- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张燕主编
- 出 版 社:南京:江苏科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7534530873
- 页数:218 页
前言 Preface 1
南京民国建筑艺术概论 An Introduction to Nanjing Architecture of the Republic of China 2
图例 Legend 8
(一)西风东渐——南京民国建筑艺术的前奏 The Influence of Western Style—Prelude of Nanjing Architecture of the Republic of China 8
1.教堂 Churches 8
(1)石鼓路天主堂 Catholic Church at Shigu Road 8
(2)圣保罗堂 St.Paul Church 10
(3)原百年堂 Former Bainian Church 11
(4)原江南水师学堂 Former Jiangnan Naval Academy 12
2.学校 Schools 12
(5)原汇文书院建筑群 The complex in former Huiwen Academy of Classical Learning 14
(6)原金陵神学院建筑群 The complex in former Jinling Seminary 16
(7)原金陵女子神学院建筑群 The complex in former Jinling Girls'Seminary 18
(8)原明德中学建筑群 The complex in former Mingde Middle School 20
3.医院 Hospitals 22
(9)原马林医院 Former Marlin Hospital 22
(10)原金陵大学医科附属医院 A hospital attached to former Medical College of Jinling University 22
4.公共建筑 Public Buildings 23
(11)原扬子饭店 Former Yangzi Hotel 23
(12)原江苏咨议局 Former Jiangsu Consultant Bureau 24
(13)原总统府办公楼 Former office building of Presidential Palace 26
(14)原江苏邮政管理局 Former Jiangsu Post Management Bureau 28
(15)原中央银行大楼 Former Central Bank Building 29
(16)原南京邮电局 Former Nanjing Post Office 29
5.工业建筑 Industrial Buildings 30
(17)原金陵机器制造局 Former Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau 30
(18)原和记洋行 Former He's Foreign Firm 31
1.高等学府 Colleges and Universities 32
(19)原金陵女子大学建筑群 The complex in former Jinling Girls'University 32
(二)融汇碰撞——南京民国建筑艺术的初创Combination and Collision—Early Stage of Nanjing Architecture of the Republic of China 32
(20)原金陵大学建筑群 The complex in former Jinling University 38
(21)原中央大学建筑群 The complex in former Central University 44
2.中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat—sen's Mausoleum 52
(22)中山陵全景 Panorama of Dr.Sun Yat—sen's Mausoleum 52
(23)中山陵博爱坊 Fraternity Memorial Archway 54
(24)中山陵陵门 Mausoleum Gate 55
(25)中山陵碑亭 Tablet Pavilion 56
(26)中山陵石阶及饰物 Stone Stairs and Decorations 58
(27)中山陵祭堂 Memorial Hall 60
(28)中山陵墓室 Coffin Chamber 64
(29)原孙中山起居楼 Former Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Residence 66
3.其他 Others 66
(30)原孙中山住宅楼 Former Dwelling of Dr.Sun Yat-sen 67
(31)原八角亭邮局 Former Bajiaoting Post Office 68
(32)原道圣堂建筑群 The complex in former Daosheng Hall 70
(33)清真寺 Mosque 71
1.民族风格的政府机关建筑 Buildings of Government Bodies with National Style 72
(34)原国民政府铁道部建筑群 The complex of former Railway Ministry in Kuomintang Regime 72
(三)多元发展——南京民国建筑艺术的高潮Multi-oriented Development-Climax of Nanjing Architecture of the Republic of China 72
(35)原国民政府考试院建筑群 The complex of former Personnel Department in Kuomintang Regime 76
(36)原励志社建筑群 The complex of former Lizhi Organization 80
(37)原最高检察署 Former Supreme Procuratorial Bureau 82
(38)原华侨招待所 Former Hotel of Overseas Chinese 83
(39)原庚子赔款办公楼 Former Compensation Building in 1900 83
(40)原中央研究院建筑群 The complex of former Central Academy 84
(41)原国民党中央党史史料陈列馆建筑群 The complex of former Exhibition Hall for Partv History of Kuomintang 86
(42)原国民党中央监察委员会建筑群 The complex of former Kuomintang Central Procuratorial Committee 88
(43)原中央博物院建筑群 The complex of former Central Museum 90
(44)原国民革命军阵亡烈士公墓建筑群 The complex of former Cemetery of Kuomintang Revolutionary Martyrs 92
2.中山陵园内建筑 Buildings in Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum 92
(45)谭延闿陵园建筑群 The complex of the Tomb of Tan Yankai 100
(46)邓演达墓 The Tomb of Deng Yanda 108
(47)航空烈士公墓 The Cemetery of Aviation Martyrs 109
(48)桂林石屋 Guilin Stone House 110
(49)原国民政府主席官邸(美龄宫) Former Presidential Residence in Kuomintang Regime(Meiling Palace) 112
(50)流徽榭 Liuhui Pavilion 114
(51)孝经宝鼎及露台钩阑 Xiaojing Tripod and Terrace and Balustrade 114
(52)永慕庐议政亭 Yizheng Pavilion of Youngmu Garden 115
(53)行健亭 Xingjian Pavilion 115
(54)音乐台 Music Stage 116
(55)光化亭 Guanghua Pavilion 118
(56)仰止亭 Yangzhi Pavilion 119
(57)藏经楼建筑群 The complex of Scripture Depository Hall 120
3.中西结合的建筑 Buildings of combined Chinese and Western elements 126
(58)原国民政府建筑群 The complex of former Kuomintang Regime 126
(59)原中央研究院气象研究所建筑群 The complex of former Meteorological Research Institute of Central Academy 130
(60)原中央研究院天文研究所建筑群 The complex of former Astronomical Research Institute of Central Academy 132
(61)原中央体育场 Former Central Stadium 134
(62)原中央医院 Former Central Hospital 138
4.西方古典风格的建筑 Buildings with Western Classical Style 140
(63)原陆军学校建筑群 The complex in former Military Academy 142
(64)原交通银行南京分行 Former Bank of Communications Nanjing Branch 143
(65)原联勤总部 Former General Joint-Logistics Department 143
(66)原国民政府教育部建筑群 The complex of former Education Ministry in Kuomintang Regime 143
(67)原国民政府最高法院 Former Supreme Court in Kuomintang Regime 144
(68)中央饭店 Central Hotel 146
5.民族建筑的新形式 New Style of National Buildings 148
(69)原国民政府外交部大楼 Former Building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kuomintang Regime 148
(70)原国民政府交通部办公楼 Former office building of Communications Ministry in Kuomintang Regime 150
(71)原大华大戏院 Former Dahua Grand Theater 156
(72)原新都大戏院 Former Xindu Grand Theater 157
(73)原国民大会堂 Former National Grand Assembly Hall 158
(74)原国立美术馆 Former National Art Gallery 160
(75)原中央地质调查所陈列馆 The Exhibition Hall of former Central Geological Survey Institute 161
(四)走向现代——南京民国建筑艺术的转向Walk Up to Modern—Conversion of Nanjing Architecture of the Republic of China 162
1.外国使馆 Embassies 162
(76)原法国公使馆 Former French Embassy 162
(77)原比利时公使馆 Former Belgian Embassy 163
(78)原英国大使馆 Former British Embassy 164
(80)原美国新闻处 Former American Press Office 166
(79)原加拿大大使馆 Former Canadian Embassy 166
(81)原日本大使馆 Former Japanese Embassy 167
2.高级住宅和私人办公楼 High—ranking Residences and Personal Office Buildings 168
(82)原陶庐温泉别墅 Former Taolu Hot—spring Villa 168
(83)原孔祥熙公馆 Former residence of Kong Xianxi 169
(84)原中共代表团驻南京办事处 Former Nanjing Office of the CPC Delegation 170
(85)原八路军办事处 Former Eighth Route Army Agency 171
(86)原宋子文公馆 Former residence of Song Ziwen 172
(89)原白崇禧公馆 Former residence of Bai Chongxi 173
(88)原李宗仁公馆 Former residence of Li Zongren 173
(87)原陈果夫、陈立夫公馆 Former residence of Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu 173
(90)原何应钦公馆 Former residence of He Yingqin 174
(91)原周佛海公馆 Former residence of Zhou Fohai 175
(92)原汤恩伯公馆 Former residence of Tang Enbo 175
(93)原金城银行别墅 Former Jincheng Bank Villa 176
(94)原汪精卫公馆 Former residence of Wang Jingwei 177
(95)原日本宪兵部楼 Former Japanese Military Police Building 177
(96)原翠虹厅 Former Cuihong Hall 177
(97)原汪精卫办公楼 Former office building of Wang Jingwei 178
(99)原司徒雷登住宅 Former residence of Leighton Stuart 179
(98)原冈村宁次住宅 Former residence of Leishi Okamula 179
(100)原孙科公馆 Former residence of Sun Ke 180
(101)原星汉别墅 Former Xinghan Villa 182
(102)梅园新村39号建筑 The building in Meiyuan No.39 183
(103)原国民党少将住宅 Former residence of Kuomintang Major General 183
(104~113)佚名小筑 Buildings with unknown names 184
(114)颐和路原高级住宅区鸟瞰 Bird's eye view of former high—ranking residences at Yihe Road 190
(115~127)佚名小筑 Buildings with unknown names 190
(128)拉贝故居 Former residence of John H.D.Rate 196
(130)原童?住宅 Former residence of Tong Jun 197
(129)原杨廷宝住宅 Former residence of Yang Tingbao 197
3.公共建筑 Public Buildings 198
(131)原首都饭店 Former Capital Hotel 198
(132)原中央研究院地理研究所办公楼 Former office building of Geographical Research Institute of Central Academy 199
(133)原国际联欢社 Former Agency for International get—together 200
(134)原交通银行办事处办公楼 Forner office building of Bank of Communications Agency 201
(135)原美国大使馆 Former American Embassy 202
(136)原美国顾问团公寓大楼 Former Apartment for American Advisory Delegation 203
(137)原下关火车站 Former Xiaguan Railway Station 204
(138)原招商局候船楼 The Waiting Hall of former Merchants Bureau 204
(140)原南京珠宝廊 Former Nanjing Jeweler's Bungalow 205
(139)原馥记大厦 Former Fu's Mansion 205
(142)原祁家桥俱乐部 Former Qijiaqiao Club 206
(143)原国民政府司法院 Former Judicial Court in Kuomintang Regime 206
(141)原南京资源委员会办公楼 Former office building of Nanjing Resource Committee 206
(144)原中央通讯社 Former Central News Agency 207
(145)原福昌饭店 Former Fuchang Hotel 207
(146)原国货银行 Former Bank of Domestic-goods 207
4.宗教建筑和园林建筑 Religious Buildings and Garden Buildings 208
(147)基督教莫愁路堂 Christian Church at Mochou Road 208
(148)诺那塔与喇嘛庙 Nuona Pagoda and Lamasery 209
(151)涵碧轩 Hanbi Lounge 210
(149)魁星塔 Kuixing Pagoda 210
(150)三藏塔 Sanzang Pagoda 210
(152)原粤军阵亡将士墓 Former Cemetery for the Martyrs of GD Origin 211
(153)正气亭 Zhengqi Pavilion 211
南京市现存民国优秀建筑分布图 Distribution Map of Existing Excellent Buildings of the Republic of China in Nanjing 212
南京市现存民国优秀建筑一览表 Tabular Form of Existing Excellent Buildings of the Republic of China in Nanjing 214
民国优秀建筑师简介 Introduction of Outstanding Architects of the Republic of China 216
参考文献 Reference Bibliography 217
后记 Postscript 218
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- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《舞剧艺术论》张麟著 2019
- 《中国陈设艺术史》赵囡囡著 2019
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- 《西方艺术歌曲与歌剧的钢琴伴奏艺术》董攀攀 2017
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- 《钒产业技术及应用》高峰,彭清静,华骏主编 2019
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《Prometheus技术秘笈》百里燊 2019
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
- 《药剂学实验操作技术》刘芳,高森主编 2019
- 《林下养蜂技术》罗文华,黄勇,刘佳霖主编 2017
- 《脱硝运行技术1000问》朱国宇编 2019
- 《催化剂制备过程技术》韩勇责任编辑;(中国)张继光 2019
- 《信息系统安全技术管理策略 信息安全经济学视角》赵柳榕著 2020