- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)安德烈·勒菲弗尔(Andre Lefevere)著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:781095069X
- 页数:182 页
Introduction 1
John Dryden:from the preface to his translation of Ovid's Epistles 1 2
Anne Dacier:from the introduction to her translation of the Iliad 10
ContentsPreface 11
Acknowledgments 13
1 The role of ideology in the shaping of a translation 14
Flaccus Quintus Horatius:from the“Letter to the Pisones,”also known as the Ars Poetica 15
Aurelius Augustinus(Saint Augustine):from“On the Christian Doctrine”;from the“Letter to Saint Jerome” 15
Martin Luther:from the“Circular Letter on Translation” 16
August Wilhelm Schlegel:from the“History of Romantic Literature” 17
Anne Louise Germaine de Staёl:from the Writings 17
Victor Hugo:from the preface to the New Shakespeare Translation 18
2 The power of patronage 19
John of Trevisa:from the“Dialogue between a Lord and a Clerk upon Translation,”printed as the preface to his translation of the Polychronicon 20
Jean de Brèche,called de Tours:from the preface to his translation of Hippocrates 21
Joachim Du Bellay:from the Défense et illustration de la langue fran?aise 22
Philemon Holland:from the preface to his translation of Pliny's The Historie of the World 22
Johann Wolfgang yon Goethe:from the“Writings on Literature” 24
John Dryden:from the“Dedication”to his translation of the Aeneid 24
3 Poetics 26
Etienne Dolet:from“On the Way of Translating Well from One Language into Another” 27
Antoine Houdar de la Motte:from the preface to his translation of the Iliad 28
Voltaire(Fran?ois-Marie Arouet):from a letter to Anne Dacier 30
August Wilhelm Schlegel:from“Something About William Shakespeare on the Occasion of Wilhelm Meister” 30
Edward Fitzgerald:from the preface to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 32
Ulrich von Willamowitz-Moellendorff:from“The Art of Translation” 33
4 Universe of Discourse 35
Nicolas Perrot d'Ablancourt:from the preface to his translation of Lucian 35
Jacques Delille:from the preface to his translation of Virgil's Georgics 37
Pierre le Tourneur:from the preface to his translation of Young's Night Thoughts 39
Antoine Prévost,better known as Abbé Prévost:from the preface to his translation of Richardson's Pamela 39
Voltaire(Fran?ois-Marie Arouet):from the preface to his translation of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar 40
John Hookham Frere:from the preface to his translation of Aristophanes 40
Dillon Wentworth,Earl of Roscommon:from the Essay on Translated Verse 43
5 Translation,the development of language,and education 46
Marcus Tullius Cicero:from“On the Orator”;from“On the Limits of Good and Evil” 46
Hieronymus(Saint Jerome):from the“Letter to Pammachius” 47
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus:from the“Guide to Rhetoric” 47
Roger Bacon:from“On the Knowledge of Languages” 49
Juan Luis Vives:from“Versions or Translations” 50
Jacques Pelletier du Mans:from his“Poetics” 52
August Wilhelm Schlegel:from“The Works of Homer by Johann Heinrich Voss” 54
Percy Bysshe Shelley:from“A Defence of Poetry” 56
Gaius Caecilius Plinius Secundus:from the “Letters” 56
Johann Christoph Gottsched:from the“Critical Poetics” 57
Thomas Carlyle:from“The State of German Literature” 57
6 The technique of translating 59
Desiderius Erasmus:from the“Letter to William Warham” 60
Antoine Lemaistre:from the“Rules of French Translation” 60
George Chapman:from the prefatory texts to his translation of the Iliad 62
Alexander Pope:from the preface to his translation of the Iliad 64
August Wilhelm Schlegel:from the“Letter to Herrn Reimer” 66
Dante Gabriel Rossetti:from Dante and His Circle 67
Matthew Arnold:from“On Translating Homer” 68
7 Central texts and central cultures 70
Sir Thomas More:from the Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 71
Anonymous:from“The Translators to the Reader,”the preface to the Authorized Version 72
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:from“Poetry and Truth”;from the“Book of West and East”;from the“Writings on Literature” 74
Johann Gottfried Herder:from the“Fragments” 74
August Wilhelm Schlegel:from the“Argument Between Languages”;from the“History of Classical Literature” 78
Edward Fitzgerald:from a letter to E.B.Cowell 80
8 Longer statements 81
Leonardo Bruni,called Aretino:from“The Right Way to Translate” 81
Petrus Danielus Huetius:from“Two Books on Translation” 86
Jean le Rond d'Alembert:from“Remarks on the Art of Translating,”printed as the preface to his translation of Tacitus 105
Charles Batteux:from“Principles of Literature” 116
Gaspard de Tende,sieur de l'Estaing:from the“Rules of Translation” 120
Johann Jakob Bodmer:from the“Ninety-Fourth Letter”in his“Painter of Morals” 124
Alexander Fraser Tytler,Lord Woodhouselee:from the Essay on the Principles of Translation 128
Wilhelm von Humboldt:from the preface to his translation of Aeschylus'Agamemnon 135
Friedrich Schleiermacher:from“On the Different Methods of Translating” 141
Ulrich von Willamowitz-Moellendorff:from “What is Translation?”,originally written as the preface to his translation of Euripides'Hippolytus 166
Bibliographical references 172
Index 175
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