中国高技术产业统计年鉴 2005 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马京奎总编辑;国家统计局,国家发展和改革委员会,科学技术部编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国统计出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7503748117
- 页数:474 页
1-2制造业主要经济指标 3
Main Economic Indicators of Manufacturing Industry按行业分组Grouped by Industry 3
第一部分 生产经营情况Production and Financial Indicators主要经济活动指标Main Indicators of Economic Activities 3
1-1高技术产业主要经济指标 3
Main Economic Indicators of High Technology Industry 3
Number of Enterprises 4
1-3企业数 4
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices 5
1-4当年价总产值 5
Value Added of Industry 6
1-5增加值 6
Sales Revenue 7
1-6销售收入 7
Profits 8
1-7利润 8
Taxes and Profits 9
1-8利税 9
Number of Large-sized Enterprises 10
1-9大型企业数 10
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Large-sized Enterprises 11
1-10大型企业当年价总产值 11
Value Added of Industry of Large-sized Enterprises 12
1-11大型企业增加值 12
Sales Revenue of Large-sized Enterprises 13
1-12大型企业销售收入 13
Profits of Large-sized Enterprises 14
1-13大型企业利润 14
Taxes and Profits of Large-sized Enterprises 15
1-14大型企业利税 15
Number of Medium-sized Enterprises 16
1-15中型企业数 16
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Medium-sized Enterprises 17
1-16中型企业当年价总产值 17
Value Added of Industry of Medium-sized Enterprises 18
1-17中型企业增加值 18
Sales Revenue of Medium-sized Enterprises 19
1-18中型企业销售收入 19
Profits of Medium-sized Enterprises 20
1-19中型企业利润 20
Taxes and Profits of Medium-sized Enterprises 21
1-20中型企业利税 21
Number of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 22
1-21国有及国有控股企业数 22
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 23
1-22国有及国有控股企业当年价总产值 23
Value Added of Industry of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 24
1-23国有及国有控股企业增加值 24
Sales Revenue of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 25
1-24国有及国有控股企业销售收入 25
Profits of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 26
1-25国有及国有控股企业利润 26
Taxes and Profits of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 27
1-26国有及国有控股企业利税 27
Number of Joint Ventures 28
1-27三资企业数 28
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Joint Ventures 29
1-28三资企业当年价总产值 29
Value Added of Industry of Joint Ventures 30
1-29三资企业增加值 30
Sales Revenue of Joint Ventures 31
1-30三资企业销售收入 31
2-260医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 32
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 32
1-31三资企业利润 32
Profits of Joint Ventures 32
1-32三资企业利税 33
Taxes and Profits of Joint Ventures按地区分组Grouped by Region 33
1-33企业数 34
Number of Enterprises 34
1-34当年价总产值 35
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices 35
1-35增加值 36
Value Added ofIndustry 36
1-36销售收入 37
Sales Revenue 37
1-37利润 38
Profits 38
1-38利税 39
Taxes and Profits 39
1-39医药制造业企业数 40
Number of Enterprises of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 40
1-40医药制造业当年价总产值 41
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 41
1-41医药制造业增加值 42
Value Added of Industry of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 42
1-42医药制造业销售收入 43
Sales Revenue of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing1-43医药制造业利润 44
Profits of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing1-44医药制造业利税 45
Taxes and Profits of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing1-45航空航天制造业企业数 46
Number of Enterprises of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing1-46航空航天制造业当年价总产值 47
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing1-47航空航天制造业增加值 48
Value Added of Industry of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing1-48航空航天制造业销售收入 49
Sales Revenue of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing1-49航空航天制造业利润 50
Profits of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing1-50航空航天制造业利税 51
Taxes and Profits of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing1-51 电子及通信设备制造业企业数 52
Number of Enterprises of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 52
1-52电子及通信设备制造业当年价总产值 53
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing1-53电子及通信设备制造业增加值 54
Value Added of Industry of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing1-54电子及通信设备制造业销售收入 55
Sales Revenue of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing1-55电子及通信设备制造业利润 56
Profits of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing1-56电子及通信设备制造业利税 57
Taxes and Profits of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing1-57电子计算机及办公设备制造业企业数 58
Number of Enterprises of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing1-58电子计算机及办公设备制造业当年价总产值 59
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing1-59电子计算机及办公设备制造业增加值 60
Value Added of Industry of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing1-60电子计算机及办公设备制造业销售收入 61
Sales Revenue of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing1-61 电子计算机及办公设备制造业利润 62
Profits of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing1-62电子计算机及办公设备制造业利税 63
Taxes and Profits of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing1-63医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业企业数 64
Number of Enterprises of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing1-64医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业当年价总产值 65
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Medical Treatment lnstrument and Meter Manufacturing 65
1-65医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业增加值 66
Value Added of Industry of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 66
1-66医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业销售收入 67
Sales Revenue of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 67
1-67医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业利润 68
Profits of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 68
1-68医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业利税 69
Taxes and Profits of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing第二部分 科技活动情况Indicators on Scientific and Technologic Activities科技活动基本情况Basic Statistics 69
2-1高技术产业科技活动主要指标 73
Main Indicators of Scientific and Technological Activities of High Technology Industry 73
2-2制造业科技活动主要指标 74
Main Indicators of Scientific and Technological Activities of Manufacturing按行业分组Grouped by Industry 74
2-3年末固定资产原价 75
Original Value of Fixed Assets 75
2-4微电子控制设备原价 76
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments 76
2-5 R&D活动人员折合全时当量 77
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel 77
2-6 R&D经费内部支出 78
Intramural Expenditure for R&D 78
2-7科技活动人员 79
Personnel for Scientific and Technologic(S&T)Activities 79
2-8科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 80
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel 80
2-9科技活动经费筹集额 81
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities 81
2-10科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 82
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities 82
2-11科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 83
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities 83
2-12科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 84
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities 84
2-13科技活动经费内部支出 85
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities 85
2-14科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 86
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities 86
2-15科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 87
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities 87
2-16新产品开发经费支出 88
Expenditure for Developing New Products 88
2-17新产品产值 89
Industrial Output Value of New Products 89
2-18新产品销售收入 90
Sales Revenue from New Products 90
2-19专利申请数 91
Patent Applications Received 91
2-20拥有发明专利数 92
Owning Inventive Patent 92
2-21技术改造经费支出 93
Expenditure on Technical Renovation 93
2-22技术引进经费支出 94
Expe 94
2-23消化吸收经费支出 95
Expenditure on Technology Absorption 95
2-24购买国内技术经费支出 96
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology2-25科技机构数 97
Number of S&T Institutions 97
2-26科技机构科技活动人员 98
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions 98
2-27科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 99
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions2-28大型企业年末固定资产原价 100
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Large-sized Enterprises 100
2-29大型企业微电子控制设备原价 101
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Large-sized Enterprises2-30大型企业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 102
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Large-sized Enterprises2-31大型企业R&D经费内部支出 103
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Large-sized Enterprises2-32大型企业科技活动人员 104
Personnel for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-33大型企业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 105
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Large-sized Enterprises2-34大型企业科技活动经费筹集额 106
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-35大型企业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 107
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-36大型企业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 108
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-37大型企业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 109
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-38大型企业科技活动经费内部支出 110
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-39大型企业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 111
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-40大型企业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 112
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Large-sized Enterprises2-41大型企业新产品开发经费支出 113
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Large-sized Enterprises2-42大型企业新产品产值 114
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Large-sized Enterprises2-43大型企业新产品销售收入 115
Sales Revenue from New Products of Large-sized Enterprises2-44大型企业专利申请数 116
Patent Applications Received of Large-sized Enterprises 116
2-45大型企业拥有发明专利数 117
Owning Inventive Patent of Large-sized Enterprises 117
2-46大型企业技术改造经费支出 118
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Large-sized Enterprises 118
2-47大型企业技术引进经费支出 119
Expenditure on Technology Import of Large-sized Enterprises 119
2-48大型企业消化吸收经费支出 120
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Large-sized Enterprises 120
2-49大型企业购买国内技术经费支出 121
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Large-sized Enterprises 121
2-50大型企业科技机构数 122
Number of S&T Institutions of Large-sized Enterprises 122
2-51大型企业科技机构科技活动人员 123
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Large-sized Enterprises 123
2-52大型企业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 124
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Large-sized Enterprises 124
2-53中型企业年末固定资产原价 125
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Medium-sized Enterprises 125
2-54中型企业微电子控制设备原价 126
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Medium-sized Enterprises 126
2-55中型企业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 127
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Medium-sized Enterprises 127
2-56中型企业R&D经费内部支出 128
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Medium-sized Enterprises 128
2-57中型企业科技活动人员 129
Personnel for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 129
2-58 中型企业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 130
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Medium-sized Enterprises 130
2-59中型企业科技活动经费筹集额 131
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 131
2-60中型企业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 132
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 132
2-61 中型企业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 133
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 133
2-62中型企业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 134
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 134
2-63中型企业科技活动经费内部支出 135
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 135
2-64中型企业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 136
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 136
2-65 中型企业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 137
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medium-sized Enterprises 137
2-66中型企业新产品开发经费支出 138
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Medium-sized Enterprises 138
2-67中型企业新产品产值 139
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Medium-sized Enterprises 139
2-68中型企业新产品销售收入 140
Sales Revenue from New Products of Medium-sized Enterprises 140
2-69中型企业专利申请数 141
Patent Applications Received of Medium-sized Enterprises 141
2-70中型企业拥有发明专利数 142
Owning Inventive Patent of Medium-sized Enterprises 142
2-71 中型企业技术改造经费支出 143
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Medium-sized Enterprises 143
2-72中型企业技术引进经费支出 144
Expenditure on Technology Import of Medium-sized Enterprises 144
2-73中型企业消化吸收经费支出 145
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Medium-sized Enterprises 145
2-74中型企业购买国内技术经费支出 146
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Medium-sized Enterprises 146
2-75中型企业科技机构数 147
Number of S&T Institutions of Medium-sized Enterprises 147
2-76中型企业科技机构科技活动人员 148
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Medium-sized Enterprises 148
2-77 中型企业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 149
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Medium-sized Enterprises 149
2-78国有及国有控股企业年末固定资产原价 150
Original Value of Fixed Assets of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 150
2-79国有及国有控股企业微电子控制设备原价 151
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 151
2-80国有及国有控股企业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 152
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 152
2-81 国有及国有控股企业R&D经费内部支出 153
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 153
2-82国有及国有控股企业科技活动人员 154
Personnel for S&T Activities of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 154
2-83 国有及国有控股企业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 155
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 155
2-84国有及国有控股企业科技活动经费筹集额 156
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 156
2-85 国有及国有控股企业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 157
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of State-owned andState-controlled Enterprises 157
2-86国有及国有控股企业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 158
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 158
2-87国有及国有控股企业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 159
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 159
2-88国有及国有控股企业科技活动经费内部支出 160
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 160
2-89国有及国有控股企业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 161
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 161
2-90国有及国有控股企业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 162
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 162
2-91 国有及国有控股企业新产品开发经费支出 163
Expenditure for Developing New Products of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises2-92国有及国有控股企业新产品产值 164
Industrial Output Value of New Products of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises2-93国有及国有控股企业新产品销售收入 165
Sales Revenue from New Products of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises2-94国有及国有控股企业专利申请数 166
Patent Applications Received of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 166
2-95国有及国有控股企业拥有发明专利数 167
Owning Inventive Patent of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 167
2-96国有及国有控股企业技术改造经费支出 168
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 168
2-97国有及国有控股企业技术引进经费支出 169
Expenditure on Technology Import of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 169
2-98国有及国有控股企业消化吸收经费支出 170
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 170
2-99国有及国有控股企业购买国内技术经费支出 171
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 171
2-100国有及国有控股企业科技机构数 172
Number of S&T Institutions of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 172
2-101 国有及国有控股企业科技机构科技活动人员 173
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 173
2-102国有及国有控股企业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 174
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 174
2-103三资企业年末固定资产原价 175
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Joint Ventures 175
2-104三资企业微电子控制设备原价 176
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Joint Ventures 176
2-105三资企业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 177
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Joint Ventures 177
2-106三资企业R&D经费内部支出 178
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Joint Ventures 178
2-107三资企业科技活动人员 179
Personnel for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 179
2-108三资企业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 180
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Joint Ventures 180
2-109三资企业科技活动经费筹集额 181
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 181
2-110三资企业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 182
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 182
2-111三资企业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 183
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 183
2-112三资企业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 184
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 184
2-113三资企业科技活动经费内部支出 185
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 185
2-114三资企业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 186
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 186
2-115三资企业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 187
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Joint Ventures 187
2-116三资企业新产品开发经费支出 188
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Joint Ventures 188
2-117三资企业新产品产值 189
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Joint Ventures 189
2-118三资企业新产品销售收入 190
Sales Revenue from New Products of Joint Ventures 190
2-119三资企业专利申请数 191
Patent Applications Received of Joint Ventures 191
2-120三资企业拥有发明专利数 192
Owning Inventive Patent of Joint Ventures 192
2-121三资企业技术改造经费支出 193
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Joint Ventures 193
2-122三资企业技术引进经费支出 194
Expenditure on Technology Import of Joint Ventures 194
2-123三资企业消化吸收经费支出 195
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Joint Ventures 195
2-124三资企业购买国内技术经费支出 196
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Joint Ventures 196
2-125三资企业科技机构数 197
Number of S&T Institutions of Joint Ventures 197
2-126三资企业科技机构科技活动人员 198
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Joint Ventures 198
2-127三资企业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 199
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Joint Ventures按地区分组Grouped by Region 199
2-128年末固定资产原价 200
Original Value of Fixed Assets 200
2-129微电子控制设备原价 201
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments 201
2-130 R&D活动人员折合全时当量 202
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel 202
2-131 R&D经费内部支出 203
Intramural Expenditure for R&D 203
2-132科技活动人员 204
Personnel for Scientific and Technologic(S&T)Activities 204
2-133科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 205
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel 205
2-134科技活动经费筹集额 206
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities2-135科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 207
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities2-136科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 208
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities2-137科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 209
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities2-138科技活动经费内部支出 210
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities 210
2-139科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 211
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities2-140科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 212
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities2-141新产品开发经费支出 213
Expenditure for Developing New Products2-142新产品产值 214
Industrial Output Value of New Products2-143新产品销售收入 215
Sales Revenue from New Products2-144专利申请数 216
Patent Applications Received2-145拥有发明专利数 217
Owning Inventive Patent2-146技术改造经费支出 218
Expenditure on Technical Renovation2-147技术引进经费支出 219
Expenditure on Technology Import2-148消化吸收经费支出 220
Expenditure on Technology Absorption2-149购买国内技术经费支出 221
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology 221
2-150科技机构数 222
Number of S&T Institutions 222
2-151科技机构科技活动人员 223
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions 223
2-152科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 224
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions 224
2-153医药制造业年末固定资产原价 225
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 225
2-154医药制造业微电子控制设备原价 226
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 226
2-155医药制造业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 227
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 227
2-156医药制造业R&D经费内部支出 228
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 228
2-157医药制造业科技活动人员 229
Personnel for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 229
2-158医药制造业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 230
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 230
2-159医药制造业科技活动经费筹集额 231
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 231
2-160医药制造业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 232
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 232
2-161 医药制造业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 233
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 233
2-162医药制造业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 234
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 234
2-163医药制造业科技活动经费内部支出 235
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 235
2-164医药制造业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 236
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 236
2-165医药制造业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 237
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 237
2-166医药制造业新产品开发经费支出 238
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 238
2-167医药制造业新产品产值 239
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 239
2-168医药制造业新产品销售收入 240
Sales Revenue from New Products of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 240
2-169医药制造业专利申请数 241
Patent Applications Received of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 241
2-170医药制造业拥有发明专利数 242
Owning Inventive Patent of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 242
2-171医药制造业技术改造经费支出 243
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 243
2-172医药制造业技术引进经费支出 244
Expenditure on Technology Import of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 244
2-173医药制造业消化吸收经费支出 245
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 245
2-174医药制造业购买国内技术经费支出 246
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 246
2-175医药制造业科技机构数 247
Number of S&T Institutions of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 247
2-176医药制造业科技机构科技活动人员 248
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 248
2-177医药制造业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 249
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 249
2-178航空航天制造业年末固定资产原价 250
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 250
2-179航空航天制造业微电子控制设备原价 251
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 251
2-180航空航天制造业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 252
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 252
2-181航空航天制造业R&D经费内部支出 253
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 253
2-182航空航天制造业科技活动人员 254
Personnel for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 254
2-183航空航天制造业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 255
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 255
2-184航空航天制造业科技活动经费筹集额 256
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 256
2-185航空航天制造业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 257
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing2-186航空航天制造业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 258
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing2-187航空航天制造业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 259
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing2-188航空航天制造业科技活动经费内部支出 260
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 260
2-189航空航天制造业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 261
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing2-190航空航天制造业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 262
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 262
2-191航空航天制造业新产品开发经费支出 263
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 263
2-192航空航天制造业新产品产值 264
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 264
2-193航空航天制造业新产品销售收入 265
Sales Revenue from New Products of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 265
2-194航空航天制造业专利申请数 266
Patent Applications Received of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 266
2-195航空航天制造业拥有发明专利数 267
Owning Inventive Patent of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 267
2-196航空航天制造业技术改造经费支出 268
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 268
2-197航空航天制造业技术引进经费支出 269
Expenditure on Technology Import of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 269
2-198航空航天制造业消化吸收经费支出 270
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 270
2-199航空航天制造业购买国内技术经费支出 271
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 271
2-200航空航天制造业科技机构数 272
Number of S&T Institutions of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 272
2-201航空航天制造业科技机构科技活动人员 273
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 273
2-202航空航天制造业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 274
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 274
2-203电子及通信设备制造业年末固定资产原价 275
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 275
2-204电子及通信设备制造业微电子控制设备原价 276
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 276
2-205电子及通信设备制造业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 277
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 277
2-206电子及通信设备制造业R&D经费内部支出 278
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 278
2-207电子及通信设备制造业科技活动人员 279
Personnel for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 279
2-208电子及通信设备制造业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 280
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 280
2-209电子及通信设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额 281
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 281
2-210电子及通信设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 282
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 282
2-211 电子及通信设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 283
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 283
2-212电子及通信设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 284
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 284
2-213电子及通信设备制造业科技活动经费内部支出 285
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 285
2-214电子及通信设备制造业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 286
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 286
2-215电子及通信设备制造业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 287
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 287
2-216电子及通信设备制造业新产品开发经费支出 288
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 288
2-217电子及通信设备制造业新产品产值 289
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 289
2-218电子及通信设备制造业新产品销售收入 290
Sales Revenue from New Products of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 290
2-219电子及通信设备制造业专利申请数 291
Patent Applications Received of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 291
2-220电子及通信设备制造业拥有发明专利数 292
Owning Inventive Patent of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 292
2-221 电子及通信设备制造业技术改造经费支出 293
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 293
2-222电子及通信设备制造业技术引进经费支出 294
Expenditure on Technology Import of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 294
2-223电子及通信设备制造业消化吸收经费支出 295
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 295
2-224电子及通信设备制造业购买国内技术经费支出 296
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 296
2-225电子及通信设备制造业科技机构数 297
Number of S&T Institutions of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 297
2-226电子及通信设备制造业科技机构科技活动人员 298
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 298
2-227电子及通信设备制造业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 299
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 299
2-228电子计算机及办公设备制造业年末固定资产原价 300
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 300
2-229电子计算机及办公设备制造业微电子控制设备原价 301
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 301
2-230电子计算机及办公设备制造业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 302
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 302
2-231 电子计算机及办公设备制造业R&D经费内部支出 303
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 303
2-232电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动人员 304
Personnel for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 304
2-233 电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 305
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 305
2-234电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额 306
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 306
2-235电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额中政府资金 307
Government Funds in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 307
2-236电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 308
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 308
2-237电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 309
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 309
2-238电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动经费内部支出 310
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 310
2-239电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 311
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 311
2-240电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 312
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 312
2-241 电子计算机及办公设备制造业新产品开发经费支出 313
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 313
2-242电子计算机及办公设备制造业新产品产值 314
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 314
2-243电子计算机及办公设备制造业新产品销售收入 315
Sales Revenue from New Products of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 315
2-244电子计算机及办公设备制造业专利申请数 316
Patent Applications Received of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 316
2-245电子计算机及办公设备制造业拥有发明专利数 317
Owning Inventive Patent of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 317
2-246电子计算机及办公设备制造业技术改造经费支出 318
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 318
2-247电子计算机及办公设备制造业技术引进经费支出 319
Expenditure on Technology Import of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 319
2-248电子计算机及办公设备制造业消化吸收经费支出 320
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 320
2-249电子计算机及办公设备制造业购买国内技术经费支出 321
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 321
2-250电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技机构数 322
Number of S&T Institutions of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 322
2-251 电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技机构科技活动人员 323
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 323
2-252电子计算机及办公设备制造业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 324
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 324
2-253医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业年末固定资产原价 325
Original Value of Fixed Assets of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 325
2-254医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业微电子控制设备原价 326
Original Value of Micro-electronic Equipments of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 326
2-255医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业R&D活动人员折合全时当量 327
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 327
2-256医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业R&D经费内部支出 328
Intramural Expenditure for R&D of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 328
2-257医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动人员 329
Personnel for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 329
2-258医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动人员中科学家和工程师 330
Scientists and Engineers in S&T Personnel of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 330
2-259医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动经费筹集额 331
Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 331
2-261 医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动经费筹集额中企业资金 333
Funds Raised by Enterprises in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 333
Loans from Financial Institutions in the Sources of Funds for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 334
2-262医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动经费筹集额中金融机构贷款 334
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 335
2-263医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动经费内部支出 335
Labor Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 336
2-264医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动经费内部支出中劳务费 336
Instruments and Equipments Expenses in the Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing 337
2-265医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技活动经费内部支出中仪器设备费 337
2-266医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业新产品开发经费支出 338
Expenditure for Developing New Products of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-267医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业新产品产值 339
Industrial Output Value of New Products of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-268医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业新产品销售收入 340
Sales Revenue from New Products of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-269医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业专利申请数 341
Patent Applications Received of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-270医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业拥有发明专利数 342
Owning Inventive Patent of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-271 医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业技术改造经费支出 343
Expenditure on Technical Renovation of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-272医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业技术引进经费支出 344
Expenditure on Technology Import of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-273医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业消化吸收经费支出 345
Expenditure on Technology Absorption of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-274医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业购买国内技术经费支出 346
Expenditure on Purchase of Domestic Technology of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-275医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技机构数 347
Number of S&T Institutions of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-276医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技机构科技活动人员 348
S&T Personnel in the S&T Institutions of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing2-277医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业科技机构科技活动经费内部支出 349
Intramural Expenditure for S&T Activities in the S&T Institutions of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing第三部分 从业人员和工程技术人员情况Indicators of Employed Personnel and Engineering and Technical Personnel从业人员按行业分组Emplo 353
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Enterprises3-2大型企业从业人员年平均人数 354
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Large-sized Enterprises3-3中型企业从业人员年平均人数 355
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Medium-sized Enterprises3-4国有及国有控股企业从业人员年平均人数 356
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises3-5三资企业从业人员年平均人数 357
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Joint Ventures从业人员按地区分组Employed Personnel Grouped by Region3-6企业从业人员年平均人数 358
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Enterprises3-7医药制造业企业从业人员年平均人数 359
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Medical and Pharmaceutieal ProductsManufacturing3-8航空航天制造业企业从业人员年平均人数 360
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing3-9电子及通信设备制造业企业从业人员年平均人数 361
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing3-10电子计算机及办公设备制造业企业从业人员年平均人数 362
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing3-11 医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业企业从业人员年平均人数 363
Annual Average Number of Employed Personnel of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing工程技术人员按行业分组Engineering and Technical Personnel Grouped by Industry3-12大中型企业工程技术人员 364
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises3-13大型企业工程技术人员 365
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large-sized Enterprises3-14中型企业工程技术人员 366
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Medium-sized Enterprises3-15 国有及国有控股大中型企业工程技术人员 367
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises3-16三资大中型企业工程技术人员 368
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Joint Ventures工程技术人员按地区分组Engineering and Technical Personnel Grouped by Region3-17大中型企业工程技术人员 369
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises3-18大中型医药制造业企业工程技术人员 370
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing3-19大中型航空航天制造业企业工程技术人员 371
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing3-20大中型电子及通信设备制造业企业工程技术人员 372
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing3-21大中型电子计算机及办公设备制造业企业工程技术人员 373
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing3-22大中型医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业企业工程技术人员 374
Fixed Investment in High Technology Industry4-2制造业固定资产投资基本情况 377
Engineering and Technical Personnel of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing第四部分 固定资产投资情况Indicators of Investment in Fixed Assets4-1高技术产业固定资产投资基本情况 377
Fixed Investment in Manufacturing按行业分组Grouped by Industry4-3施工项目 378
Projects under Construction4-4新开工项目 379
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction4-5建成或投产项目 380
Projects Completed and Put into Use4-6项目建成投产率 381
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use4-7投资额 382
Investment4-8新增固定资产 383
Newly Increased Fixed Assets4-9固定资产交付使用率 384
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use4-10国有及国有控股投资施工项目 385
Projects under Construction of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises4-11 国有及国有控股投资新开工项目 386
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction of State-owned and State-controlledEnterprises4-12国有及国有控股投资全部建成或投产项目 387
Projects Completed and Put into Use of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises4-13国有及国有控股投资项目建成投产率 388
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises4-14国有及国有控股投资额 389
Investment in Construction of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises4-15国有及国有控股投资新增固定资产 390
Newly Increased Fixed Assets of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises4-16国有及国有控股投资固定资产交付使用率 391
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises4-17三资企业投资施工项目 392
Projects under Construction of Joint Ventures4-18三资企业投资新开工项目 393
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction of Joint Ventures4-19三资企业投资全部建成或投产项目 394
Projects Completed and Put into Use of Joint Ventures4-20三资企业投资项目建成投产率 395
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use of Joint Ventures4-21三资企业投资额 396
Investment in Construction of Joint Ventures4-22三资企业投资新增固定资产 397
Newly Increased Fixed Assets of Joint Ventures4-23三资企业投资固定资产交付使用率 398
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use of Joint Ventures按地区分组Grouped by Region4-24施工项目 399
Projects under Construction4-25新开工项目 400
Projects Completed and Put into Use 401
Newly Started from Current Year4-26全部建成或投产项目 401
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use 402
4-27项目建成投产率 402
Investment 403
4-28投资额 403
Newly Increased Fixed Assets 404
4-29新增固定资产 404
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use 405
4-30固定资产交付使用率 405
Projects under Construction of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 406
4-31医药制造业施工项目 406
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 407
4-32医药制造业新开工项目 407
Projects Completed and Put into Use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 408
4-33医药制造业全部建成或投产项目 408
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 409
4-34医药制造业项目建成投产率 409
Investment of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 410
4-35医药制造业投资额 410
Newly Increased Fixed Assets of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 411
4-36医药制造业新增固定资产 411
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 412
4-37医药制造业固定资产交付使用率 412
Projects under Construction of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 413
4-38航空航天制造业施工项目 413
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 414
4-39航空航天制造业新开工项目 414
Projects Completed and Put into Use of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 415
4-40航空航天制造业全部建成或投产项目 415
4-41航空航天制造业项目建成投产率 416
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing4-42航空航天制造业投资额 417
Investment of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing4-43航空航天制造业新增固定资产 418
Newly Increased Fixed Assets of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing4-44航空航天制造业固定资产交付使用率 419
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing4-45电子及通信设备制造业施工项目 420
Projects under Construction of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing4-46电子及通信设备制造业新开工项目 421
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing4-47电子及通信设备制造业全部建成或投产项目 422
Projects Completed and Put into Use of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing4-48电子及通信设备制造业项目建成投产率 423
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing4-49电子及通信设备制造业投资额 424
Investment of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing4-50电子及通信设备制造业新增固定资产 425
Newly Increased Fixed Assets in Construction of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing4-51 电子及通信设备制造业固定资产交付使用率 426
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing4-52电子计算机及办公设备制造业施工项目 427
Projects under Construction of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing4-53电子计算机及办公设备制造业新开工项目 428
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing4-54电子计算机及办公设备制造业全部建成或投产项目 429
Projects Completed and Put into Use of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing4-55电子计算机及办公设备制造业项目建成投产率 430
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing4-56电子计算机及办公设备制造业投资额 431
Investment of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing4-57电子计算机及办公设备制造业新增固定资产 432
Newly Increased Fixed Assets of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing4-58电子计算机及办公设备制造业基本建设固定资产交付使用率 433
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing4-59医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业施工项目 434
Projects under Construction of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing4-60医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业新开工项目 435
Newly Started from Current Year in Construction of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing4-61 医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业全部建成或投产项目 436
Projects Completed and Put into Use of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing4-62医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业项目建成投产率 437
Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing4-63医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业投资额 438
Investment of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing4-64医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业新增固定资产 439
Newly Increased Fixed Assets of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing4-65医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业固定资产交付使用率 440
Rate of Fixed Assets Put into Use of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing第五部分 出口情况Export出口交货值按行业分组Export Grouped by Industry5-1出口交货值 443
Export5-2大型企业出口交货值 444
Export of Large-sized Enterprises5-3 中型企业出口交货值 445
Export of Medium-sized Enterprises5-4国有及国有控股企业出口交货值 446
Export of Joint Ventures出口交货值按地区分组Export Grouped by Region 447
Export of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises5-5三资企业出口交货值 447
5-6出口交货值 448
Export of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 449
Export5-7医药制造业出口交货值 449
5-8航空航天制造业出口交货值 450
Export of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 451
Export of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing5-9电子及通信设备制造业出口交货值 451
Export of Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing 452
5-10电子计算机及办公设备制造业出口交货值 452
Export of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing新产品出口销售收入按行业分组Sales Revenue from New Products for Export Grouped by Industry 453
5-11医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业出口交货值 453
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export 454
5-12新产品出口销售收入 454
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export of Large-sized Enterprises 455
5-13大型企业新产品出口销售收入 455
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export of Medium-sized Enterprises 456
5-14中型企业新产品出口销售收入 456
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 457
5-15国有及国有控股企业新产品出口销售收入 457
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export of Joint Ventures新产品出口销售收入按地区分组Sales Revenue from New Products for Export Grouped by Region 458
5-16三资企业新产品出口销售收入 458
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export 459
5-17新产品出口销售收入 459
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing 460
5-18医药制造业新产品出口销售收入 460
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export of Aircraft and Spacecraft Manufacturing 461
5-19航空航天制造业新产品出口销售收入 461
Sales Revenue from New Products for Export of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing 462
5-20电子及通信设备制造业新产品出口销售收入 462
Sales Revenue from
- 《建筑施工企业统计》杨淑芝主编 2008
- 《国家社科基金项目申报规范 技巧与案例 第3版 2020》文传浩,夏宇编著 2019
- 《情报学 服务国家安全与发展的现代情报理论》赵冰峰著 2018
- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
- 《国家执业药师考试历年真题试卷全解 2015-2019 中药学专业知识 1》黄坤主编 2020
- 《中医骨伤科学》赵文海,张俐,温建民著 2017
- 《美国小学分级阅读 二级D 地球科学&物质科学》本书编委会 2016
- 《2019国家医师资格考试用书 中医执业助理医师资格考试全真模拟试卷与解析 第3版》国家医师资格考试研究组 2019
- 《强磁场下的基础科学问题》中国科学院编 2020
- 《小牛顿科学故事馆 进化论的故事》小牛顿科学教育公司编辑团队 2018
- 《两京烟云》陈诗泳,赖秀俞责任编辑;(中国)千慧 2019
- 《反常识》张娟责任编辑;(美国)邓肯·J.瓦茨 2019
- 《花时间 我的第一堂花艺课 插花基础技法篇》(日)花时间编辑部编;陈洁责编;冯莹莹译 2020
- 《2013数学奥林匹克试题集锦 走向IMO》2013年IMO中国国家集训队教练组编 2013
- 《催化剂制备过程技术》韩勇责任编辑;(中国)张继光 2019
- 《日本面包师的经典配方》马妍责任编辑;王森 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》编辑组 2019
- 《若时光倒流,我依然如初》读者丛书编辑组编 2020
- 《复活》冯一兵责任编辑;力冈译;(俄罗斯)列夫·托尔斯泰 2019
- 《建筑施工企业统计》杨淑芝主编 2008
- 《中国当代乡土小说文库 本乡本土》(中国)刘玉堂 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《中国铁路人 第三届现实主义网络文学征文大赛一等奖》恒传录著 2019
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
- 《中国制造业绿色供应链发展研究报告》中国电子信息产业发展研究院 2019
- 《中国陈设艺术史》赵囡囡著 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
- 《清至民国中国西北戏剧经典唱段汇辑 第8卷》孔令纪 2018