- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邹启山主编
- 出 版 社:郑州:大象出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7534743869
- 页数:193 页
一 First 2
昆曲艺术(Kunqu Opera) 2
古琴艺术(The Art of Guqin Music) 5
新疆维吾尔木卡姆艺术(The Art of Uyghur Muqam of Xinjiang) 8
蒙古族长调民歌(Urtiin Duu—Traditional Folk Long Song) 12
二 Second 16
阿尔巴尼亚民间平行复调(Albanian Folk Iso-polyphony) 16
古拉拉地区的阿赫利尔(The Ahellil of Gourara) 18
嘟嘟克及其音乐(The Duduk and its Music) 20
阿塞拜疆木卡姆(Azerbaijani Mugham) 22
保勒演唱艺术(Baul Songs) 25
班什狂欢节(The Carnival of Binche) 27
加利弗那语言、舞蹈和音乐(The Garifuna Language,Dance and Music) 30
热莱德口头遗产(The Oral Heritage of Gelede) 32
德拉迈兹的面具鼓舞(The Mask Dance of the Drums from Drametse) 34
奥鲁罗狂欢节(The Oruro Carnival) 36
安第斯卡拉瓦亚的宇宙信仰形式(The Andean Cosmovision of the Kallawaya) 38
瓦雅皮人的口头和图画表达形式(The Oral and Graphic Expressions of the Wajapi) 40
巴伊亚勒孔嘎沃回旋桑巴舞(The Samba ofRoda of the Rec?ncavo of Bahia) 42
肖普卢克地区的复调、舞蹈和宗教仪式(The Bistritsa Babi-Archaic Polyphony,Dances and Ritualsfrom the Shoplouk Region) 44
柬埔寨皇家芭蕾(The Royal Ballet of Cambodia) 46
斯贝克通高棉皮影戏(Sbek Thomn,Khmer Shadow Theatre) 48
中非阿卡俾格米人的口头传统(The Oral Traditions of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa) 50
巴兰基亚狂欢节(The Carnival of Barranquilla) 52
圣巴西里约帕伦克文化空间(The Cultural Space of Palenque de San Basilio) 55
哥斯达黎加的牛车和乡村传统(Oxherding and Oxcart Traditions in Costa Rica) 57
塔格巴纳族群的横吹喇叭音乐及文化空间(The Gbofe of Afounkaha:the Music of the Transverse Horns and the Cultural Space of the Tagbana Community) 59
法兰西鼓乐(La Tumba Francesa) 61
斯洛伐茨克征兵舞(Slovacko Verbuňk,Recruit Dances) 63
梅拉镇孔果圣灵兄弟会文化空间(The Cultural Space of the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit of the Congos of Villa Mella) 64
可可洛舞蹈戏剧传统(The Cocolo Dance Drama Tradition) 66
黑拉里亚史诗(The Al-Sirah Al-Hilaliyyah Epic) 68
基努文化空间(The Kihnu Cultural Space) 70
格鲁吉亚复调演唱(Georgian Polyphonic Singing) 72
拉比纳尔·阿齐戏剧舞蹈(The RabinalAchi Dance Drama) 74
尼雅嘎索拉索索·巴拉文化空间(The Cultural Space of Sosso-Bala in Nyagassola) 76
鸠提耶耽梵剧(Kutiyattam,Sanskrit Theatre) 78
吠陀经(The Tradition of Vedic Chanting) 80
罗摩里拉——罗摩衍那的传统表演(Ramlila:the Traditional Performance of the Ramayana) 82
皮影偶戏(Wayang Puppet Theatre) 84
印度尼西亚波刃短剑(The Indonesian Keris) 86
伊拉克木卡姆(Iraqi Maqam) 88
西西里木偶剧(Opera dei Pupi,Sicilian Puppet Theatre) 90
撒丁牧歌——多声部民歌(Canto a tenore,Sardinion Postoral Songs) 93
穆尔镇的马隆人传统(The Maroon Heritage of Moore Town) 95
能乐(N?gaku Theatre) 96
木偶净琉璃文乐(Ningyo Johruri Bunraku Puppet Theatre) 98
歌舞伎(Kabuki Theatre) 100
皮特拉和瓦迪鲁姆的贝都人文化空间(The Cultural Space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum) 102
阿肯艺术与吉尔吉斯史诗(The Art of Akyns,Kyrgyz Epic Tellers) 104
立陶宛十字架雕刻及其象征(Cross Crafting and its Symbolism in Lithuania) 106
扎菲曼尼里的木雕工艺(Woodcrafting Knowledge of the Zafimaniry) 108
维姆布扎康复舞蹈(The Vimbuza Healing Dance) 110
玛蓉戏剧舞蹈(Mak Yong Theatre) 112
雅阿拉勒和德加勒文化空间(The Cultural Space of the yaaral and Degal) 114
土著亡灵节(The Indigenous Festivity Dedicated to the Dead) 117
马头琴传统音乐(The Traditional Music ofMorin Khuur) 119
吉马·埃尔弗纳广场的文化空间(The Cultural Space of Jemaa el-Fna Square) 121
坦坦穆塞姆集市(The Moussem ofTan-Tan) 123
朝比木琴(The Chopi Timbila) 125
艾尔·瑰根斯(El Güegüense) 127
伊法预言体系(The lfa Divination System) 129
巴勒斯坦伊卡耶(The Palestinian Hikaye) 131
塔吉勒及其纺织艺术(Taquile and its Textile Art) 133
伊夫高族群的哈德哈德圣歌(Hudhud Chants of the Ifugao) 135
拉瑙湖玛拉瑙人的达兰根史诗(The Darangen Epic of the Maranao People of Lake Lanao) 137
宫廷宗庙祭礼乐(Royal Ancestral Rite and Ritual Music in Jogmyo Shrine) 139
盘索里史诗说唱(Pansori Epic Chant) 142
江陵端午祭(The Gangneung Danoje Festival) 144
卡卢斯仪式(The Cǎlus Tradition) 146
塞梅斯基文化空间与口头文化(The Cultural Space and Oral Culture of the Semeiskie) 148
欧隆克霍——雅库特英雄史诗(Olonkho,Yakut Heroic Epos) 150
富柘拉及其音乐(The Fujara and its Music) 152
埃尔切神秘剧(The Mystery Play of Elche) 154
贝尔加帕图姆节(The Patum of Berga) 156
拉卡拉卡说唱舞蹈(Lakalaka,Dances and Sung Speeches) 158
麦达赫说书艺术(The Art of the Meddah,Public Storytellers) 160
梅夫勒菲塞马仪式(The Mevlevi Sema Ceremony) 162
乌干达树皮布的制造工艺(Barkcloth Making in Uganda) 164
博逊地区的文化空间(The Cultural Space of the Boysun District) 166
瓦努阿图沙画(Vanuatu Sand Drawings) 168
越南宫廷雅乐(Vietnamese Court Music Nhac) 170
铜鼓文化空间(The Space of Gong Culture) 172
萨那歌曲(Songs of Sanaa) 174
玛金希假面舞会(The Makishi Masquerade) 176
姆奔德耶路撒雷玛舞蹈(The Mbende Jerusarema Dance) 179
三 Third 182
比利时和法国的巨人与龙游行仪式(Processional Giants and Dragons in Belgium and France) 182
扎巴拉人的口头遗产与文化活动(The Oral Heritage and Cultural Manifestations of the Zápara People) 185
波罗的海歌舞庆典活动(The Baltic Song and Dance Celebrations) 186
古勒沃姆库鲁(The Gule Wamkulu) 188
康居朗——曼丁戈社团的入会仪式(The Kankurang,Manding Initiatory Rite) 190
沙士木卡姆音乐(Shashmaqom Music) 192
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