- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:肖云南总主编;赵会军,张蓝予主编;时春梅,石云平,王淑琴,秦永生,焦莉莉副主编
- 出 版 社:清华大学出版社;北京交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:781082581X
- 页数:409 页
Part Ⅰ International Financial System 国际金融体系 1
Chapter One Evolution of the International Monetary System 国际货币体系的演变 3
1.1 The Gold Standard,1880-1914 金本位制,1880—1914 4
1.2 The Inter-War Period,1919-1939 两次大战中间时期,1919—1939 6
1.3 The Bretton Woods Par Value Period,1946-1971 布雷顿森林体系兑换平价时期,1946—1971 7
1.4 The Floating Rate Period,1971 to Present 浮动汇率时期,1971年至今 11
Chapter Two Global Financial Trends 全球金融趋势 19
2.1 How the Global Environment Has Changed 全球金融环境的变化 19
2.2 How Foreign Exchange Turnover Has Grown 外汇交易量的增长 21
2.3 Global Financial Trends 全球金融趋势 23
2.4 Shifting Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场的结构变动 26
2.5 New Instruments,New Systems 新工具,新系统 27
Chapter Three The Role of Depository Institutions 储蓄机构的作用 32
3.1 The Business of Banking 银行业务 34
3.2 Banking Risks 银行业务风险 38
3.3 The Elements of Bank Risks 银行风险的构成 39
3.4 Marketability of Bank Risks 银行风险的可销售性 43
3.5 Strategic Considerations 战略上的考虑 44
3.6 Tactical Considerations 战术上的考虑 44
Part Ⅱ International Settlments 国际结算 57
Chapter Four Methods and Tools of Payment 支付方式和工具 59
4.1 Letter of Credit(L/C) 信用证 60
4.2 Documentary Collections 跟单托收 60
4.3 Cheque and Bank Draft 支票和银行汇票 61
4.4 Telegraphic Transfer(T/T) 电汇 61
4.5 Combination of Letter of Credit and Telegraphic Transfer 信用证和电汇的结合 62
Chapter Five Documentary Credits(Letters of Credit)信用证 69
5.1 Irrevocable versus Revocable Letters of Credit 70
不可撤销和可撤销信用证 71
5.2 Confirmed Irrevocable versus Unconfirmed Irrevocable Letters of Credit 保兑的不可撤销和不保兑的不可撤销信用证 71
5.3 Restricted Negotiable versus Freely Negotiable Letters of Credit 限制议付和自由议付信用证 71
5.4 Revolving Letter of Credit 循环信用证 72
5.5 Sample Document 信用证实例 72
5.6 The Parties To and Associated With a Letter of Credit 与信用证相关的各方 75
5.7 Checking the Incoming Letters of Credit 检查收到的信用证 77
5.8 Opening and Amendments of Letters of Credit 信用证的开立和修改 79
5.9 Letter of Credit Particulars 信用证细则 82
5.10 Export Documentary Requirements 出口单据 84
5.11 Examination of Export Documents by Bank 银行对出口单据的检查 89
5.12 Discrepancies 不符点 89
5.13 Fluctuations in the Exchange Rates and Risks Management 汇率波动与风险管理 90
Chapter Six Documentary Collections 跟单托收 97
6.1 Uniform Rules for Collections 托收统一规则 97
6.2 Bills of Exchange(Drafts) 汇票 99
6.3 Bills of Lading 提单 102
Chapter Seven Forfaiting 福费廷 112
7.1 General 概要 112
7.2 Motives of Exporter 出口商的动机 113
7.3 Comparison with Factoring 与保理的对比 113
7.4 Features of Forfaitng 福费廷的特性 114
7.5 Legal Issues Involved in Forfaitng 福费廷所涉及的法律问题 115
Part Ⅲ Foreign Exchange 外汇 123
Chapter Eight Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场的构成 125
8.1 The Need for Foreign Exchange 外汇的需求 125
8.2 The Meaning of"Foreign Exchange" 外汇的函义 126
8.3 The Role of the Exchange Rate 汇率的作用 126
8.4 Payment and Settlement Systems 支付和结算系统 127
8.5 Foreign Exchange Market Being the World's Largest Market 外汇市场是世界上最大的市场 129
8.6 Foreign Exchange Market:A Twenty-four-hour Market 外汇市场:24小时运转的市场 131
8.7 Foreign Exchange Market:An International Network of Dealers 外汇市场:一个国际交易商网络 132
8.8 U.S.Dollar:The Market's Most Widely Traded Currency 美元:市场交易最活跃的货币 133
8.9 Foreign Exchange Market:An OTC Market with an"Exchange-Traded"Segment 外汇市场:一个有场内交易的场外交易市场 135
Chapter Nine Participants in the Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场的参与者 141
9.1 Foreign Exchange Dealers 外汇交易商 141
9.2 Financial and Non-financial Customers 金融和非金融客户 143
9.3 Central Banks 中央银行 144
9.4 Brokers 经纪人 146
9.5 How Dealers Conduct Business 交易商如何交易 150
Chapter Ten Instruments 交易工具 165
10.1 Spot 即期交易 166
10.2 Outright Forwards 单纯远期交易 170
10.3 FX Swaps 外汇掉期 173
10.4 Currency Swaps 货币掉期 175
10.5 Over-the-counter Foreign Currency Options 场外交易外币期权 177
10.6 Exchange-traded Futures 场内交易期货 183
10.7 Exchange-traded Currency Options 场内交易货币期权 185
Chapter Eleven Managing Risk in Foreign Exchange Trading 外汇市场交易的风险管理 192
11.1 Market Risk 市场风险 193
11.2 Credit Risk 信贷风险 196
11.3 Other Risks 其他风险 199
Chapter Twelve The Determination of Exchange Rates 汇率的决定 204
12.1 Some Approaches to Exchange Rate Determination 汇率决定的一些方法 205
12.2 Foreign Exchange Forecasting in Practice 实践中的外汇预测 209
12.3 Official Actions to Influence Exchange Rates 官方行为对汇率的影响 211
Part Ⅳ Financial Markets 金融市场 217
Chapter Thirteen The Financial Markets 金融市场 219
13.1 Financial Intermediaries and Their Role in the Financial Markets 金融中介及其在金融市场中的作用 223
13.2 Bank-related Financial Markets 与银行相关的金融市场 224
13.3 Nonbank Financial Instruments 非银行金融工具 233
Chapter Fourteen The Conduct of Open Market Operations 公开市场操作行为 260
14.1 The Framework of Reserve Management 260
储备管理框架 262
14.2 Tools of Open Market Operations 公开市场操作工具 262
14.3 A Day at the Trading Desk 交易部的一天 269
14.4 Communications within the System 系统内的联络 270
14.5 Adjunct Desk Responsibilities 附带职责 271
14.6 Responses to Federal Reserve Poficy 对联邦储备政策的反应 272
14.7 Policy's Effect on the Economic Sectors 政策对经济各部门的影响 273
14.8 The Role of the Fed Watchers 联邦观察员的作用 278
Part Ⅴ Financial Analysis 金融分析 283
Chapter Fifteen Concepts of Financial Assets Value 金融资产价值的概念 285
15.1 Finance Fundamentals 金融资产价值的概念 285
15.2 Bond Prices and Yidds 债券价格和收益 296
15.3 Short Term Securities and Government Securities 短期证券和政府证券 301
15.4 Pricing Bank Loan 银行借款定价 302
15.5 Stock Valuation Methods 股票估价的方法 303
15.6 Options and Other Derivatives 期权和其他衍生产品 309
15.7 Pricing an Entire Company 整个公司的定价 312
15.8 Capital Budgeting 资本预算 314
15.9 Valuation of Real and Human Assets 不动产和人力资产的估价 320
Chapter Sixteen Financial Decisions and Analytical Approaches 金融决策和分析方法 325
16.1 Suppliers and Other Creditors 资金供应人和其他债权人 326
16.2 Bank Lending 银行贷款 330
16.3 Financial Leasing and Term Loans 金融租借和定期放款 335
16.4 Bond Strategies 债券策略 336
16.5 Options and Other Derivatives 期权和其他衍生产品 340
16.6 Shareholders 股票持有者 342
16.7 Minority and Majority Shareholders 少数和多数股票持有者 346
16.8 Merger and Acquisition Approach 少数和多数股票持有者 346
16.9 Government Authorities 政府权力 349
16.10 Company Management Evaluation of Itself 公司自身的管理评估 351
Chapter Seventeen Analytical Tools 公司自身的管理评估 356
17.1 Deriving Useful Information from Company Data 从公司数据得到有用的信息 356
17.2 Analytical Methods of Financial Statements 财务报表的分析方法 357
17.3 Classification of Major Types of Ratios 财务报表的分析方法 358
17.4 Interpreting Ratios 比率的解读 361
17.5 Sensitivity and Regression Analysis 灵敏度和回归分析 363
17.6 Time-series Analysis 时间序列分析 364
17.7 Linear Programming and"what if"Iterations 时间序列分析 365
17.8 Expert Opinion,Decision Tree and Simulation 专家意见,决策树和模拟分析 366
17.9 Market Research 市场调查 367
17.10 Charting and Technical Analysis 图表和技术分析 369
Appendix A Financial Glossary 金融常用词汇表 375
References 参考文献 409
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