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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈建辉编著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7307048639
  • 页数:316 页

Chapter One Financial Instruments(金融票据) 3

Unit 1 Negotiable Instruments(可转让票据) 3

Unit 2 Cheques and Cheque Cards(支票和支票卡) 10

Unit 3 Definition of a Cheque(支票的定义) 17

Unit 4 Essentials of a Cheque(支票的要素) 24

Unit 5 Endorsement(背书) 31

Unit 6 Crossings on Cheques(支票的画线) 39

Unit 7 Definition of Bills of Exchange(汇票的定义) 46

Unit 8 On Bills of Exchange(汇票) 54

Unit 9 Banker's Drafts(银行汇票) 61

Unit 10 Acceptance of Bills(汇票的承兑) 67

Unit 11 Note and Protest of Dishonored Bill(拒付汇票的笔录和拒绝证书) 75

Chapter Two International Settlement(国际结算) 85

Unit 12 Documentary Collection(跟单托收) 85

Unit 13 The Collection Order(托收委托书) 93

Unit 14 Some Provisions and Comments on URC522(托收统一规则的部分条款及评论) 100

Unit 15 Documentary Credits(跟单信用证) 108

Unit 16 Types of the Letter of Credit(1)(信用证种类(1)) 115

Unit 17 Types of the Letter of Credit(2)(信用证种类(2)) 124

Unit 18 Provisions of UCP500(500号跟单信用证统一惯例的条款) 131

Unit 19 Standby Letters of Credit(备付信用证) 139

Unit 20 ISP98(国际备付信用证惯例98) 147

Unit 21 Brief Introduction to URR525(525号跟单信用证项下的双向偿付统一规则简介) 154

Unit 22 Forfaiting(福费廷) 161

Unit 23 The Bank for International Settlements(国际清算银行) 169

Chapter Three Foreign Exchange Markets(外汇市场) 179

Unit 24 Exchange Rate(汇率) 179

Unit 25 Currency Exchange(外汇兑换) 187

Unit 26 Spot Transactions(即期交易) 194

Unit 27 Forward Exchange Market(远期市场) 202

Unit 28 Swap Transactions(掉期交易) 210

Unit 29 Currency Swaps(货币互换) 217

Unit 30 Futures(期货) 223

Unit 31 Currency Futures Market(货币期货市场) 230

Unit 32 Foreign Currency Futures(外汇期货) 236

Unit 33 Currency Options Market(货币期权市场) 244

Unit 34 Foreign Currency Options(外汇期货) 250

Unit 35 Central Bank Intervention(中央银行干预) 258

Unit 36 Balance of Payments(国际收支平衡) 265

Key to the Exercises 272

参考书目 316
