石材与工程建筑 1 建筑石材册 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:溪石集团发展有限公司,世联石材数据技术有限公司主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国建材工业出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7802271436
- 页数:406 页
建筑外墙的石材装饰 Wall Decoration with Stone 3
1.花岗岩、大理石(含人造石)板材装饰的外墙 Decoration with Granite or Marble Slabs,including Artificial ones,on the Walls1.1.常见板材生产规格尺寸 The Common Specification and Size of Slabs1.1.1.毛光板规格 Specification of Rough-Surfaced Slabs 3
1.1.2.装饰板材加工的厚度 Thickness of Slab for Decoration 4
1.1.3.装饰板材生产规格尺寸 Specification of Decorative Slab 5
1.1.4.磨菇石生产形态 Appearances of Convex Stone 7
1.1.5.各种尺寸装饰组合 Integration of Sized Slabs Decoration 8
1.2.外墙的边角装饰方式 Decorative Methods at Edges of Walls 11
1.2.1.边处理 Edge Processing 11
1.2.2.面组合 Surface Integration 12
1.2.3.角处理 Angle Processing 15
1.3.板材表面处理 Surface Processing 17
1.3.1.常用面 Currency Surface 17
1.3.2.火烧面 Flamed Surface 17
1.3.3.手加工面 Manual Hitting 17
1.3.4.仿古面 Tumble after Sawn 18
1.3.6.机拉面 Machine-processed Surface 19
1.3.5.马赛克面 Mosaic Surface 19
1.3.7.喷砂和激光处理 Treatment with Laser and Sand-spraying 21
1.3.8.仿自然与仿生雕刻表面 Surface engraved with nature-imitated or creature-imitated texture 23
1.4.现代高层建筑外墙用板材装饰特征 The Characteristics of Slab-Decorated Walls in Modern Buildings 25
1.4.1.最简约的外墙 The Simplest Wall 25
1.4.2.建筑的结构装饰 Decoration on the Structure of Buildings 32
1.4.3.线板异型装饰的单石种外墙 Mono-Stone Decoration with Irregular Line Slab 36
1.4.4.加有墙雕或墙花的墙面 Walls with Wall-carving and Wall-engraving 41
1.4.5.柱壁、柱廊的古典装饰效果 Classically Decorated Effect on Pillar Wall and Colonnade 45
1.4.6.板材大小与凹凸不平构成的效果 Decorative Effect with Multi-Sized and Convex Slab 50
1.4.7.金属材料装饰的墙面 Walls Decorated with Metallic Materials 52
1.4.8.仿古典墙面 Ancient-imitated Surface 56
1.4.9.新潮的外墙 Trendy Walls 63
1.4.10.局部装饰 Walls Decorated Partly with Stone 65
1.5.屋顶、屋沿装饰特征 Decorative Characteristics of Roof and Eaves 67
1.5.1.中式屋顶、屋沿 Chinese-styled Roofand Eaves 67
1.5.2.西式屋顶、屋沿 European-styled Roof and Eaves 68
1.5.3.瓦板岩屋顶 Tile Slate Roof 74
1.6.1.古典式线板 Classical Line Slab 80
1.6.隔层(线板)装饰特征 Decorative Characteristics of Interlayer(Line Slab) 80
1.6.2.现代式线板 Modern Line Slab 89
1.7.墙基装饰特征 Characteristics of Pedestal After Decoration 101
1.7.1.古典墙基 Classical Pedestal 101
1.7.2.现代墙基 Modern Pedestal 107
1.8.台基 Base 118
1.8.1.古建筑台基 Base of Ancient Buildings 118
1.8.3.新式台基 New-Styled Base 121
1.8.2.水上台基 Aquatic Base 121
2.块状花岗岩、大理石外墙应用特征 Decorative Characteristics 124
2.1.长条石在建筑中的应用 The Application of Stone in Building 124
2.1.1.水平拼接 Horizontal Laying 124
2.1.2.长条的倾斜应用 Slope Bar Application 134
2.2.块石在建筑中的应用效果 The Application Effect of Quadrel in Buildings 135
2.2.1.交错式 Interlaced Laying 135
2.2.2.水平砌法 Horizontal Laying 138
2.2.3.蘑菇石 Convex Surface 139
2.3.1.杂花墙 Wall of Miscella Beous Stones 140
2.3.不规则杂石的拼接应用效果 The Application Effect of Irregular Miscellaneous Stones 140
2.3.2.粗块石 Coarse Stone 141
3.带有雕刻的墙体 Walls with Engravings 143
3.1.欧式雕刻 European-styled Engraving 143
3.1.1.柱廊雕刻 Engravingon Colonnade 143
3.1.2.柱壁雕刻 Carving on Pillar Wall 144
3.1.3.窗、门、线板雕刻 Engraving on Window,Door,and Line Slab 146
3.2.中式雕刻 Chinese-styled Engraving 148
3.2.1.整体雕刻 Engraving in Full 148
3.2.2.局部雕刻 Partial Engraving 154
4.板岩应用特征 The Application Characteristics of Slate 158
4.1.人造板岩 Artificial Slate 158
4.1.1.方块状 Cubic Slate 158
4.1.2.条块形 Long Cubic Slate 161
4.1.3.杂条块 Mixed Long Cubic Slate 163
4.1.4.杂形 Miscellaneous 170
4.2.天然板岩 Natural Slate 174
4.2.1.米黄色板岩 Yellow-colored Slate 174
4.2.2.青色板岩 Cyan Slate 175
4.2.3.绿色板岩 Green Slate 176
4.2.4.锈板岩 Rusty Slate 177
4.2.5.赤色板岩 Red Slate 178
4.2.6.黑色板岩 Black Slate 180
4.2.7.层理之美 Aesthetic Feeling from Layers over Layers 180
4.2.8.拼装花式 Styles of Mosaic 186
5.粒状石材应用特征 The Application Characteristics of Gravel-like Stone Products 190
6.1.1.中式窗户 Chinese-styled Window 192
6.1.窗户 Window 192
6.建筑配套构件 Building Ingredients Equipped 192
6.1.2.欧式窗户 European-styled Windows 200
6.1.3.现代式窗户 Modern Windows 207
6.2.门 Door 211
6.2.1.古典门 Classical Door 211
6.2.2.现代门 Modern Door 223
6.2.3.民居门 Door of Civilian House 247
6.2.4.宗教门 Gate of Religious Purpose 251
6.2.5.门板、门托 Door Slab and Brace 252
6.3.1.墙花 Wall-engraving 255
6.3.装饰墙面的雕刻 Engraved Decoration on Wall 255
6.3.2.壁雕 Wall Engraving 271
6.3.3.壁画 Engraved Mural 272
6.3.4.壁砻 Niche 277
6.4.墙角处理 The Appearance of Wall Conner 279
6.5.橼托 Eaves Brace 282
6.6.栏杆 Railing 285
6.7.1.特色柱 Characterized Pillar 295
6.7.柱 Pillar 295
6.7.2.实心柱 Solid Pillar 297
6.7.3.雕刻柱 Engraved Pillar 298
6.7.4.石皮柱 Stone-surrounded Pillar 302
6.7.5.四方柱 Square Pillar 308
6.8.6.圆皮柱 Round Column 310
6.7.7.空心柱 Hollowed Column 312
6.7.8.纽纹柱 Tortuous Stripe Column 313
6.7.9.柱头 Chapiter 314
室内装饰 Indoor Decoration 337
1.地面装饰 Floor Decoration 337
1.1.单石种分割装饰 Intersected Decoration with Mono-Stone 337
1.1.1.暖色石材装饰 Warm Color Stone Decoration 339
1.1.2.特色石材装饰 Characteristic Stone Decoration 341
1.2.拼花、墙线边及其他装饰 Mosaic,Wall Border Line and Other Decorations 342
1.2.1.厅堂拼花效果 Mosaic Effect in Hall 342
1.2.2.廊道边导引线设计 Guiding Stone Line in Corridor 346
1.2.3.廊道拼花效果 The Effect of Corridor Mosaic 348
1.2.4.几何颜色插色 Intermingled with Geometric Colors 350
1.2.5.门口或特殊部位 Door or Other Special Position 353
2.墙面装饰 Wall Decoration 354
2.1.起居室的文化墙 Culture Wall of Living Room 354
2.1.1.纹理 Texture 354
2.1.2.拼花 Mosaic 357
2.1.3.拼画 Picture Mosaic 359
2.1.4.浮拼法 Convex Mosaic 361
2.2.1.单色贴面 Mono-color Surface 362
2.2.宾馆及写字楼墙壁的装饰 Wall Decoration of Hotel and Business Building 362
2.2.2.分割的墙面 Intersected Wall Appearance 363
2.2.3.其他建筑元素 Other Construction Ingredients 364
2.3.卫生间墙面设计 Wall Appearance in Toilet 367
3.室内设施 Interior Establishment 378
3.1.楼梯设计 Stairway 378
3.1.1.楼梯整体 Integrated Stair 378
3.1.2.梯板处理 Processing of Gang-board 381
3.1.3.梯头、扶拦 Stair End and Railing 384
3.2.吧台设计 Bar Table Designing 388
3.2.1.酒店用吧台 Bar Table of Hotel 388
3.2.2.办公用吧台 Bar Table of Office 391
4.摆设用品 Furnishings 395
4.1.案座 Furnishings on Desk 395
4.2.摆设座 Ornament Furnishings 397
4.3.整体摆设 Integrated Furnishing 398
5.室内整体石材装饰效果 Interior Decorative Effect with All-stone 401
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