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  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:戴元光编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787313061850
  • 页数:523 页

中文篇 1

大众传播媒介控制力量中的核心因素&段京肃 3

当代欧美全国性广播电视行政管理体制模式研究&金冠军 郑涵 14

新闻传播话语分析的理论基础:实践的符号权力理论&赵为学 34

全球性文化转型期:数码艺术教育的多元媒介整合传播&刘秀梅 43

论网络盗版对电影产业收入流的影响&尤杰 54

《科伦拜的保龄球》:“自由”的注脚与对社会和谐的提示&田辰山 66

当代西方媒体与民主的基本表述及其演变&许正林 吴小坤 82

新闻发布:从“政府宣传”到“公共传播”的转变&史安斌 88

传播与民主政治的关系研究:哈贝马斯协商式民主思想的学术渊源&张咏华 95

新媒体的传播效果与政治影响——以手机短信为例&乔木 111

政治传播视角下的跨国媒体合作——以中日大学生同题调查为例&黄琳 119

对话与距离:“中国食品安全问题”危机处理策略之效果研究&倪琳 130

国际新闻摄影赛事彰显中西新闻摄影理念差异&王晶 137

由冲突走向和谐:民生新闻在构建和谐社会中的转向——以南方电视台《今日一线》为例&郭光华 141

渐进式改革背景下的中国报纸角色转型过程分析&罗以澄 吕尚彬 148

数字传媒时代家庭与个人信息接触行为考察&黄升民 王薇 杨雪睿 173

全球化背景下爱尔兰大众传媒的转型研究&刘 琛 187

地理交通条件对山区文化传播的双重作用&龚 炜 196

个人形象修复与组织形象维护——“社会公众人物”的个人危机传播策略研究&许建 203

我国网络游戏发展中的青少年因素&龙锦 张峥 209

英文篇 221

Creating Community:How Media Scandals Affect Audiences&Steffen Bu rkhardt,Frederike Wolf 223

An Exploratory Study on Information Technology in Business Process Reengineering from a Dynamic Resource-based View in Media Industry&Ya-Ching Lee 236

Postmodernism and Its Insinuations on Media and Society&Syed Abdul Siraj,Farish Ullah 243

Global Communication:Ethics,Culture,and Identity&Deirdre D.Johnston 255

Globalization,Nationalization and Socialization Consequences of Globalization on Social Identities of Non-Western Islamic Countries&Tahereh Saheb 271

Towards a Global Media Ethics&Nick Couldry 300

Witnessing as a Human Right&Debra Bergoffen 316

A Comparative Analysis of News Coverage of Natural Disasters&Jinbong Choi 327

The Transfer of American Higher Educational Experience into the Arab Gulf States:Prospects and Challenges&Mahboub Hashem 342

Big Food:Advertisement,Globalism,and"American Cuisine"in Japan&Kathryn Lee Seidel,Fulbright 357

How the Media in China and Japan Can Improve Their Mutual Understanding:a Discussion Based on a Cross-cultural Content Analysis Study&Ge Wang,Akira Sakamoto 370

Comparative Study on Supply and Demand,and Rating Analysis of TV Mainstream Program between Mainland China and Taiwan&Kirsten Y.C.Huang 396

Testing a Western Media Education Instrument in the Eastern Setting&Tak Shing Chan 408

The Trend of Cultural Communication Globalization and the Concerns of Chinese&Dai Yuanguang,Zhou Jianhua 437

Symbolism in American Beauty:A Semiotic Study of the Meanings Represented by Roses&Wang Zhenping 448

The Challenges Facing the Media Industry in Taiwan&Bonnie Peng 467

Untapped Potential:Cultural Sensitivity-Islamic Persuasive Communication in Health Promotion Programs&Mohd Khairie Ahmad,John Harrison 473

Gaps & Convergences in Values Regarding the Handicapped Between China & The West:From Rain Man & Forrest Gump to The Short Plays of Zhao Benshan&Hongyi Yin 497

观点扫描 503

“妖魔化中国”的框架、逻辑与效果——论美国人脑海中的中国印象&赵士林 505

2005~2006年西方传播学期刊研究和综述&杨宁兵 506

关于发展传播理论的范式转换&陈卫星 507

Television,ICTs,and the Poor in Taiwan,1980~2004:Information Poverty,Social Exclusion and Civic Engagement&Shih-Hung LO 508

Beyond Global Media:Building Communities of Interest in the Context of Globalization&Hart Cohen 509

Digital Tampering:An Analysis of 2D versus 3D Images in the Print Media&Hana S.Noor Al-Deen 510

New Developments and Approaches in Global Communication:TeleSur,in Search for a New International Communication Order&Antonio Castillo 512

On the Formation of a Transnational Public Sphere by Means of Web-based Communication&Rainer Winterc 514

Challenges of the Assessment of Impacts of International Communication Assistance&Lucie Hribal 515

The NEST(Network of Engendered Spirituality Talk)of"Othered"Men:A Comparative Cross-cultural Mapping of Non-heterosexual Spirituality in Cyberspace&Brian Saludes Bantugan 517

Citizen vs.Consumer or Citizen-Consumer:Public Participation in Citizen Blogs and Celebrity Blogs in China&Jia Dai,Stephen Reese 519

Amman.net Internet Radio:New Model for Development Communication in the Arab World&Orayb Najjar 521

How to Represent a Multi-faceted China?&Liu Kang 523
