meeting women's needs and goals in the workplace 138
Issue 84 Informing customers about products or services 138
Issue 86 Advertising—appeal to emotion vs.reason 139
Issue 87 Technologies and adjusting to job obsolescence 140
Issue 88 Accepting blame for hateful words and actions 140
Issue 90 Should products be made to last? 141
Issue 91 Should government regulate suspected health hazards? 142
Issue 93 Allowing employees as much freedom as possible 142
Issue 95 Is it wrong for a company to employ young children? 143
Issue 97 In business,do men and women share power effectively? 144
Issue 98 Should universities offer distance learning courses? 144
Issue 99 Benefits of a competitive educational system 145
Issue 100 Consumer action vs.legislation 146
Issue 101 Is society better or worse off with the automobile? 146
Issue 103 Focusing on immediate desires vs.long-term goals 147
Issue 104 Importance of scientific and artistic achievements 148
Issue 105 Leaving archeological treasures where they are found 148
Issue 106 Effectiveness of dividing up complex tasks 149
Issue 108 Employee access to personnel files 150
Issue 109 Multi-directional review at the workplace 150
Issue 110 Do ethical people make the most effective business leaders? 151
Issue 111 Business technology and our quality of life 152
Issue 112 Ephemeral nature of the status quo 152
Issue 113 The importance of space stations and exploration 153
Issue 114 Does technology ultimately separate us or bring us together? 153
第四章 Argument范文精讲 155
Argument 1 Increasing efficiency at Olympic Foods 155
Argument 2 Centralization and profitability 157
Argument 3 Arts funding and public television 159
Argument 4 Falling revenues and manufacturing delays 161
Argument 5 Increasing newspaper circulation 163
Argument 6 Locating a business in the city of Helios 165
Argument 7 Aspartame vs.sugar 167
Argument 8 Worker interest in management issues 169
Argument 9 Consumer trends and middle-aged consumers 171
Argument 10 Students protest funding cuts for state college programs 173
Argument 11 Choosing the mayor for San Perdito 174
Argument 12 Advertising grocery items 176
Argument 13 Radio advertising 178
Argument 14 Interactive computer instruction 180
Argument 15 Adams for governor 182
Argument 16 The job market for college-level instructors 185
Argument 17 Recommending one acid-relief product over another 187
Argument 18 Ensuring ethical behavior 189
Argument 19 More restaurants for Spiessa 191
Argument 20 Saluda's healthful water 193
Argument 21 Lower taxes for railways 195
Argument 22 Drug enforcement efforts 197
Argument 23 Funding for Einstein High School 199
Argument 24 Improving customer service 201
Argument 25 The quality of life in City L 202
Argument 26 Checking purchasing invoices 204
Argument 27 Movie violence and the crime rates 206
Argument 28 Increasing use of shuttle buses 208
Argument 29 Organic farming 209
Argument 30 Investments and an increasingly older population 211
Argument 31 Trends in coffee and cola consumption 213
Argument 32 Better ambulance service 215
Argument 33 Employee benefits at Perks Company 217
Argument 34 Promoting credit card services 219
Argument 35 Improving Fern Valley University 221
Argument 36 Foreign language instruction 222
Argument 37 Motorcycle X 224
Argument 38 Campus housing occupancy 226
Argument 39 Baggage-handling procedures 228
Argument 40 Overcoming a trade deficit 230
Argument 41 Home-security systems 232
Argument 42 Postage stamp prices 234
Argument 43 University hospitals vs.private hospitals 236
Argument 44 One-stop shopping at Megamart 238
Argument 45 Maximizing movie profits 240
Argument 46 Employee theft 241
Argument 47 A new location and business success 243
Argument 48 Private vs.public ownership of Croesus Company 245
Argument 49 Recycling newspaper 246
Argument 50 Key to success for a rock group 248
第五章 Argument范文精选 250
Argument 51 Red meat and fatty foods 250
Argument 52 Oak City's new shopping mall 250
Argument 53 A shortage of engineers 251
Argument 54 A new brand of coffee 252
Argument 55 Health club usage 252
Argument 56 Safety codes for public buildings 253
Argument 57 Billboards for advertising 254
Argument 58 Regulating copper mining 254
Argument 59 Scientists and affordable day care 255
Argument 60 Employee lay-offs at Alpha 256
Argument 61 Exercise machines 256
Argument 62 Cumquat Cafe's relocation 257
Argument 63 An employee survey at Company X 258
Argument 64 Determining the cause of and cure for low profits at Road Food 258
Argument 65 Obesity among dogs 259
Argument 66 Airline on-time rates 259
Argument 67 Investing in solar energy 260
Argument 68 Marketing air filters 261
Argument 69 Hair loss and shampoo 261
Argument 70 Department store sales 262
Argument 71 Petty vandalism vs.urban crime 262
Argument 72 A nationwide labor shortage 263
Argument 73 Allocating money for Styx River bridge repair 264
Argument 74 A movie sequel based on a book series 264
Argument 75 Agricultural technology 265
Argument 76 Funding of city services by developers 266
Argument 77 Trash disposal—incinerators vs.landfills 266
Argument 78 Workplace safety and wages 267
Argument 79 Adopting a code of ethics 267
Argument 80 Opinion polls and election outcomes 268
Argument 81 Changing speed limits 269
Argument 82 Health and retirement benefits 269
Argument 83 Television networks'advertising strategies 270
Argument 84 Video-game companies 271
Argument 85 Color photography 271
Argument 86 Age and driving privileges 272
Argument 87 Writing screenplays 273
Argument 88 Light bulb sales 274
Argument 89 The price of citrus fruit 274
Argument 90 Fishing regulations 275
Argument 91 Platonic University 276
Argument 92 Location of Cumquat Cafe 276
Argument 93 KMTV's programming focus 277
Argument 94 Apex Manufacturing 278
Argument 95 Synthetic farming 278
Argument 96 Enroll at Plateau College 279
Argument 97 Against'family-friendly'programs 280
Argument 98 Magic Hat Brewery survey 281
Argument 99 Improving student performance 281
Argument 100 Literary classics 282
Argument 101 Improving workers' earnings 283
Argument 102 Take Heart business plan 283
Argument 103 Increasing enrollment at Argent University 284
Argument 104 Business loan for Kool Kone 285
Argument 105 School uniforms 285
Argument 106 Reducing the cost of health insurance 286
Argument 107 Using music to sell gourmet food 287
Argument 108 Reducing benefits at Ready-to-Ware 287
Argument 109 Shift in Dolci's business focus 288
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