- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王秀珍,杜青钢主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:730705065X
- 页数:397 页
致《“话语与交流”新视野论坛国际学术研讨会》 王秀珍 1
Address at the International Symposium on Speech and Communication Wang Xiuzhen 2
翻译、文化、语言研究 7
Ezra Pound's Orientalist Translation Practice—From a Postcolonial Perspective Liu Junping,Liang Zhifang 7
On Translating Cultural-Loaded Chinese Expressions into English Li Xia 25
The Challengeability of Translation in the Perspective of Cultural Differences 33
Illustrated by Analyzing the Translation of Three Poems Wang Ping 33
Cooperation and Bridging Reference Ma Xiao 39
La culture des droits de I'homme n'aura-t-il pas été une incarnation du Taiji(太极)? Luo Guoxiang 46
Réflexion sur la notion de code Maurice Courtois 50
L'enjeu de la valence en fran?ais Feng Xuejun,Wu Hongmiao 55
Стилистика текста и передача стиля оригинала Ху Гумин 60
Перемена общества и изменение русского языке Ван Янчжэн 70
戦後日本経済の変遷と日本言語の変化——流行語を中心に 曽 丹 80
词汇与修辞研究 91
On the Formation of English and Chinese New Words Liu Shiping 91
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of Anger and Happiness Metaphors in English and Chinese Liu Yanxia 102
Новые русские Фразеологизмы и их некоторые особенности Ван Инцзя 111
Political Terminology—a Home ofPolitical Reality Zeng Hanquan 117
中国語と日本語の漢字音読の音韻対応規則——入声の対応規則について 刘大蘭 126
White Power and Racial Knowledge:an Insight into William Faulkner's Mulattoes Ren Xiaojin,Yin Rui 132
外国文学与比较文学研究 145
Jack Kerouac's Spontaneous Prose Method:A Product of Inherited Conception and Literary Innovation Zhang Guoqing 145
Black Humor and Slaughterhouse Five Wu Xinhua 151
“Indian Camp”:A Song of Mothers Dai Danni 157
The Way You Talk Makes Who You Are:A Re-Reading of J.D.Salinger's 167
The Catcher In The Rye—The revelation of the protagonist from a 167
linguistic perspective Gao Lili 167
Cosmic Forces in Tess of the d'Urbervilles Wen Yuling 174
The Omniscient Perspective in the“Nausicaa”Episode of 180
Ulysses Zhao Cailian 180
Men of the Flesh Versus Men of the Spirit—A Comparison of Military Figures in the Short Stories of Mo Yan and William Faulkner Zhu Binzhong 188
The National Characteristics of the Address Forms in The Red Chamber Dream 197
—An Approach Based on a Comparison of The Red Chamber Dream and The History of Tom Jones Chen Yiping 197
Promoting Learner Involvement in Literature Teaching in EFL Long Jiang 211
La structure ternaire dans le Spleen Du Qinggang 220
Le mélange des cultures dans des romans sur la Polynésie Patricia Poupon 224
Silence:signe et dépassement—analyse des personnages du Roi P?cheur de Julien Gracq Wang Jing 228
语言习得与语言教学研究 237
What Is the Way Out of the Logical Problem of Language Acquisition? Zhou Baoguo 237
Academic Culture and Learners'Learning Behaviour Yao Lan 247
Cross-Cultural Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching Zhu Jie 254
A Comparison of Learning Strategies Adopted by Successful Listerners and Unsuccessful Listeners Li Ying 261
Motivational Strategies in Foreign Language Classroom Wang Mingyue 266
The Applicability of Task-Based Language Teaching in Chinese Classroom Liu Siping 274
A Cognitive Approach to Writing Course Design Wu Fei 285
The Role of Awareness in Complex Rule Learning Chen Qiujin 299
Practical Methods of Teaching Listening to Postgraduates Wang Jun 307
Development of·Oral Fluency:A Study of Pause and Self-Repair of Chinese English Major Students Hu Ling,Li Xinghua 314
Improvements in the Teaching of Extensive Reading Liu Kun 323
The Readability of Reading Materials and the Accuracy of Reading Comprehension Zhang Zhenzhen 331
Implications of Design and Assessment of IELTS Writing Test for Reformation of CET 4 and 6 Writing Test Zhou Pin 338
The Influences of Different Chinese and English Thinking Modes Upon College English Writing Liu Hong 351
Implementing Peer Review to Tertiary Level L2 Student Writers in the Chinese Context Deng Liming,Chen Yan,Chen Peng 357
Trans-Cultural Factors and Teaching of Germany Writing Kong Deming 366
Responding to Challenges—Teaching English Writing at the Tertiary Level Zha Yuwen 378
成人学習者に対る日本語「4m」教授法 肖輝 389
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