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明清家具  中英文本  上

明清家具 中英文本 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:田晓,靳彦乔,刘春文字撰写;王艳,王烨英文翻译;杨京京等摄影;《北京文物鉴赏》编委会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京美术摄影出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7805012911
  • 页数:107 页
《明清家具 中英文本 上》目录

明清家具 8

Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 11

椅凳类 Chairs and Stools 16

1.黄花梨方凳(一对)·明 Huanghuali Square Stool(one pair),Ming Dynasty 17

2.黄花梨云头开光南官帽椅(一对)·明 Huanghuali South-styled Official Hat Chair with Heap of Shining Clouds(one pair),MingDynasty 18

3.鸂鶒木南官帽椅(一对)·明 Xichimu South-styled Official Hat Chair(one pair),Ming Dynast 19

4.黄花梨四出头官帽椅(一对)·明 Huanghuali Square-corner Official Hat Chair(one pair),Ming Dynasty 21

5.黄花梨圈椅(一对)·明 Huanghuali Round-backed Armchair(one pair),Ming Dynasty 23

6.黄花梨双套环玫瑰椅(一对)·明 Huanghuali Double Lantern Ring Rose Chair(one pair),Ming Dynasty 24

7.黄花梨如意云头交椅·明 Huanghuali Armchair with Ruyi Cloud Heap,MingDynasty 25

8.紫檀牡丹纹四出头官帽椅(一对)·清康熙 Zitan Four-cornered Official Hat Chair Carved with Peony Veins(one pair),Kangxi,Qing Dynasty 26

9.黄花梨圈椅·清早期 Huanghuali Round-backed Armchair,Early Stage of Qing Dynasty 27

10.紫檀鼓腿彭牙带托泥方凳·清早期 Zitan Bulging-legged Drum Belt Square Stool with Mud Trays,Early Stage of Qing Dynasty 28

11.紫檀云蝠纹大方凳(一对)·清中期 Zitan Big Square Stool with Cloud and Bat Designs(one pair),Middle Period of Qing Dynasty 29

12.红木拐子龙纹扶手椅(一对)·清中期 Hongmu Shaped Reel-dragon Armchair(one pair),Middle Period of Qing Dynasty 30

13.红木拐子龙纹扶手椅局部——升龙纹 Hongmu Shaped Reel-dragon Armchair(detail) 31

14.红木蝠磬纹靠背圈椅(一对)·清中期 Hongmu Round-backed Armchair with Backrest Carved with Bat Veins(one pair),Middle Period of Qing Dynasty 32

15.紫檀云龙纹扶手椅(一对)·清中期 Zitan Armchair Carved with Cloud and Dragon Designs(one pair),Middle Period of Qing Dynasty 34

16.漆五屏式山水纹扶手椅(一对)·清中期 Lacquered Five-screen-styled Armchair with Mountain and River Veins(one pair),Middle Period of Qing Dynasty 36

17.紫檀嵌珐琅宝座·清中期 Zitan Throne Inlaid with Enamels,Middle Period ofQing Dynasty 38

18.紫檀五屏式宝座·清 Zitan Five-screen-styled Throne,Qing Dynasty 40

19.紫檀四开光绣墩·清 Zitan Drum-shaped Stool Decorated with Four-cornered Shining,Qing Dynasty 42

20.紫檀五开光鼓钉纹绣墩(一对)·清 Zitan Drum-shaped Stool Decorated with Five-cornered Shining and Drum Nail Design(one pair),Qing Dynasty 43

21.红木靠背扶手椅·清 Hongmu Round Shining Backrest Armchair,Qing Dynasty 44

22.红木狮纹靠背扶手椅·清 Hongmu Lion-designed Backrest Armchair,Qing Dynasty 45

23.红木扶手椅、茶几(一套)·清 Hongmu Armchair and Tea Table)one set),Qing Dynasty 46

24.红木靠背扶手椅(一对)·清 Hongmu Round Stone Backrest Armchair(onepair),QingDynasty 48

25.红木福寿纹扶手椅(一对)·清 Hongmu Armchair Engraved with Patterns of"Fortune and Longevity"(one pair),QingDynasty 50

26.红木嵌螺钿扶手椅·清 Hongmu Armchair Inlaid with Mother-of-pearl,QingDynasty 52

桌案类 Tables 53

27.核桃木六方几·明 Hetaomu Hexagonal Tea Table,Ming Dynasty 54

28.黄花梨石心画桌·明 Huanghuali Painting Table with Stone Centered Tabletop,Ming Dynasty 55

29.黄花梨高束腰雕花炕桌·明 Huanghuali Bed Table of High Girdling Draped with Carved Flowers,Ming Dynasty 56

30.黄花梨高束腰雕花炕桌局部——浮雕兽面纹 Huanghuali Bed Table of HighGirdlingDrapedwithCarved Flowers(detail) 57

31.黄花梨条案·明 Huanghuali Long Narrow Table,Ming Dynasty 58

32.铁梨木画案·明 Tielimu Painting Table,Ming Dynasty ? 65

33.黄花梨平头案·明 Huanghuali Flat-headed Table,Ming Dynasty ? 65

34.黄花梨翘头案·明 Huanghuali Tip-headed Table,Ming Dynasty ? 65

35.黄花梨雕龙翘头案·明 Huan-ghuali Tip-headed Table Carved with Dragons,Ming Dynasty ? 65

36.铁梨木内翻马蹄足翘头案·明 Tielimu Tip-headed Table with Inward Curved Horse-hoof Legs,Ming Dynasty ? 65

37.黄花梨霸王牚方桌·明 Huang-huali Square Table with Bawang Post,Ming Dynasty ? 65

38.黄花梨雕龙翘头案·明 Huang-huali Tip-headed Table with Carved Dragons,Ming Dynasty ? 65

39.黄花梨雕龙翘头案局部——透雕麒麟纹 Huanghuali Tip-headed Table with Carved Dragons-Qilin Veins(detail) ? 65

40.黄花梨雕龙翘头案局部——透雕凤纹 Huanghuali Tip-headed Table with Carved Dragons-phoenix Veins(detail) ? 65

41.鸂鶒木夹头榫翘头案·明 Xichimu Tip-headed Table with Chucking Tenons,Ming Dynasty ? 65

42.大漆方供桌·明 Heavy-lacquered Square Altar,Ming Dynasty 65

43.红木镶大理石面高低炕桌·清 Hongmu High-low Bed Table with Marble-inlaid Table-board,Qing Dynasty 66

44.红木雕龙纹炕桌·清 Hongmu Bed Table Engraved with Dragon Veins,Qing Dynasty 68

45.红木雕龙纹炕桌局部——牙板浮雕龙纹 Hongmu Bed Table Engraved with Dragon Veins-yaban Carved with Relief Dragon Veins(detail) 69

46.花梨木透雕卷草纹炕桌·清 Hualimu Bed Table with Hollowed Engraved Curly Grass Lines,Qing Dynasty 70

47.红木桃竹纹炕桌·清 Hongmu Bed Table Engraved with Peach and Bamboo Lines,QingDynasty 72

48.红木嵌螺钿方几(一对)·清 Hongmu Inlaid with Mother-of-pearl Square Tea Table(one pair),Qing Dynasty 73

49.红木嵌螺钿炕桌·清 Hongmu Bed Table Inlaid with Mother-of-pearl Qing Dynasty 74

50.黄花梨茶几(一对)·清 Huanghuali Tea Table(one pair),Qing Dynasty 75

51.黄花梨罗锅牚方桌·清早期 Huanghuali Arched Post Square Table,Early Period of Qing Dynasty 76

52.黄杨木瘿心小方桌·清早期 Huangyangmu Wart-centered Small Square Table,Early Period of Qing Dynasty 77

53.紫檀嵌沉香木案·清 Zitan Table Inlaid with Gharu Wood,Qing Dynasty 78

54.红木四平式条桌·清中期 Hongmu Flat Long Narrow Table,Middle Period of Qing Dynasty 79

55.红木狮纹半圆桌、圆凳(一套)·清 Hongmu Semi-round Table with Lion Veins and Round Stool(one set),Qing Dynasty 80

56.红木雕云纹半圆桌·清 Hongmu Semi-round Table Engraved with Cloud Veins,Qing Dynasty 82

57.红木嵌螺钿方桌·清 Hongmu Square Table Inlaid with Mother-of-pearl,QingDynasty 83

58.红木如意纹半桌·清 Hongmu Semi-table with Ruyi Veins,Qing Dynasty 84

59.红木冰凌纹半圆桌·清 Hongmu Semi-round Table with Ice Ridge Veins,QingDynasty 85

60.红木满雕云龙纹大画桌·清 Hongmu Grand Painting Table Fully Covered with Carved Cloud and Dragon Lines,Qing Dynasty 86

61.红木嵌螺钿架几案·清 Hongmu Shelf Table Inlaid with Mother-of-pearl,QingDynasty 88

62.红木嵌螺钿架几案局部——几子正面 Hongmu Shelf Table Inlaid with Mother-of-pearl-right Side(detail) 89

63.红木满雕三多条桌·清 Hongmu Engraved Sanduo Long Narrow Table,QingDynasty 90

64.红木满雕三多条桌局部——腿部纹饰 Hongmu Engraved Sanduo Long Narrow Table-leg(detail) 91

65.红木雕云龙纹书案·清 Hongmu Writing Desk Engraved with Cloud and Dragon Veins,Qing Dynasty 92

66.红木雕云龙纹书案局部——屉门浮雕云龙纹 Hongmu Writing Desk Engraved with Cloud and Dragon Veins-relief Cloud and Dragon Veins on Drawer Surface(detail) 93

67.红木雕云龙纹书案局部——脚踏 Hongmu Writing Desk Engraved with Cloud and Dragon Veins-footplate(detail) 94

小辞典 Small Thesaurus 95

明清家具(1996~2003年)拍卖价格 Auction Price for Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(1996~2003) 101
