- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:欧阳喈主编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7560129447
- 页数:178 页
1. The Development and Component of a Tooth 1
2. The Dentition and Occlusion 8
3. Maxilla and Mandible 15
4. Dental Caries 23
5. Dental Caries 32
6. Fluorides in Dentistry 36
7. Periodontal Disease 41
8. The Cause-Related Phase of Periodontal Therapy 48
9. Leukoplakia 56
10. Teeth Injury in Children 62
11. Oral Manifestation of HIV Infection 68
12. Vertical Etiology of Malocclusion 74
13. Removable appliance 80
14. Partial Dentures 85
15. Types of Bridge 92
16. Preconditions for Long-Term Implantological Success 99
17. Indications and Contra-Indications for the Removal of Teeth 103
18. Orofacial Clefts 108
19. Odontogenic Keratocyst 118
20. Ameloblastoma 123
21. Pleomorphic Adenoma 128
22. Oral Cancer 132
23. The Dental Roentgenogram 137
24. Biomedical English Writing ABC 143
25. Appendix Ⅰ 150
26. Appendix Ⅱ 163
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